
compass adjuster 羅經校正器
compass adjuster 羅經校正師
compass adjustment beacons 羅經校正立標
compass adjustment buoy 羅盤校正浮標
compass adjustment 磁羅經校正
compass adjustment 羅經調整
compass adjustment 羅經校正
compass angle 羅盤角
compass azimuth 羅方位
compass azimuth 羅經方位
compass azimuth 羅經方位羅方位
compass base 羅經台
compass bearing 羅方位
compass bearing 羅方位羅經方位
compass bearing 羅經方位
compass binnacle top 羅經櫃蓋
compass binnacle 羅經櫃
compass bowl levelness 羅經盆水平度
compass bowl maximum inclination 羅經盆最大允許傾角
compass bowl 羅經盆
compass bowl 羅盆
compass box 羅經箱
compass bridge deck 最高層駕駛台甲板
compass bridge 羅經觀測平台
compass bridge 羅經觀測台
compass bridge 羅經平台
compass buoy 羅經校正浮標
compass buoy 羅經校正浮筒
compass calibration 磁羅經剩餘自差測定
compass calibration 羅經校正
compass cap 羅經軸帽
compass card axis 羅經卡基線
compass card 羅經標度盤
compass card 羅經卡
compass card 羅盤
compass case 羅盆
compass chamber 羅經柜上半部
compass circle 羅經方位圈
compass comparison book 羅經自差記錄簿
compass compensating instrument 羅經調整器
compass compensating 羅經校正
compass compensation 羅差補償
compass compensation 羅經補償
compass compensation 羅經校正
compass control box 羅經操縱箱
compass correction card 羅盤修正表
compass correction 羅經改正量
compass correction 羅經修正
compass corrector unit 羅盤校準器
compass corrector 羅經校正器
compass course 電羅經航向
compass course 電羅經航向羅航向羅經航向
compass course 羅航向
compass course 羅經航向
compass cover 羅經帆布罩
compass data recorder 羅經數據記錄儀
compass data 羅盤數據
compass deck 羅經甲板
compass declination 羅經磁偏
compass department of the admiralty 海軍航保部
compass deviation chart 羅經自差圖
compass deviation 磁羅經自差
compass deviation 羅經自差
compass diagram 羅經圖
compass diagram 羅經自差曲線圖
compass dial 羅經分度盤
compass dial 羅經卡
compass direction 羅經方位
compass error by celo-observation 天測羅經差
compass error 羅經差
compass errors 羅經差
compass errors 羅經差羅經誤差
compass errors 羅經誤差
compass flat 羅經觀測台
compass float 羅經卡浮室
compass hangs 羅經卡轉動不靈
compass heading 羅航向
compass heading 羅經船首向
compass heading 羅經船首向羅經首向
compass heading 羅經首向
compass hood 羅經櫃帽
compass integrated system compiler 積分羅經系統編碼器
compass is wild 羅經卡擺動不定
compass journal 羅經日誌
compass lags 羅經卡遲滯
compass light 羅經照明燈
compass liquid 磁羅經盆液
compass liquid 羅經液體
compass locator 羅經定位儀
compass lubber 羅經標誌
compass magnifier 羅經放大鏡
compass marking 羅經標記
compass meridiam 羅經子午線
compass needle 羅經磁針
compass needle 羅針
compass north 羅北
compass north 羅經北
compass pin 羅經軸針
compass pivot 羅經軸針
compass platform 羅經觀測台
compass point 羅經點
compass point 羅經方位點
compass reader 羅經讀數放大器
compass reading glass 羅經放大鏡
compass reading 羅經讀數
compass receiver 羅經接收機
compass record 羅經數據記錄
compass repeater 分羅經
compass repeater 羅經復示器
compass rose 羅經花
compass rose 羅經花向位圈
compass rose 向位圈
compass saw 雞尾鋸
compass signal 羅經信號
compass spindle 羅經軸針
compass stand 羅經櫃座
compass survey 羅盤儀測量
compass testing platform 羅經試驗平台
compass theodolite 羅盤經緯儀
compass track 羅航向線
compass track 羅經航路
compass track 羅經航向線
compass tramsmitter 方位傳送器
compass traverse 羅經航行
compass variation error 羅經磁差
compass variation 羅經磁差
compass 界限、範圍;羅經
compass 羅經
compass 羅經圓規指南針界限
compass-bearing rate 羅經方位變化率
compass-reading glass 羅經放大鏡
compasses for workshop 車間用圓規
compasses 分規
compasses 圓規
compatibility test 適應性試驗
compatibility 兼容性
compatibility 相容性
compatible computer 相容計算機
compatible laser system 兼容雷射系統
compatible single side-band 兼容單邊帶
compatible technique 相容技術
compatible thin-film circuit 相容薄膜電路
compatible 適合的
compel 強迫
compendium 提綱
compensability 可補償性
compensable 依法補償的;可賠償的
compensate for the loss 賠償損失
compensate 補償
compensate 補償;校正;賠償
compensate 平衡
compensated amplifier 補償放大器
compensated compass 補償羅經
compensated gross tonnage 補償總噸
compensated induction generator 補償感應式發電機
compensated induction motor 補償感應式電動機
compensated motor 補償電動機
compensated regulator 補償穩壓器
compensated repulsion motor 補償推斥式電動機
compensated semiconductor 補償型半導體
compensated voltmeter 補償式伏特計
compensated 補償的
compensating adjusting pointer 補償調整指針
compensating arrangement 補償裝置
compensating bar 校正鐵
compensating binnacle 補償羅經櫃
compensating chamber 補償電離室
compensating circuit 補償電路
compensating circuit 補償線路
compensating coil 補償線圈
compensating coils 補償線圈
compensating condenser 補償電容器
compensating current 補償電流
compensating delay 補償延遲
compensating device 補償裝置
compensating error 補償誤差
compensating feedback 補償反饋
compensating feedforward 補償前饋
compensating field 補償磁場
compensating filter 補償濾波器
compensating gear 補償齒輪補償裝置
compensating jet 補償噴嘴
compensating joint 補償接頭
compensating lead wire 補償導線
compensating liner 補償襯墊
compensating magnet 補償磁鐵
compensating magnet 校正磁棒
compensating magnet 自差校正磁鐵
compensating method 補償法
compensating moment 補償力矩
compensating needle valve 補償針閥
compensating network 補償網路
compensating pipe 補償管
compensating piston 補償活塞
compensating pole 補償極
compensating resistance 補償電阻
compensating ring 補償圈均力環
compensating shunt 補償分流器
compensating spring 補償彈簧
compensating starter 補償式起動器
compensating system 補償系統
compensating tank 補償櫃
compensating water main 補償總管
compensating water system 補給水系統
compensating water 補重水
compensating winding 補償繞組
compensating 補償
compensating 補償的
compensation and indemnication system 賠償和補償制度
compensation apparatus 補償器
compensation arrangement 補償裝置
compensation balance 補償平衡
compensation balance 平衡擺
compensation coil 補償線圈
compensation current 補償流
compensation equipment 補償設備
compensation for cancellation of contract 解除契約的補償費
compensation for damage 損失賠償
compensation for losses 賠償損失
compensation for mental loss 精神損害賠償
compensation for seamen due to disaster 船員失業補償
compensation for the pain and suffering 疼痛和痛苦補償
compensation for wind 修正風偏差
compensation instrument 補償式儀表
compensation joint 補償接頭補強接頭
compensation liability for damage caused by the fault in the administration of aids to navigation 航標管理
compensation liability for damages caused by the lose of aids to navigation 航標管理過失致損賠償責任
compensation liability for nuclear damage 核損害賠償責任
compensation limit for recovery 追償賠償限度
compensation method 補償法
compensation of compass 羅經校正
compensation of deviation 自差消除
compensation of deviation 自差校正
compensation of mail carrier 郵件運輸津貼
