
 偏位軸線 offset alignment
 架空吊梁 overhead lifting beam
 開式軸承,敞軸承 open type bearing
 氧乙炔吹管 oxyacetylene blow pipe
 敞船 open boat
 燃油鍋爐 oil burning boiler
 出線盒 outlet box
 油密艙壁 oiltight bulkhead
 燃油櫃 oil bunker
 燃油器 oil burner
 外卡[鉗] outside caliper
 油箱 oil cistern
 耗油量 oil consumption
 架空吊車 overhead travelling crane
 鄂圖循環 otto cycle
 擺動缸 oscillating cylinder
 最下甲板 orlop deck
 外[直]徑 outside diameter
 油機 oil engine
 開式排氣 open exhaust
 過度膨脹 over expansion
 擺缸機 oscillating engine
 濾油器 oil filter (or strainer)
 給油器 oil feeder
 平爐 open hearth furnace
 超載,過量負荷 over load
 油加熱器 oil heater
 公務記事簿 official log book
 聯線 on-line
 油密接合 oil tight joint
 油路(滑油管路) oil line
 麻絮 oakum
 圓拱形斷面 ogival section
 油浴艉軸管軸承 oil bath type stern tube bearing
 光學放樣 optical loft
 斜內圓角,斜填角 oblique fillet
 海洋溫差發電 ocean thermal energy conversion (otec)
 海洋測候船 ocean weather ship
 油布 oil cloth
 油壓缸 oil cylinder
 散裝油 oil in bulk
 承油盤 oil pan
 油泵 oil pump
 油艙,油櫃 oil tank
 油密節距(鉚接) oiltight pitch
 油表油量計 oil meter
 斜浪 oblique wave
 光學文字讀取裝置 ocr (= optical character reader)
 船線坐標 offsets
 船線坐標表 offsets table (or sheets)
 海域,外海 offshore
 順風 off the wind
 油 oil
 燃油器 oil burner
 油輪 oil tanker
 螺槳單獨效率 open water propeller efficiency
 對沖活塞引擎 opposed piston engine
 示波器 oscilloscope
 海洋溫差發電 otec (= ocean thermal energy conversion)
 斜度桿(柴油機) obliquity rod
 海洋波 ocean wave
 油含量計 oil content meter
 冷卻油櫃 oil cooling tank
 油孔 oil hole
 油散熱器 oil radiator
 濾油器 oil strainer (or filter)
 單面自動焊接 one side automatic welding
 敞船 open boat
 敞式推力[軸]承 open type thrust bearing
 光學文字讀取裝置 optical character reader (ocr)
 最佳設計 optimum design
 成套裝備 outfit
 空氣出口角 outlet air angle
 輸出,輸出量,產量 output
 輸出數據,輸出數據 output data
 外[直]徑 outside diameter
 船外排泄管 overboard discharge pipe
 轉換開關 over changing switch
 超裝備船 overrigged vessel
 超速調節器 overspeed governor
 氧挖削 oxygen gouging
 氧吹管 oxygen lance
 氫氧切割 oxy-hydrogen cutting
 遠洋輪船 ocean going steamer
 海洋研究船 oceanography research ship
 偏心配置 off-center arrangement
 船舶[登記]號數 official number
 油罐,油壺 oil can
 油冷卻 oil cooling
 油潤式艉軸管軸承 oil lubricated stern tube bearing
 油霧偵測器 oil mist detector
 油料記錄簿 oil record book
 油密接合,油密接頭 oiltight joint
 油水分離計 oily water separator
 亞米茄航海儀 omega navigator
 開口,通路,開啟度 opening
 作動油 operating oil
 礦砂船 ore carrier
 o型環 o-ring
 船外機,舷外機 outboard motor
 [向舷]外拉索 outhaul (or outhauler)
 拉出絞機 outhaul winch
 仰焊 overhead welding
 覆蓋積層 over-lay up
 過載保護裝置 overload protection device
 氧乙炔焊接 oxy-accetylene welding
 官廳,辦公室 officer's room
 海域平台 offshore platform
 油囊,油袋 oil bag
 燃油鍋爐 oil firing boiler
