
  製造費用明細表  會外工02表附表sup.4   年 月 日   單位:元 aji    項目實際    行次   本年計畫   本月實際   上年實際   工資           折舊費           修理費           物料消耗           低值易耗品攤銷           勞動保護費           水電費           辦公費           交際應酬費           差旅費           運輸費           保險費           租賃費           設計製圖費           試驗檢驗費           環境保護費           蒸汽 2mpa           蒸汽 0.4mpa           循環水           氮氣           壓縮空氣           儀表空氣           沉澱水           污水           脫鹽水           煤氣           其他           合計        

★ 本信息僅供參考。

  statement of manufacturing expenses   from aji-02 sup.4   for the year ended july.31,1998   monetary unit: yuan   items   line no.   this year's   this month's   last year's       plan   actual   actual   salaries and wages           depreciation           repairs           supplies consumed           amortization of low           cost and short lived articles           labor protection           water and electricity           office expenses           entertainment           travelling           transportation           insurance           rental           design and drawing           experiment and inspection           environment protection           20 bar steam           4 bar steam           cooling water           nitrogen           compressed air           control air           process water           waste water           demineralized water           fuel gas           micellaneous           total