compensation payable by the fund for oil pollution damage 國際油污賠償基金對油污受害人的賠償
compensation reactor 補償電抗器
compensation ring 補強墊圈
compensation theorem 補償定理
compensation valve 補償閥
compensation weight 平衡錘
compensation wheel 平衡擺
compensation wheel 天文鐘)平衡擺
compensation wire 補償線
compensation 補償
compensation 補償;校正;賠償
compensative 賠償的
compensator balancer 補償平衡器
compensator piece  膨脹補償節
compensator starter 補償起動器
compensator weight 平衡錘
compensator weights 平衡錘
compensator winding 補償繞組
compensator 補償器;校正鐵;賠償者
compensator 補償器膨脹接頭羅差校正磁鐵
compensator 賠償人;補償人
compensator 膨脹接頭羅差校正磁鐵
compensator 自差校正裝置
compensatory approach 補償辦法
compensatory contract 補償契約
compensatory damages 應予以賠償的損害
compensatory insurance 補償保險
compensatory payment 賠償金
compensatory 賠償的;補償的
compensatory 索賠
competence 能力
competence 能力;資格;許可權
competent authorities of maritime dangerous goods 海運危險貨物主管機關
competent authorities of transport and communications 交通主管部門
competent authorities 主管當局
competent authority 主管當局
competent court 有管轄權的法院
competent entity 有資格的實體
competent jurisdiction 有效管轄權
competent surveyor 合格檢驗人
competent 有能力的
competent 有權的;主管的;有能力的
competent 有權能的有法定資格的
competition 競爭;角逐
competitive bid 投標
competitive bids 公開招標
competitive list 報價比較單
competitive list 比較單
competitive rate 競爭費率
competitive 競爭的
compilation of input-output tables 進出口表彙編
compile 編制編譯
compiler diagnostics 編譯程式的診斷程式
compiler language for information processing 信息處理用的編譯程式語言
compiler 程式編制器
compiler 自動編碼器
compiler-compiler 編譯程式的編譯程式
compiling automation 編譯自動化
compiling of routine 程式編制
compiling routine 編製程序
compiling system 編譯系統
compiling 編制編譯
complain 申訴
complaint 原告
comple impedance 復阻抗
complement code  補充碼
complement integrated navigation 互補式組合導航
complement of latitude=co-latitude 余緯
complement of n n進制補碼
complement of n-1 n-1進制反碼
complement of nine's 十進制反碼
complement of one's 二進制反碼
complement of persons 全部乘員
complement of ten's 十進制補碼
complement of two's 二進制補碼
complement operation 補充操作
complement 補數
complement 補足物;船上的定員;餘角;補碼
complement 船舶定員數配套
complementary angle 補角
complementary angles 互餘角
complementary constant current logic  互補恆流邏輯
complementary constant current logic circuit 互補恆流邏輯電路
complementary field 附加磁場
complementary logic 互補邏輯
complementary pulse circuit 互補脈衝電路
complementary symmetry metal oxide semiconductor 互補對稱金屬氧化物半導體
complementary transistor logic circuit 互補電晶體邏輯電路
complementary wave 餘波
complementary 補充的;補足的;相互依賴的
complementary 互補的互余的附加的
complementation 互補
complementer complementor
complementer 補助器
complete adder 全加器
complete admissiion of steam 全進汽
complete annealing 完全退火
complete automatization 全自動化
complete blade 整葉片
complete bridge-control system 全套駕駛室控制系統
complete bridge-control system 全套駕駛台控制系統
complete buzzer 全套蜂鳴器
complete combustion 完全燃燒
complete conductivity 全導電性
complete controlled operation 全控制操作
complete coolant equipment 全套冷卻設備
complete coverhaul 大修
complete cross section 總段
complete cycle 全循環
complete deck 全甲板
complete deck 全通甲板
complete disability 全殘
complete discharge 完全卸載
complete door to door transportation service 門到門水陸全程聯運業務
complete door to door transportation service 門到門水陸全程聯運業務(指承運人從託運人倉庫收貨
complete engine failure 發動機完全停車
complete engine set installation 整機安裝
complete equilibrium 完全平衡
complete exemption 全部免除
complete fault liability system 完全過失責任制
complete image 全象
complete inspection 全面檢查
complete modulation 全調製
complete overhaul 大修
complete overhaul 全面檢修
complete period 全周期
complete plant 成套設備
complete power failure 發動機完全停車
complete power failure 發動機完全停車供電完全中斷
complete superstructure vessel 全上層建築船
complete superstructure 全通船樓
complete survey 完整檢驗
complete throating 全凹槽
complete 完成;完全的
complete 完全的全套的
completed circuit 閉路
completed 完全的
completely deionized water 完全去離子的水
completely inegrated circuit 全積體電路
completely intergrated circuits 全積體電路
completely knocked down 全部拆卸的
completely knocked down 全部拆卸的完全擊倒完全低價完全拆開
completely knocked down 完全擊倒完全低價完全拆開
completely 十分
completepenetration 全熔透
completing 完成
completion of discharge 終止排放
completion of the adventure 航程結束
completion test 峻工試驗
completion 完成
completion 完結
completion 整體完成
completive cargo 因不滿載而降低運費承攬裝運的貨物
complex admittance 復導納
complex admittance 複數導納
complex admittance 綜合導納
complex amplitude 復振幅
complex automation 綜合自動化
complex coupling 複式聯軸器複式耦合
complex cycle gas turbine plant 複式循環燃氣輪機裝置
complex cycle 複式循環
complex damping 復阻尼
complex demagnetization 綜合消磁
complex dielectric permittivity 復電容率
complex electromotive force 復電動勢
complex equivalent admittance 等效復導納
complex equivalent impedance 等效復阻抗
complex fraction 繁分數
complex frequency 復頻率
complex function 複變函數
complex harmonic voltage 復諧電壓
complex impedance 復阻抗
complex loading 複合載入
complex magnetic permeability 復導磁率
complex material 合成材料
complex notation 複數表示法
complex number 複數
complex plan 複平面
complex potential 複合電位
complex power 復功率
complex quantity 復量
complex salt 復鹽
complex seas 複合浪
complex stress 複合應力
complex supercharger 複式增壓器
complex technology 複雜技術
complex triip 複式脫扣器
complex type supercharging system 複式增壓系統
complex variable 復變數
complex voltage 復電壓
complex 複合體
complex 合成的;複雜的;合成物;集合體
complexing agent 絡合劑
complexing ion 絡合離子
complexing salt 絡合鹽
complexing 絡合
complexometric titration 絡合滴定法
complextion 絡合
compliant desk 修理部
compliant mechanism 柔性機構
complication of code 法典編纂
complication 併發症
complimentary ensign 致敬旗
compole 補助極
component adjustment 元件調整
component assembly 部件裝配
component bridge 分量電橋
component cooling water system 設備冷卻水系統
component current 分流
component drawing 零件圖
component efficiency 局部效率
component failure 部件失效
component interaction 元件干擾
component of current 電流分量
component of field 場的分量
component of force 分車
component of force 分力
component of path velocity 軌跡速度分量
component of velocity 分速度
component of velocity 速度分量
component of voltage 電壓分量
component parts 零件
component prism 組合稜鏡
component reliability 元件可靠性
component sine wave 正弦波分量
component test 零件檢驗
component tide 分潮
component 部分
component 調和分潮元件
component 合成的
component 元件