 熱油器 oil heater
 油浸變壓器 oil-immersed transform
 油量計 oil meter
 油封 oil seal
 油泥 oil sluddge
 油[磨]石 oil stone
 驗油,油驗 oil test
 油密性 oil tightness
 油密試驗 oiltight test
 單面焊接 one side welding
 空架肋板 open (or skeleton, or bracket) floor
 開闊水道 open water
 操作員,報務員 operator
 光纖 optical fiber
 鄂圖循環 otto cycle
 外底 outer bottom
 輪葉出口角 outlet blade angle
 出口速度 outlet velocity
 油烤爐 oil oven
 綜合特性 overall character
 過度均衡 overbalance
 重迭,搭接 overlap
 油管 oil pipe
 海洋波譜 ocean wave spectrum
 貨油軟管 oil hose
 油性漆 oil paint
 擋油環,油封環 oil seal ring
 油密工作 oil tight work
 大氣式冷凝器 open air condenser
 v形接法 open delta connection
 礦砂船 ore carrying vessel (or ore carrier)
 舷外 out-board
 外側軸 outer shaft
 外牽索 outhaul line
 外側艙房 outside cabin
 爐,烤爐 oven
 過流跳脫裝置 overcurrent tripping device
 架空吊梁 overhead lifting beam
 氧吹管切割 oxygen lance cutting
 金屬氧化物油漆 oxide paint
 櫓槳救生艇 oar life boat
 礦砂散裝貨與油兼用船 obo (= ore/bulk/oil) carrier
 觀測,觀察 observation
 臨時檢驗 occasional (or contingent ) survey
 辦公室自動化 office automation (oa)
 線外作業方式(電算) off-line mode
 偏位,支距 offset
 海域探勘 offshore exploration
 油冷卻泵 oil cooler pump
 油量計 oil gauge
 重力油櫃 oil gravity tank
 耐油,防油 oil-proof
 光儀工場 optical shop
 普通型樹脂,g型樹脂,鄰苯二酸型樹脂 orthophthalic type (or ortho-type) resin
 正交異方向材 orthotropic materials
 擺動風扇 oscillating fan
 船搖擺 oscillating of ship
 擺動器,振盪器 oscillator
 外殼(潛艇) outer hull
 橢圓鍋爐 oval boiler
 全穩度 overall stability
 總溫度上升 overall temperature rise
 過[量]膨脹 over expansion
 超速 overspeed
 奧式舵 oertz rudder
 偏位軸線 offset alignment
 燃油鍋爐 oil burning boiler
 油盅,油杯 oil cup
 泄油櫃 oil drain tank
 油船,加油工 oiler
 油污染 oil pollution
 注油器 oil syringe
 油櫃泵 oil tank pump
 過負荷防止裝置 olp (= over load protecter)
 運轉情況,操作情況 operating condition
 最適化 optimization
 礦砂與油兼用船 ore/oil (oo) carrier
 正交異方性 orthogonal isotropy (or orthotropy)
 舷外機 outboard engine (or motor)
 輸出電路 output circuit
 高架移動起重機 overhead travelling crane
 超載,過量負荷 overload
 艉柱上部船殼板 oxter plate
 氧超弧割切 oxygen plasma cutting
 目標程式 object program
 觀測油櫃 observation tank
 海洋調查船 oceanography survey ship
 公試 official trial
 泄油偵控系統 oil discharge monitoring and control system
 油機 oil engine
 石油探勘 oil exploration
 加油孔 oil filling port
 油膜厚度 oil film thickness
 濾油器 oil filter (or strainer)
 油回收系統 oil recovery system
 油開關 oil switch
 [容許]一艙區浸水船 one-compartment ship
 聯線 on-line
 敞模法 open mold method
 欄桿,扶手 open rail (or guard railing)
 作動油泵 operating oil pump
 作業系統 operating system (os)
 指令舵角 order rudder angle
 出線盒 outlet box
 叉架 outrigger
 過熱 overheat
 辦公室自動化 oa (= office automation)
 脫離位置,斷電位置 off-position
 油水分離器 oil extractor