components of photo-electric conversion 光電變換元件
compose 組成
composertron 綜合磁帶錄音器
composite auxiliary boiler survey 組合輔助鍋爐檢驗
composite auxiliary boiler 組合輔助鍋爐
composite beam 複合梁
composite beam 組合梁
composite belt system 組合傳送帶系統
composite boiler 混合式鍋爐
composite boiler 混合式蒸汽鍋爐
composite built 混合建造的
composite bulkhead 組合艙壁
composite cable 複合電纜
composite circuit 複合電路
composite construction 混合結構
composite construction 綜合結構複合構造
composite container ship 混合型貨櫃船
composite cycle 複合循環
composite electrode 複合焊條
composite electrode 混合焊條
composite filter 複合濾波器
composite fixing 綜合定位
composite forecast chart 綜合預報圖
composite fuel 混合燃油
composite great circle sailing 混合大圓航跡推算
composite group flashing light 混聯閃光
composite group occulting light 混聯明暗光
composite group occulting 混聯明暗
composite joint 混合接頭
composite joint 鉚焊組合接合
composite joint 鉚焊組合接頭
composite lighting 混合照明
composite mast 組合桅
composite material container 混合材料貨櫃
composite material 複合材料
composite oil-exhaust gas fired boiler 廢氣燃油組合式鍋爐
composite oil-exhaust gas fired boiler 燃油-廢氣混合式鍋爐
composite packaging  複合包裝
composite packaging 複合式包裝
composite picture signal 複合圖像信號
composite propellant 混合推進劑
composite rope 複合纜
composite rubber liner 複合橡膠襯墊
composite sailing 混合大圓航跡推算
composite sailing 混合航法
composite samples 混合取樣
composite ship 混合結構船
composite ship 綜合船
composite shipbuilder 綜合船廠
composite shipyard 綜合船廠
composite skirt 混合式圍裙
composite sternpost 複合尾柱
composite stress 複合應力
composite synchronizing signal 複合同步信號
composite test gear 成套試驗儀表
composite track 混合大圓航線
composite track 混合航線
composite transport bl 聯運提單
composite tubular mast 伸縮管桅
composite unit 聯合單體
composite vessel 混合結構船
composite weld 複合焊縫
composite weld 加強填密焊縫
composite winding 混合繞組
composite wood and fiberboard container 木板、纖維板合制貨櫃
composite 合成的;混合的;複合的;合成物
composite 組合物
composited 混合的
composition error 綜合誤差
composition joint 混合接合
composition joint 鉚焊組合接合
composition joint 鉚焊組合接頭
composition metal 複合金屬
composition metal 合金
composition motor 組合電機
composition of crew 船員的組成
composition of vectors 矢量和
composition of vectors 矢量和;矢量加法
composition of velocities 速度合成
composition 成分
composition 成分合成
composition 合成;合劑;合成物;和解協定;構成
compotometer 鍵控計算器高速計算機
compound  engine 複式蒸汽機
compound alternator 復勵交流發電機
compound beam 組合梁
compound bearing 組合軸承
compound brake 複式制動器
compound brush 金屬碳混合電刷
compound cable 複合電纜
compound circuit 複合電路
compound coil 複合線圈
compound compression 複式壓縮
compound compressor 複式壓縮機
compound control action 複合控制作用
compound course 航跡向
compound course 航跡向;直航向
compound dredger 混合挖泥船
compound dynamo 復激發電機
compound dynamo 復勵直流發電機
compound engine 複式蒸汽機
compound excitation reactance 復勵阻抗
compound excitation transformer 相復勵變壓器
compound excitation 復激勵
compound excitation 復勵
compound exciting 復勵的
compound expansion 複式膨脹
compound flow turbine 雙流式渦輪機
compound fraction 繁分數
compound gauge 真空-壓力表複合式卡規
compound gauge 真空壓力兩用表
compound gear 複合齒輪
compound geared winch 二極減速齒輪絞車
compound geared winch 二級減速齒輪絞車
compound geared winch 兩級減速齒輪起貨機
compound gearing 複合傳動裝置
compound generator 復激發電機
compound generator 復勵發電機
compound girder 合成梁
compound harmonic motion 複合調和運動
compound impulse turbine 復衝擊式汽輪機
compound impulse turbine 複式衝動渦輪機
compound interest 複利
compound isolation mounting system 複式隔振裝置
compound link 複式鏈節
compound mast 組合桅
compound motor 復激電動機
compound motor 復激電機
compound motor 復勵電動機
compound oil 複合油
compound pancake ice 混合大塊餅狀冰
compound pump 雙缸泵藥劑泵
compound reaction turbine 複式反擊汽輪機
compound semiconductor 化合物半導體
compound spring 複式彈簧
compound starter 複合起動機
compound steam engine 複式蒸汽機
compound stress 複合應力
compound supercharged diesel engine 複合式增壓柴油機
compound table 組合台
compound tackle 串聯絞轆
compound tides 混合潮
compound turbine 複式渦輪機
compound turbine 組合台
compound valve 組合閥
compound winding 復勵繞組
compound winding 復繞組
compound wound generator 復勵發電機
compound wound motor 復勵電動機
compound 化合物
compound 化合物混合物
compound 化合物混合物合成
compound 混合;合成物;化合物
compound 混合物
compound 混合物化合物混合的
compound 接受和解
compound-turbine 複式渦輪機
compounded abrasive 複合磨料
compounding choke coil 複合扼流圈
compounding coil 複合線圈
compounding impedance 復勵阻抗
compounding 復勵
comprador 買辦
comprador 洋行買辦
compreg 膠合材料
comprehensive alarm monitoring and data-logging system綜合報警、監控和巡迴檢測系統
comprehensive cover hulls 船舶一切險
comprehensive environmental response compensation and liability act 《全面環境反應
comprehensive equipment 綜合設備
comprehensive framework 綜合框架
comprehensive insurance 綜合保險
comprehensive monitoring system 綜合監控系統
comprehensive monitoring system 綜合監視系統
comprehensive policy 綜合保險單
comprehensive risk 綜合險
comprehensive technology research institute 綜合技術研究所
comprehensive test 綜合性試驗
comprehensive utilization 綜合利用
comprehensive 包含內容多的
comprehensive 廣泛的
compress 壓縮
compressd-air motor 壓縮空氣馬達
compressed air brake 壓縮空氣剎車
compressed air brake 壓縮空氣制動器
compressed air breathing apparatus 壓縮空氣呼吸設備
compressed air circuit breaker 壓縮空氣斷路器
compressed air clamp 壓縮空氣夾具
compressed air distributor 壓縮空氣分配器
compressed air drill 風鑽
compressed air engine 壓縮空氣發動機
compressed air for push switch 氣動推進開關
compressed air governor 壓縮空氣調節器
compressed air hammer 風動錘
compressed air hose 壓縮空氣膠管
compressed air line 壓縮空氣管路
compressed air plant 壓縮空氣裝置壓縮空氣站
compressed air receiver 壓縮空氣瓶
compressed air reservoir 壓縮空氣瓶
compressed air sound signal 壓縮空氣聲響信號
compressed air starter 壓縮空氣起動器
compressed air starting 壓縮空氣起動
compressed air steering gear 氣動操舵裝置
compressed air steering 氣動操舵
compressed air system for buoyancy 壓縮空氣浮力系統
compressed air system 壓縮空氣系統
compressed air test 壓縮空氣試驗
compressed air valve 壓縮空氣閥
compressed air whistle 氣笛
compressed air 壓縮空氣
compressed cork 壓縮軟木
compressed data storage system 壓縮數據存儲系統
compressed gap 壓縮後隙
compressed gas 壓縮氣體
compressed natural gas 壓縮天然氣
compressed oxygen 壓縮氧
compressed 壓縮的
compressed-air bearing 壓縮空氣軸承
compressed-air plant 壓縮空氣裝置
compressed-air system 壓縮空氣系統
compressibility factor 壓縮性因素
compressibility influence 壓縮性影響
compressibility 可壓縮性
compressible boundary layer 可壓縮流體邊界層
compressible fluid 可壓縮流體
compressible jet 可壓縮射流
compressible medium 可壓縮介質
compressible packing material 可壓縮填密材料
compressible skin friction 可壓縮流體的表面摩擦
compressible 可壓縮的
compressiblity factor 壓縮係數
compressiblity influence 壓縮效應
compressiblity of oils 油類的壓縮性
compressiblity 可壓縮性壓縮率
compressing and expanding 壓縮與擴張
compression  deformation 壓縮變形
compression  engine 壓燃式發動機
compression air starting system 壓縮空氣起動系統
compression air whistle 氣笛
compression chamber volume 壓縮室容積
compression chamber 壓縮室
compression coefficient 壓縮係數
compression curve 壓縮曲線
compression deformation 壓縮變形
compression diagram 壓縮圖
compression efficiency 壓縮效率
compression engine 壓縮式機器
compression failure 壓縮破壞
compression fracture 壓縮斷裂
compression grease cup 壓力式滑脂環
compression grease cup 壓力注油器
compression ignition engine 壓燃式發動機
compression ignition 壓縮打火
compression ignition 壓縮打火壓縮點火
compression ignition 壓縮點火
compression indicator 壓縮指示器
compression limit 壓縮極限
compression line 壓縮線
compression machine 壓縮機
compression machine 壓縮式制冷機
compression member 受壓構件
compression molding 模壓法
compression nut 壓緊螺母
compression of earth 地球扁率
compression of the earth 地球扁率
compression operated fuel injection system 壓縮空氣燃油噴射系統
compression period 壓縮期
compression piston-ring 活塞壓環
compression power injectionf uel pump 氣動燃油噴射泵
compression pressure 壓縮壓力
compression process 壓縮過程
compression ratio 壓縮比
compression refrigerating installation 壓縮冷凍裝置
compression refrigerating machine 壓縮式制冷機
compression release valve 減壓閥
compression relief cam 調壓凸輪
compression ring 壓縮活塞環
compression riveter 風動鉚釘槍
compression riveter 氣動鉚機
compression space 壓縮空間
compression spring 壓縮彈簧
compression stage 壓縮極
compression strain 壓縮應變
compression strength 抗壓強度
compression stress 壓縮應力
compression stroke 壓縮行程
compression system 壓縮系統
compression temperature 壓縮溫度
compression test 壓縮試驗
compression testing machine 壓縮試驗機
compression type refrigerating unit 壓縮式制冷機組
compression type refrigerator 壓縮式制冷機
compression wood 壓縮木
compression work 壓縮功
compression 緊縮
compression 壓縮
compression-power injection pump 氣動燃油噴射泵
compression-type rubber mount 壓縮型橡膠減振座
compressional vibration 壓縮振動
compressional 壓縮的
compressive force 壓的
compressive layer 壓縮層
compressive load 壓縮負載
compressive resistance 抗壓強度
compressive resistance 壓電阻
compressive strain 壓縮應變
compressive strength 抗壓強度
compressive stress 壓縮應力
compressive yield point 抗壓屈服點
compressive 壓縮的
compressometer 壓縮計
compressor and expander 壓縮與擴張器
compressor and turbine equilibrium running line 壓縮機渦輪機平衡運轉線
compressor and turbine equilibrium running line 壓縮機與渦輪平衡運行線
compressor blade 壓縮機葉片
compressor bleed 從壓氣機中抽氣
compressor casing cover 壓縮機罩蓋
compressor characteristic curve 壓縮機特性曲線
compressor cylinder 壓縮缸
compressor delivery pressure 壓縮機出口壓力
compressor driving turbine 壓氣機的渦輪
compressor efficiency 壓縮機效率
compressor exit temperature 壓縮機出口溫度
compressor fan 壓力通風機
compressor housing 壓縮機殼體
compressor impeller 壓縮機葉輪
compressor inlet 壓縮機進氣口
compressor intake pressure 壓縮機進口壓力
compressor intake pressure 壓縮機進氣口壓力
compressor lubricant 壓縮機潤滑劑
compressor oil tank 壓縮機用油櫃
compressor oil 壓縮機油
compressor performance characteristic curve 壓氣機特性曲線
compressor performance characteristic diagram 壓氣機特性曲線圖
compressor power 壓縮機功率
compressor pressure ratio 壓縮機增壓比
compressor room 壓縮機艙
compressor room 壓縮機室
compressor rotor 壓縮機轉子
compressor set 壓縮機組
compressor stage 壓縮機級
compressor stall 壓縮機失速
compressor surge control 壓氣機喘振控制
compressor surge limit 壓縮機喘振極限
compressor surge 壓縮機喘振
compressor surging test 壓縮機喘振試驗
compressor unit 壓縮機組
compressor 壓縮機
compressor 壓縮機;錨鏈掣
compressor 壓縮機制鏈器
compromise clause 仲裁條款
compromised andor arranged andor constructive total loss of vessel only 僅保船舶協定和或協商和或推定全損險
compromised andor arranged total loss 協商和議定全損
compromised total loss 協定全損
compromised total loss 協定全損約定全損
compromised total loss 約定全損
comptograph 自記計算器
compulsion 強迫
compulsive 強迫的;強制的;禁不住的
compulsory auction 強制拍賣
compulsory discharge 強制卸貨
compulsory execution 強制執行
compulsory insurance certificate 強制保險證書
compulsory insurance of civil liability for oil pollution damage by ship 船舶油污損害民事責任的強制保險
compulsory insurance 強制保險
compulsory judicial sttlement 強制司法解決
compulsory measures with respect to salvage of shipwrecks or sunken object 沉船沉物打撈強制措施
compulsory pilot 法定引航員
compulsory pilotage legislation 強制引航立法
compulsory pilotage 強制引航
compulsory removal of wreck 強制打撈
compulsory removal 強制清除
compulsory salvage of shipwrecks or sunken objects 沉船沉物強制打撈
compulsory sanction 強制性制裁
compulsory third party insurance 第三者責任的強制保險
compulsory training for seafarers 船員強制培訓
compulsory 罰繳強制金
compulsory 強迫的
compunication 計算機通信
computability 可計算性
computation center 計算中心
computation laboratory 計算實驗室
computation 計算
computational effort 計算工作量
computational length 計算長度
computator 計算機
computator 計算器
compute 計算估計
computed altitude 計算高度
computed altitude 計算高度天體)計算高度
computed azimuth angle 計算方位角
computed azimuth 計算方位
computed range 計算距離
computed strength 計算強度
computed stress 計算應力
computed zenith distance 計算頂距
computed 計算的
computer access device 計算機存取設備
computer aided business and administration 計算機輔助經營與管理
computer aided circuit analysis 計算機輔助電路分析
computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing 計算機輔助設計和製造
computer aided design 計算機輔助設計
computer aided design 計算機輔助設計半自動設計
computer aided diagnosis 計算機輔助診斷
computer aided manufacturing 計算機輔助製造
computer aided navigation equipment 計算機助航設備
computer aided operation 計算機輔助操作
computer aided performance analysis 用計算機輔助性能分析
computer aided planning 計算機輔助規劃
computer aided production planning 計算機輔助生產計畫
computer aided reliability estimation 計算機輔助可靠性估算
computer aided ship design 計算機輔助船舶設計
computer aided structural detailing of ships 船舶構件計算機輔助設計船舶結構件計算機輔助設計
computer aided tanker operation 計算機輔助油輪操作
computer aided test 計算機輔助測試
computer aided 計算機輔助的
computer analog inputoutput 計算機模擬輸入輸出信號
computer analysis and programmer 計算機分析和程式編制
computer application 計算機套用
computer assisted measurement system 計算機輔助測量系統
computer assisted navigation equipment 計算機輔助導航設備