 油環 oil ring
 刮油環 oil scraping ring
 油水分離裝置 oily water separating equipment
 甲板上縱梁 on-deck girder
 開關動作 on-off control action
 開路電壓 open circuit voltage
 敞式貨櫃 open container
 最佳控制 optimal (or optimizing, or optimum) control
 洋松 oregon pine
 孔口 orifice
 船體外側面圖 outboard profile
 外層板列 outer plating (or strake)
 外板列 outer strake
 外形,輪廓,大綱 outline
 簡要規範書 outline specification
 外緣負荷支撐眼板 outmost load bearing padeye
 外卡[鉗] outside caliper
 全長 overall length
 溢流閥 overflow valve
 大修檢查 overhaul inspection
 搭接接頭 overlapped joint
 過載跳脫 overload trip
 金屬氧化物油漆 oxide paint
 氧乙炔吹把 oxy-accetylene torch
 槳 oar
 離岸 off shore
 增壓油泵 oil booster pump
 油溝 oil groove
 噴油器 oil sprayer
 油韌化 oil toughening
 油水界面計 oil/water interface detector
 開斜角 open bevel
 開口導索器 open chock
 面外荷重 out-of-plane loading
 溢流管 overflow pipe
 翻修,大修 overhaul
 過負荷防止裝置 over load protecter (olp)
 超載替續器 overload relay
 超載試驗,過負荷試驗 overload test
 超速限界 overspeed limit
 氧乙炔焰 oxy-accetylene flame
 氧氣電弧切割 oxy-arc cutting
 氧割器 oxygen cutter
 槳架 oarlock
 毛玻璃 obscure glass
 燃油櫃 oil bunker
 耗油量 oil consumption
 給油器 oil feeder
 濾油系統 oil filtering system
 燃油艙,燃油櫃 oil fuel (or oil fuel storage) tank
 重力油櫃 oil head tank
 油爐,油烤爐 oil oven
 油回收船 oil recovery ship
 單面瓦斯電弧焊 one-side electro gas (o.e.g.) welding
 大艙口船 open hatch vessel
 開閉速度 opening and closing speed
 開口接合 open joint
 無艉跟材艉架 open stern frame
 開式軸承,敞軸承 open type bearing
 最下層甲板(四層甲板以上船) orlop deck
 作業系統 os (= operating system)
 船外軸 outboard shaft
 出口,出路 outlet
 外搭板 outside butt strap
 外冷凝器 outside condenser
 船外 overboard
 船外排泄閥 overboard discharge valve
 舷外吊索 overboard fall
 氧乙炔切割 oxy-accetylene cutting
 氧乙炔氣管 oxy-accetylene hose
 油性漆 oil paint
 遠洋航行 ocean service
 跨洋拖航 ocean towage
 公務記事簿 official log book
 海域起重機 offshore crane
 滴油盤 oil drip pan
 加油管 oil filling pipe
 油殘留物 oil residue
 甲板部更衣室 oil skin locker
 油櫃通氣管 oil tank vent
 驗油器 oil tester
 [含]油污水 oily water
 斷路 open circuit
 敞船艛 open superstructure
 操作桿 operating rod
 光學放樣 optical loft
 光學落樣 optical marking
 普通搓捻 ordinary lay
 示波圖 oscillograph
 普通截片法 osm (= ordinary strip method)
 伸出舷外距離,伸出距離 outreach
 外鉗場 outside machine shop
 過流繼電器 overcurrent relay
 仰姿 overhead position
 過載出力 overload output
 船東監造員 owner's inspector
 氧乙炔吹管 oxy-accetylene blow pipe
 氧吹管焰割 oxygen lancing
 氫氧焊接 oxy-hydrogen welding
 橡木 oak
 遠洋船舶 ocean going vessel
 線外處理 off-line procession
 海域結構物 offshore structure
 遠洋拖網漁船 offshore (or deep sea) trawler
 油輪 oil carrier (or tanker)
 油箱 oil cistern
 油冷活塞 oil cooled piston
 冷卻油泵 oil cooling pump
 油管 oil pipe