computer assisted 計算機輔助的
computer automated test system 計算機自動測試系統
computer based monitoring and control system 以計算機為基礎的監視和控制系統
computer center 計算機中心
computer closed-loop control 計算機閉環控制
computer console 計算機控制台
computer control communication 計算機控制通信
computer control of process 計算機過程控制
computer control system 計算機控制系統
computer control unit 計算機控制器
computer control 計算機控制
computer controlled container movement 計算機控制的貨櫃裝卸
computer controlled display 計算機控制顯示器
computer controlled 計算機控制的
computer design language 計算機設計語言
computer directed drawing 計算機直接繪圖
computer display unit 計算機顯示裝置
computer display 計算機顯示器
computer entry punch 計算機輸入穿孔
computer generated graph 計算機生成的圖像
computer graphic 計算機製圖
computer graphics 計算機繪圖
computer hardware description language 計算機硬體描述語言
computer indicator 計算機指示器
computer input from imcrofilm 計算機縮微膠片輸入
computer input from microfilm 計算機微縮膠捲輸入
computer input microfilm 計算機輸入縮微膠片裝置
computer interface unit 計算機接口裝置
computer language recorder 計算機語言記錄器
computer language translator 計算機語言翻譯機
computer magnetic tape 計算機磁帶
computer memory drum 計算機存儲磁鼓
computer memory 計算機存儲器
computer monitor for refrigerated container 計算機冷藏貨櫃監測器
computer monitoring 計算機監測
computer network 計算機網路
computer on slice 單片式計算機
computer open loop control 計算機開環控制
computer operated management evaluation technique 計算機操作管理鑑定技術
computer operator 計算機操作人員
computer output microfilm 計算機輸出縮微膠片
computer output microfilm 計算機輸出縮微膠片裝置
computer predicting and automatic course tracking 船舶自動航跡儀
computer process control 電腦程式控制
computer program 電腦程式
computer programming 計算機編碼程式
computer programming 電腦程式設計
computer science 計算機科學
computer service 計算機服務
computer servo-system 計算機伺服系統
computer simulation 計算機模擬
computer software engineering 計算機軟體工程
computer switching group 計算機轉換器組
computer system evaluation 計算機系統評價
computer system simulation 計算機系統模擬
computer system 計算機系統
computer mechanism
computer 計算機;計算器
computer 計算機計算裝置
computer 計算機計算裝置計算員計算器
computer 計算員計算機
computer-aided ship design and construction 計算機輔助的船舶設計與建造
computer-aided systematic particle analysis 計算機輔助分類微粒分析
computer-based management information system 管理信息計算機系統
computer-based training 計算機基本訓練
computer-data card 計算機數據碼
computer-generated graphic 計算機生成的圖像
computerisation 計算機化
computerise computerize
computerised automated vessel 計算機自動化船
computerised burner control and management system 計算機化的燃燒器控制和管理系統
computerised data retrieval system 計算機化的數據檢索系統
computerised dispatch center 計算機化的調度中心
computerised management information system 計算機化的管理信息系統
computerised navigation set 計算機化的導航設備
computerised navigation 計算機化導航
computerised 計算化的
computerized turbine automated design system 計算機渦輪自動設計系統
computernik 計算機專家
computervision 計算機螢幕顯示
computery 電子計算機系統
computing and collecting freight 代算代收運費
computing and control system 計算和控制系統
computing center 船廠計算中心
computing device 計算裝置
computing logger 計數記錄器
computing logger 計算記錄儀
computing machine 計算機
computing mechanism 計算機構
computing scale 計算尺
computing 計算的估計的
computron 多極電子管
computyper 電傳印表機控制的數據處理系統
con 指揮操舵
con 指揮操舵;指揮駕駛
con-ro ship 貨櫃滾裝船
con-speed drive 定速驅動
con-speed gear 定速裝置
conbulker 貨櫃-散貨運輸船
concatenate 串級
concatenated code 連結碼
concatenated motor 串級電動機
concatenation connection 級聯級聯接線
concatenation 串級
concatenation 級聯
concave  bending of frame 骨材內彎
concave bank 凹河岸
concave bending of frame 骨材內彎
concave curvature 凹曲度
concave fillet 凹面角焊縫
concave head piston 凹頂活塞
concave lens 凹透鏡
concave mirror 凹面鏡
concave surface 凹面
concave 凹的
concave 凹面的
concavity 凹度
conceal concealed 隱蔽的
conceal conduit 暗管
conceal wiring 隱蔽布線
conceal 隱蔽
conceal 隱瞞;隱匿
concealed conduit 暗管
concealed damage 隱蔽損壞
concealed damage 隱損
concealed defect 隱藏的缺陷
concealed wiring 隱蔽布線
concealed 隱蔽的
concealed 隱藏的
concealment 隱匿;隱瞞;隱藏
concentrate circulating pump 原液循環泵
concentrate pump 濃縮泵
concentrate pump 濃液泵
concentrate pump 原液泵
concentrate tank 濃縮液艙櫃
concentrate tank 原液櫃
concentrate 濃縮物集中濃縮
concentrated acid 濃酸
concentrated additive 濃縮添加劑
concentrated capacity 集總電容
concentrated deck loading 集中甲板載荷
concentrated laser beams 雷射聚光束
concentrated load 集中負載
concentrated load 集中載荷
concentrated loads 集中負荷
concentrated solution 濃溶液
concentrated vorticity 集中渦
concentrated wave load 集中波浪載荷
concentrated winding 集中繞組
concentrated 集中的;濃縮的;集總的
concentrated 集中的濃縮的
concentrates 精礦;精煤
concentration boundary 浮冰群間的界線
concentration by freezing 凍結濃縮法
concentration cell 濃差電池
concentration ellipsis 同心橢圓
concentration factor 集中因數
concentration line 匯流排;公共線
concentration of electrolyte 電解液濃度
concentration of ions 離子濃度
concentration of stress 應力集中
concentration of vessel 船舶密度
concentration process 濃縮過程
concentration ratio 濃度比
concentration 集中
concentration 集中;濃度;冰量
concentration 集中濃縮濃度
concentration 濃度
concentration 濃度濃縮
concentrator 集線器
concentrator 集線器集中器濃縮器
concentrator 集中器
concentric cable 同軸電纜
concentric chuck 同心卡盤
concentric circle 同心圓
concentric circles 同心圓;同心圓符號
concentric circles 同心圓同心圓符號
concentric cylinder muffler 集筒式消聲器
concentric line 公共線
concentric line 同心線
concentric redcer 同心異徑管節
concentric reducer 同心異徑管節
concentric spring 同心複式彈簧
concentric type plate valve 同心片狀閥
concentric winding 同心繞法
concentric 集中的
concentric 同心的
concentric 同心的同軸的
concentricity 同心度
conception 概念
conceptual design 草圖設計
conceptual 概念的
concerning 關於
concerted 一致的;協調的;共同的
concession 讓步
conch 貝類
conchiod 螺鏇線
concil for mutual economic assistance 經互會
conciliation beyond arbitration 仲裁外調解
conciliation in arbitration 仲裁調解
conciliation procedure 調解程式
conciliation proceedinigs 調解程式
conciliation 調停
conciliation 和解;調解
conciliator 調解人
conciliator 和解者
conciliator 和解者;調解者
conciliiate 調解;安撫
conclude contract 訂契約
conclude contract 訂立契約
conclude 結束;結論;洽訂
conclude 終結
concluding line 繩梯中央繩
concluding report 總結報告
concluding 終結的推斷的洽訂的
conclusion of agreement 締結協定
conclusion of convention 締結公約
conclusion of insurance contract 保險契約的成立
conclusion of the award 裁決
conclusion 結論
conclusion 結論;推論;結果
conclusion 總結
conclusive evidence clause 確證條款
conclusive evidence 決定性證據
conclusive evidence 絕對證據
conclusive evidence 絕對證據最後證據
conclusive evidence 確定證據
conclusive presumption 絕對推定
conclusive 決定性的
conclusive 決定性的;不容置疑的
concordat 契約;協定
concrete ballast 混凝土壓艙塊
concrete boat 混凝土船
concrete cell 鋼筋混凝土浮桶
concrete floor paint 混凝土地板漆
concrete jacket 混凝土殼板
concrete lining 水泥襯層
concrete number 名數
concrete pressure vessel 水泥壓力船
concrete reinforcement 鋼筋混凝土
concrete reinforcement 混凝土鋼筋
concrete ship 水泥船
concrete structure 混凝土結構
concrete vessel 水泥船
concrete 混凝土混凝土的實物的 凝固
concrete 混凝土凝固
concrete 具體的
concrete 具體的;有形的;實物的;混凝土;混凝土的;凝固雪
concur 同時發生;同意;一致
concurrent arbitration 聯合仲裁
concurrent boiler 直流鍋爐
concurrent jurisdiction 共同管轄權
concurrent operation 同時操作
concurrent peripheral operation 並行外部操作
concurrent point 共點線
concurrent process 共行進程
concurrent processing 並行處理
concurrent simulation 同時模擬
concurrent with discharge 在卸貨時交付
concurrent 順流的;一致的
concurrent 同時發生的
concurrent 同時發生的相合的
concussion crack 撞擊裂縫
concussion mine 激發水雷
concussion 震動;衝擊;震盪;腦震盪
concussion 振動
condactive pattern 導電圖
condemn 決定廢棄
condemn 宣判
condemnation factor 報廢率
condemnation of ship 船舶報廢
condemnation 捕獲船舶裁定
condemnation 捕獲船舶裁定徵用
condemnation 決定廢棄
condemnation 決定廢棄徵用
condemnation 譴責;定罪;徵用;沒收
condemned ship 報廢船
condemned ship 被判停止營運船
condemned ship 禁止營運的船
condemned ship 禁止營運的船充公船報廢船
condemned 報廢的
condemned 報廢的沒收的
condemned 查封的
condensable gas 可凝性氣體
condensable sea anchor 浮錨
condensable 可凝結的
condensance 容抗
condensate  tank 凝水櫃
condensate checking aggregate 凝水檢驗設備
condensate corrosion 冷凝腐蝕
condensate depression 過冷度
condensate drain 冷凝水排泄管
condensate feed water system 凝水-給水系統
condensate flowmeter 凝水流量表
condensate inspection tank 凝水觀察櫃
condensate line 冷凝水管路
condensate line 凝水泵
condensate pump 凝水泵
condensate recirculating pipe line 冷凝水再循環管路
condensate recirculating pipeline 凝水再循環管路
condensate recirculating system 凝水再循環系統
condensate return system 凝水回流係數
condensate return system 凝水回流系統
condensate supercool 凝水過冷
condensate system 凝水系統
condensate system 凝水系統 tank凝水櫃
condensate trap 阻汽器凝水井
condensate 冷凝
condensate 冷凝凝結液
condensate 冷凝水
condensate 凝結液液凝物
condensation adiabat 濕絕熱
condensation by injection 噴射凝結
condensation by mixing 混合凝結
condensation chamber 冷凝室
condensation in hold 艙內汗濕
condensation losses 凝結損失
condensation nucleus 凝結核
condensation point 冷凝點
condensation polymer 縮聚體
condensation pump 冷凝泵
condensation rate 冷凝率
condensation reaction 縮合反應
condensation resin 縮聚樹脂
condensation sump 熱井
condensation temperature 冷凝溫度
condensation water filter 凝水過濾器
condensation 冷凝
condensation 凝結
condense 使冷凝
condensed fluid 冷凝液
condensed milk 煉乳
condensed steam 冷凝蒸汽
condensed water 冷凝水
condensed 冷凝的
condenser antenna 容性天線
condenser anti-rolling sliding support 冷凝器防搖滑動支座
condenser armature 電容器板
condenser bank 電容器組
condenser block 電容器組
condenser box 電容箱
condenser bushing type potenital device 電容器套管式儀表用變壓器
condenser capacity 電容器電容量
condenser capactiance 電容器電容
condenser cartridge 電容式拾音頭
condenser characteristic curve 冷凝器特性曲線
condenser charge 電容器充電
condenser charge 電容器電荷
condenser charge 電容器電荷電容器充電
condenser circuit 電容器線路
condenser circulating water pass 冷凝器流程
condenser circulating water pass 冷凝器循環水流程
condenser circulation pump 冷凝器循環水泵
condenser coating 電容器板
condenser coil 冷凝器盤管
condenser constant 電容器常數
condenser cooling surface 冷凝器冷卻面積
condenser coupling 電容器耦合
condenser dielectric 電容器介質
condenser discharge 電容器放電
condenser duty 冷凝器熱負荷
condenser electrolytic 電解電容器
condenser electroscope 電容驗電器
condenser end cover 冷凝器封頭
condenser excitation 電容器勵磁
condenser expansion joint 冷凝器膨脹接頭
condenser heat load 冷凝器熱負荷
condenser impedance 電容器阻抗
condenser in parallel 並聯電容器
condenser in series 串聯電容器
condenser inlet valve 冷凝器進口閥
condenser inlet 冷凝器喉部
condenser inlet 冷凝器入口
condenser input filter 電容輸入濾波器
condenser leakage test 冷凝器漏泄試驗
condenser leakage 電容器漏泄
condenser lens 聚光鏡
condenser lightening arrester 電容式避雷器
condenser loudspeaker 電容式揚聲器
condenser microphone 電容式話筒
condenser microphone 電容式送話器
condenser motor 電容式電動機
condenser oil 電容器油
condenser out valve 冷凝器出口閥
condenser paper 電容器紙
condenser pick-up 電容拾音器
condenser pickup 電容拾音器
condenser plate 冷凝器管板電容器片
condenser pressure 冷凝器壓力
condenser reactance 電容器電抗
condenser reactance 容抗
condenser relief valve 冷凝器安全閥
condenser resistance 電容器電阻
condenser scoop 冷凝器吸水斗
condenser shell 冷凝器殼體
condenser shunt type induction motor 電容分相式感應電動機
condenser soda cock 冷凝器蘇打鏇塞
condenser speaker 電容式揚聲器
condenser spring support 冷凝器彈簧支座
condenser steam engine 凝汽式蒸汽機
condenser susceptance 電容器電納
condenser tank 冷凝器凝水櫃
condenser tank 冷凝水櫃
condenser temperature 冷凝器溫度
condenser transmitter 電容式送話器
condenser tube anti-corrosion device 冷凝器管抗腐蝕裝置
condenser tube plate 冷凝器管板
condenser tube sheet 冷凝器管板
condenser tube 冷凝器管
condenser tube 凝水器管
condenser tunig 電容調諧
condenser type bushing 電容式套管
condenser type gauge 電容式壓力表
condenser vacuum 冷凝器真空度
condenser valve 冷凝器閥
condenser voltage 電容器電壓
condenser water control 冷凝器水位控制
condenser 電容器
condenser 電容器;冷凝器;聚光器
condenser 冷凝器
condensible 可凝結的
condensing apparatus 冷凝設備
condensing bleeder turbine 凝汽式抽汽汽輪機
condensing coil 凝汽盤管
condensing engine 凝氣式蒸汽機
condensing engine 凝汽式蒸汽機
condensing equipment 冷凝設備
condensing plant 冷凝裝置
condensing pressure 冷凝壓力
condensing starting 凝汽起動
condensing steam engine 凝汽式蒸汽機
condensing steam turbine 凝汽式汽輪機
condensing surface 冷凝器
condensing temperature 冷凝溫度
condensing turbine 冷凝式汽輪機
condensing unit capacity 總製冷量
condensing unit 冷凝裝置壓縮冷凝機組(包括壓縮機
condensing 冷凝的
condensive load 電容性負載
condensive reactance 容抗
condensive 電容的
condensivity 介電常數
condition alarm 工況報警
condition and exceptions 條件與免除條款
condition check 現狀檢查
condition clause 條件條款
condition code 條件碼
condition curve 狀態曲線
condition for classification 入級條件
condition for surveys 檢驗條件
condition indicator 工況指示器
condition monitor of main engine 主機工況監測器
condition monitoring and trend analysis system 狀態監控和動向分析系統
condition monitoring 狀態監測
condition monitoring 狀態監視
condition name 條件名稱
condition number 情況類別號
condition of average 比例分攤條件