 油淬火 oil quenching
 油密艙口蓋 oiltight hatch cover
 聯動位置,通電位置 on-position
 不透明玻璃,磨砂玻璃 opaque glass
 直接排氣 open exhaust
 單獨試驗(螺槳) open water test
 軌道運動 orbital motion
 礦砂散裝貨與油兼用船 ore/bulk/oil (obo) carrier
 擺動缸 oscillating cylinder
 擺缸機 oscillating engine
 外板(木船) outside planking
 過充電 overcharge
 過量放電 overdischarge
 懸伸 overhang
 超速試驗 overspeed test
 障礙浮筒 obstruction buoy
 甲級船員 officer
 燃油船 oil burning vessel
 油冷[卻]器 oil cooler
 油池 oil sump
 船上試驗 onboard test
 平爐 open hearth furnace
 開闊海域 open sea area
 工作電壓 operating current voltage
 光學計程儀 optical log
 普通截片法 ordinary strip method (osm)
 聯合國組織 organizations in the united nations system
 導板(拖網漁船) otter board
 失步 out of step
 外向流 outward flow
 氧氣呼吸器 oxygen-breathing apparatus
 油櫃泵 oil tank pump
 油煞 oil brake
 燃油裝置 oil burning arrangement
 油封均壓容器 oil-filled pressure compensated container
 油路 oil line
 淨油機,淨油器 oil purifier
 油分離器 oil separator
 油密艙壁 oiltight bulkhead
 平爐鋼 open hearth steel
 敞式燃油閥 open type fuel valve
 單拖網漁船 otter trawler
 全尺寸 overall dimensions
 全滿載 overall loading
 氧乙炔 oxy-accetylene
 氧乙炔吹管 oxyacetylene blow pipe
 抗臭氧橡膠 ozone resistant rubber
 在線上操作 on-line operation (or on-line)
 開口循環 open cycle
 開式給水系統 open feed system
 作業研究 operation research (or)
 縱坐標 ordinate
 軍械工場 ordnance shop
 面外負荷,貫層負荷 out-plane loading
 傾覆 overturning
 氧化焰 oxiding flame
 外包訂製 outside manufacturing
 外板搭架 outside staging
 外艏帆 outter jib
 全效率 overall efficiency
 過流跳脫 over current trip
 重迭型螺槳 overlapping propeller
 過壓防止裝置 overpressure prevention means
 船東試航 owner's trial
 溢流管 overflow pipe
 油散熱器 oil radiator
 艉柱上部船殼板 oxter plate
 油泵 oil pump
 操作桿 operating rod
 冷卻油泵 oil cooling pump
 軍械工場 ordnance shop
 超載替續器 overload relay
 油環 oil ring
 擋油環 oil seal ring
 斜桿 obliquity rod
 抗臭氧橡膠 ozone resistant rubber
 外側軸 outer shaft
 簡要規範 outline specification
 海洋測候船 ocean weather ship
 遠洋輪船 ocean going steamer
 油分離器 oil separator
 光儀工場 optical shop
 外鉗場 outside machine shop
 驗油,油驗 oil test
 噴油器 oil sprayer
 觀測油櫃 observation tank
 冷卻油櫃 oil cooling tank
 平爐鋼 open hearth steel
 油密試驗 oiltight test
 敞式推力[軸]承 open type thrust bearing
 濾油器 oil strainer (or filter)
 油艙,油櫃 oil tank
 油密性 oil tightness
 臨時檢驗 occasional survey
 外板列 outer strake
 油開關 oil switch
 高架移動起重機 overhead travelling crane
 礦砂船 ore carrying vessel (or ore carrier)
 超速試驗 overspeed test
 溢流閥 overflow valve
 遠洋船舶 ocean going vessel
 大艙口船 open hatch vessel
 仰焊 overhead welding
 奧地利國家標準 onorm (= osterreichische narm, austria)
 燃油船 oil burning vessel
 奧地利電機技士協會 ove (= osterreichischer elektrotechnischer verein, austria)