condition of delivery 發貨條件
condition of divergence 擴散條件
condition of exemption 免除條件
condition of loading 負載情況
condition of loading 載荷狀態
condition of owner ship registration procedure 船舶所有權登記程式條件
condition of prelitigation arrest of ship 訴前扣船條件
condition of radiation 幅射條件
condition of seamen 海員狀況
condition of sevice 服務條件
condition of stability 穩性狀態
condition of voyage 航程條件
condition of waiver 免除的條件
condition parameter 狀態參數
condition remark 現狀摘要
condition report 貨損貨差報告單
condition report 情況報告書
condition report 情況報告書;貨損貨差報告單
condition survey 狀況檢驗
condition 情況
condition 條件
condition 條件環境狀態
condition 條件狀態
condition-code register 條件碼暫存器
conditional clause 暫行條款
conditional clause 暫行條款;有條件的條款
conditional contraband 有條件的戰時違禁品
conditional contraband 有條件禁運品
conditional contraband 有條件違禁品
conditional contract 暫行契約
conditional contract 暫行契約;有條件的契約
conditional endorsement 附條件背書
conditional equilibrium 有條件的平衡
conditional indorsement 附條件的背書
conditional jump 條件轉移
conditional observation 條件觀測
conditional probability 條件機率
conditional sentence 暫行判決
conditional 有條件的
conditional 有條件的;受限制的
conditionally duty-free importation 有條件的免稅進口
conditioned air 調節的空氣
conditioned air 空調處理的空氣
conditioned air 空調處理空氣
conditioned reflex 條件反射
conditioned 使設備處於正常狀態的
conditioned 使設備處於正常狀態的有條件的
conditioner 調節器
conditioner 調節器;空調器
conditioner 空調器
conditioning oil 洗滌油
conditioning plant control station 空調系統操縱台
conditioning unit 空調設備
conditioning 調節
conditions and exceptions 條件條款與免除條款
conditions andor special coverage 承保險別
conditions for limitation of liability for maritime claims 海事賠償責任限制條件
conditions of carriage 承運條件
conditions of tow 拖帶條件拖曳條件
conditions on shipboard 船上生活條件
conditions 狀態條件
condor 康達
conduct between sailing vessels to avoid collision 船舶航行間避碰規定
conduct of a vessel 船舶航行情況
conduct of trial 進行試驗
conduct of vessels in any condition of visibility 船舶在任何能見度情況下的行動規則
conduct of vessels in restricted visibility 船舶在能見度不良時的行動規則
conduct of vessels in sight of one another 船舶在互見中的行動規則
conduct 導管;實施;處理;進行;行為;品格
conduct 指導
conduct 指導實施
conduct 指導實施傳導
conductance per lumen 每流明的電導
conductance ratio 電導比
conductance 傳導電導導電性
conductance 電導
conductance 電導;導電性;傳導性;傳導力
conducted interference 傳導干擾
conductibility 傳導性;被傳導性
conductibility 傳導性被傳導性
conductibility 導電性
conducting angle 導電角
conducting band 傳導體
conducting bridge 分流
conducting liquid 導電液體
conducting material 導電物質
conducting medium 導電介質
conducting rope 導纜
conducting 傳熱的導電的
conduction angle 導通角
conduction band 導帶
conduction current 傳導電流
conduction electron 傳導電子
conduction electron 船導電子
conduction heating surface 傳導熱面積
conduction holes 導電空穴
conduction pump 傳導式電磁泵
conduction 傳導;電導;導電性
conduction 傳導導電
conductive coating 導電塗層
conductive part 載流部分
conductive plastics 導電塑膠
conductive 傳熱的傳導的
conductive 傳熱的導電的
conductively closed 禁止的
conductively 導電
conductivity cell 電導率測定用電池
conductivity factor 導熱係數
conductivity measurement 電導率測量
conductivity of earth surface 大地電導率
conductivity water temperature and depth 導電率
conductivity 傳導率;電導率;傳導性;導電性;電導
conductivity 傳導性
conductivity 傳導性傳導率電導率
conductivity 傳導性傳導率電導率導電性
conductivity 電導率
conductivity 電導率電導性
conductometer 熱導計;電導計
conductometer 熱導計電導計
conductometric tiration 電導滴定法
conductometric 熱導計的電導計的
conductor arrangement 配線
conductor configuration 導線布置
conductor 導體
conductor 導體;導線;管理員;指導者;響導者
conductor 導體導線
conduit box 導管接線盒
conduit coupling 管路連線
conduit joint 管子接頭
conduit run 電纜管道路線
conduit wiring 管內布線
conduit 管道;水道;水管;導管;電纜管道
conduit 管路
cone anchor 浮錨
cone angle 錐角擴散角
cone bearing 錐形軸承
cone belt 三角皮帶
cone brake 錐形閘
cone buoy 錐形浮標
cone buoy 錐形浮筒
cone clutch 錐形離合器
cone clutch 錐形聯軸節
cone coupling 錐形聯軸器
cone drive 錐形傳動
cone drive 錐形傳動錐形傳動裝置
cone friction drum 錐形摩擦鼓輪
cone friction gear 錐形傳動裝置
cone friction gear 錐形摩擦傳動裝置
cone gear 錐齒輪
cone gear 錐齒輪錐齒輪裝置
cone governor 錐形調節器
cone head rivet 盆頭鉚釘
cone head rivet 錐頭鉚釘
cone headed bolt 圓錐頭螺栓
cone key 錐形鍵
cone neck rivet 斜頸鉚釘
cone neck rivet 圓錐鉚釘
cone neck rivet 錐頸鉚釘
cone of light 燈光錐形射束
cone of silence 靜區
cone propeller 錐形螺鏇槳
cone scan autotracking 圓錐掃描自動跟蹤
cone screw 錐形螺釘
cone valve 錐形閥
cone 風向袋
cone 圓錐
cone 圓錐體
cone-and-float meter 錐體浮子式流量計
cone-neck rivet 錐頸鉚釘
conex container 康乃克斯貨櫃
confederate state navy 同盟國海軍
confederation of british industry 英國工業聯盟
confederation of shipbuilding and engineering unions 造船工程聯合會造船和輪機工程聯合會
confer 比較
confer 比較;對照;參考
conference des nations unies sur ie commerce development french-united nations conference on trade development 聯合國貿易發展會議
conference general des poids et measures 國際計量大會
conference generale des poids et mesures 國際度量衡會議
conference line vessel 參加海運同盟或班輪公會的班輪
conference loyalty regime 班輪公會忠誠信約制度
conference maghrebitalie 馬格里布義大利航運公會
conference of baltic oceanographers 波羅的海海洋學家會議
conference on international economic co-operation 國際經濟合作公會
conference on law of sea 海洋法會議
conference on the law of the sea 海洋法會議
conference rates 公會運費率
conference tariff 公會運價表
conference telephone system 會議電話系統
conference terms 公會條款
conference 會議
conference 談判會議討論會
conferencia espana-caribecentro america 西班牙-加勒比海中美航運公會
conferenza centro america 中美航運公會
confession and avoidance 既承認所控事實但又舉出相反事實說明其在法律上無效
confidence belt 置信帶
confidence coefficent 置信係數
confidence coefficient 置信度
confidence index 可靠性指示
confidence interval 置信區間
confidence level 置信度
confidence level 置信水平
confidence limit 置信範圍
confidence limit 置信界限
confidence region 置信範圍
confidence 置信
confidence 置信度
confidential book 機密書
confidential code message 機要密碼文電
confidential message read-out 密電讀出
confidential 機密
configuration inspection 外形檢查
configuration of loran-c transmitting stations 羅蘭-c發射台配置
configuration of loran-c transmitting 勞蘭—c發射台配置
configuration 結構;形狀;外形;地形
configuration 形狀構型結構輪廓配置
confine spaces 經常封閉的艙間(平常禁止進入
confine waters 受限制的水域
confine waters 受限制的水域;狹窄水域
confine 限制
confine 限制界限
confined waters 受限水域
confinement 限制
confirm 確認
confirm 確認;證實
confirm 證實無誤
confirmation of arbitration agreement 仲裁協定確認
confirmation of collision occurrance 船舶碰撞事實確認書
confirmation of order 訂貨確認
confirmation of order 訂貨確認書
confirmation 保兌
confirmation 保兌確定
confirmation 確定
confirmation 同意
confirmation 證實
confirmative sale 售貨確認單
confirmatory measurement 驗證測量
confirmatory response 確認答應
confirmatory test 證實性試驗
confirmed lc 保兌信用證
confirmed letter of credit 保兌信用證
confirming bank 保兌銀行
confirming 確定
confiscate 沒收;充公;被沒收的
confiscation of property 沒收財產
confiscation 沒收
conflict law 衝突法
conflict of conventions 公約的衝突
conflict of domiciles 住所的衝突
conflict of jurisdictions 管轄權衝突
conflict of laws 法律衝突
conflict of laws 法律牴觸
conflict of laws 法律牴觸(在處理國際民事案件時
conflict of laws 法律牴觸法律衝突
conflict of nationalities 國籍衝突
conflict rules 衝突規範
conflict 衝突衝突
conflicting signals 衝突信號
confluence 河流匯合
confocal 共焦的
conform 符合
conform 使一致
conformal chart 正形海圖
conformal chart 正形投影海圖
conformal conic projection 正形圓錐投影;等角圓錐投影
conformal cylindrical projection 正形圓柱投影;等角圓柱投影
conformal map 保角映象
conformal mapping 保角映象
conformal polyconic projection 正形多圓錐投影
conformal projection 保角投影
conformal projection 正形投影
conformal representation 保形變換
conformal transformation 保角變換
conformal transformation 保角變換;保形變換
conformal 保形的
conformal 共形的
conformal 正形的;保角的
conformance test 驗怍試驗
conformity certification 合格認證
conformity 合格
confront 對證
confrontation 質證
confused sea 駭浪
confused swell 亂涌
confused 混亂的
congeal  凝固
congeal 凍結
congealable 可凝固的
congealer 冷凍機
congealer 冷卻器
congealer 冷卻器;冷凍機;冷藏箱
congelation 凍凝
congenbill 航運公會木材提單
congested with traffic 運輸堵塞
congestion of port 港口擁擠
congestion surcharge r 擁擠附加費
congestion surcharge 船舶擁擠附加費
congestion surcharge 擁擠附加費
congestion tone 擁塞音
congestion 擁擠
congestion 擁擠充斥
congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭
congestus 濃雲
conglomerated ice 密集冰
conglomerated ice 由各種類型冰形成的)密集冰由各種類型浮冰形成的)密集冰
congoleum 剛果嫩姆
congruence axim 全等公理
congruence 相同
congruency 相同
congruent triangles 全等三角形
congruent 全等的
conic oiltight hatchcover 圓錐形油密艙口蓋
conic orthermorphic projection 正形圓錐投影;等角圓錐投影
conic projection with two standard parallel 雙標準緯線等積圓錐海圖
conic projection with two standard parallels 圓錐正割投影
conic projections 圓錐投影
conic 圓錐形的
conical beam 錐形射束
conical bearing 錐形軸承
conical bolt 錐形螺栓
conical boring 錐孔鏜削
conical bow-wave 錐形船首波
conical buoy 錐形浮標
conical buoy 錐形浮筒
conical flow pump 錐流泵
conical friction clutch 錐形摩擦離合器
conical giving 3 green flashes buoy 錐形三閃綠光燈浮
conical head bolt 錐頭螺栓
conical head rivet 錐頭鉚釘
conical illumination 錐形照明
conical jet 錐形噴射
conical journal 錐形軸頸
conical key 錐形鍵
conical mandrel 錐形心軸
conical nozzle 錐形噴口
conical pin 錐形銷
conical point rivet 錐頭鉚釘
conical point rivet 錐形鉚釘
conical point 錐形尖
conical projection 圓錐投影
conical projection 錐形投影
conical rivet 錐形鉚釘
conical roller bearing 錐形滾柱軸承
conical shape 圓錐型號
conical socket 錐形套節
conical spring 錐形彈簧
conical stern 圓錐形船尾
conical surface 錐形面
conical valve 錐形閥
conical 圓錐形的
conical 錐形浮標
conical-point rivet 錐頭鉚釘
conicoid 圓錐曲面
conifer 松樹
coniferous trees 針葉樹林
coniferous woodland 常綠樹林
conjack 貨櫃起重運輸機
conjugate angle 共軛角
conjugate complex 共軛複數
conjugate diameter 共軛直徑
conjugate focal planes 共軛焦面
conjugate focus 共軛焦點
conjugate gradient method 共軛梯度法
conjugate point 共軛點
conjugate surface 共軛面
conjugate value 共軛值
conjugate  共軛
conjugate 共軛的
conjugate 共軛結合著的
conjugate 結合著的
conjunction 接合
conjunction 接合;楔合;聯合;合;邏輯乘法;邏輯乘積
conjunction 連線
conk out 出毛病
conk  突然損壞
conk 突然損壞
conline bill 康蘭提單
conn 指揮操舵
connect a boiler 使鍋爐通汽
connect in parallel 並接並聯
connect in parallel 並聯聯結
connect in parallel 並聯連線
connect in series 串接串聯
connect in series 串聯聯結
connect in series 串聯連線
connect to earth 接地
connect to neutral 接中性線
connect up 接上
connect 連線
connect 掃通聯結
connected in series 串聯的
connected load 連線負載
connected pump 相連的泵
connected to earth 接地的
connected tow 連線拖帶
connected 連線的
connecting angle 連線角鋼
connecting arrangement 聯接裝置
connecting bar 連桿接線柱
connecting bend 聯結彎頭
connecting bend 連線彎頭
connecting block 接線板
connecting bolt 連線螺栓
connecting box 接線盒
connecting branch 連線支管
connecting bridge 橋式聯接器
connecting bridge 橋式聯接器(貨櫃之間聯接固定用
connecting bridge 橋式聯接器橋型連線件
connecting bridge 橋型連線件
connecting bridge 天橋
connecting bus-bar 連線匯流排
connecting cable 連線電纜
connecting clamp 連線線夾
connecting cord 連線塞繩
connecting device 連線設備
connecting duct 連線導管
connecting fittings 連線件
connecting flange 連線法蘭
connecting hose 連線管
connecting line 連線管路
connecting link 可拆鏈環
connecting link 連線桿
connecting lock 連線鎖
connecting pin 連線銷
connecting pipe 連線管
connecting plate 連線板
connecting rod assembly 連桿組件
connecting rod bearing 連桿軸承
connecting rod body 連桿體
connecting rod bolt 連桿螺栓
connecting rod bottom end bearing 連桿下端軸承
connecting rod bushing 連桿襯套
connecting rod complement 連桿總成
connecting rod dipper 連桿油匙
connecting rod end 連桿端
connecting rod gear 連桿機構
connecting rod gudgeon 連桿上端銷軸
connecting rod jaw 聯桿叉
connecting rod jaw 連桿叉
connecting rod large end bearing 連桿大端軸承
connecting rod nut 連桿螺母
connecting rod pin 連桿銷
connecting rod shank 連桿桿身
connecting rod small end bearing 連桿上端軸承
connecting rod wrench 連桿扳手
connecting rod 聯結桿
connecting rod 連桿
connecting rod 連線桿
connecting screw rod 連線螺桿
connecting shackle 連線卸扣
connecting shackle 錨鏈卸扣
connecting shaft 連線軸
connecting sheet 連線片
connecting sleeve 連線套筒
connecting spring 連線彈簧
connecting strap 橋接線
connecting strip 連線條
connecting terminal 接線端子
connecting traverse 吊鉤梁
connecting traverse 雙索吊梁
connecting tube 連線管
connecting up 裝配
connecting yoke 雙舵柄連桿
connecting  連線
connecting 接通的
connecting 連線
connecting 連線的連線
connecting-rod end 連桿端
connecting-up 裝配、安裝;布線
connection block 接線板
connection bolt 連線螺栓
connection box 接線盒
connection clip 接管夾
connection diagram 接線圖
connection in bridge 電橋連線法
connection in parallel 並聯
connection in series 串聯
connection piece 連線片
connection plate 接線板
connection plug 連線插頭
connection point 接點
connection terminal 接線端子
connection valve 連通閥
connection wire 連線線
connection 連線
connector lug 接線頭
connector lug 接線銜套
connector plug 插頭
connector socket 接線插座
connector 接外掛程式
connector 連線器;接線柱;插塞與插座
connector 連線器插孔
connector 連線器插塞和塞孔端子
connexion ticket 聯運票
connexion 連線