
 物態點 state point
 過飽和蒸汽 supersaturated steam
 集汽器 steam collector
 汽艇 steam launch
 [蒸]汽[流]量計 steam meter
 汽門 steam port
 汽壓計 steam pressure gauge
 濾汽器 steam strainer
 汽溫控制 steam temperature control (stc)
 鋼性鑄鐵 semi-steel
 特種鋼 special steel
 鋼質艙口蓋 steel hatch cover
 大鋼絲索 steel hawser
 統艙,舵效 steerage
 操舵鋼索 steering wire
 艏柱 stem post
 艉平舵 stern fin
 艉軸套壓蓋 stern tube packing gland
 加強材,防撓材 stiffener
 灰色漆 stone color paint
 阻水結構(鉚接船),阻水梢(木船),阻水孔(水櫃) stop water
 儲存室 storage (or store) space (or store room)
 耐拉絕緣體 strain insulator
 層式建造法 stratified erection system
 強度 strength
 強度試驗 strength test
 應力比 stress ratio
 眼孔板 strum (or rose, or strainer) plate
 小包商 subcontractor
 夏期油艙 summer tank
 夏季油艙管 summer tank pipe
 低艏艛甲板 sunken forecastle deck
 超[級]光[制] superfinishing
 補助閥 supplementary valve
 進排氣通風 supply-exhaust ventilation
 面式冷凝器 surface condenser
 水面速[率] surface speed
 驗船師 surveyor
 管防振器 sway brace
 旋迴葉片 swirl vane
 減軸運轉試驗 shaft cut off test
 軸發電機馬達 shaft generator motor (sgm)
 軸接地裝置 shaft grounding (or earthing) device
 軸線 shaft line
 軸套筒 shaft sleeve
 艉軸支架 shaft strut
 軸道 shaft tunnel
 淺水效應 shallow water effect
 遮蔽甲板 shelter deck
 艙口活動梁 shifting (or hatch) beam
 帆船 sailing ship
 汽船,輪船 steam ship (or steamer)
 工場 shop
 工場布置 shop layout
 橫止滑木(下水台) spread shore
 噴[射鋼]珠除,珠[粒噴]擊 shot blast
 收縮裕度 shrinkage allowance
 桅牽索(橫向) shroud
 分流,分路,分流器 shunt
 側向彎曲 side bend
 銀焊 silver soldering
 相似模型船 similar model
 辛姆拉[客船]規則 simla rule
 單漲式機 simple expansion engine
 簡支格架 simple supported grillage
 單腳錨泊(鑽油台) single anchor leg mooring
 單臂連桿 single bar link
 歪斜,掠曲 skew
 表面阻力 skin resistance
 鮪釣漁船 skipjack fishing vessel (or tuna clipper)
 壁腳升高度 skirting rise
 除[焊]渣錘 slag hammer
 低轉速(港內),低速[率] slow speed
 煙囪 smoke stack
 煙管鍋爐 smoke tube boiler
 窒火裝置 smothering arrangement
 開口滑車 snatch block
 交誼室 social hall
 聲納定位儀 sofar (= sound fixing and ranging)
 軟鐵 soft iron
 焊酸(軟焊用) soldering acid
 固體燃料 solid fuel
 整體舵針 solid pintle
 防音材料 soundproof material
 涌點,源流(流體力學) source
 輕甲板船 spar deck vessel
 備品 spare parts (or spares)
 火花點火器 spark igniter
 比阻力 specific resistance
 比推力 specific thrust
 樣品,試樣,試件 specimen
 航海船速,營運船速 sustained speed
 調速變阻器 speed adjusting rheostat
 快艇 speed boat
 接近速率 speed of approach
 速率試 speed trial
 酒精羅經 spirit compass
 柱錨(挖泥船) spud
 棒錨穩定型鑽油船 spud-stabilized type drilling rig
 級閥 stage valve
 交錯管配置 staggered tube layout
 標準舷弧 standard sheer
 豎凸緣 standing flange
 環套角型材 stapling (or angle collar , or staple angle)
 起動器 starter
 起動補償器 starting compensator
 起動轉矩 starting torque
 特別房艙 stateroom
 靜落差 static head
 浮揚下水法 static launching
 牽索,支桿,拉索 stay
 穩定索 steadying lines
 蒸汽鍋爐 steam boiler
 汽缸 steam cylinder
 蒸汽再熱器 steam reheater
 汽密接合 steam tight joint
 鋼料儲存場 steel bay (or yard)
 鋼材集散場 steel yard
 艏踵部 stem foot
 附梯艙口柱 step (or notch, or cleat) stanchion
 艉膨出部 stern boss (or bossing)
 艉槽輪(布纜船) stern sheave
 艉側推器 stern thruster
 艉軸管軸封 stern tube sealing
 艉波 stern wave
 艉外明輪船 stern wheel steamer (or stern wheeler)
 裝載檢查 stowage survey
 矯直 straightening
 正極性 straight polarity
 強度計算 strength calculation
 加強,補強 strengthening
 應力曲線 stress curve
 殘油閥 stripping valve
 貴重品庫 strong room
 結構柱型鑽油 structural column type
 聚苯乙烯發泡塑膠,保麗龍 styrofoam
 艙區劃分,艙區 subdivision
 深水泵,沉入式泵 submergeol pump
 可潛式 submersible type
 吸入濾器 suction filter
 蘇彝士運河探照燈 suez canal searchlight
 超音波回聲測深儀 supersonic echo sounder
 表面氈(frp) surface mat
 同步升降船台 synchrolift
 頻率合成器 synthesizer
 殼管式熱交換器 shell and tube heat exchanger
 被覆電弧焊 shielded arc welding
 金屬被覆電弧焊 shield metal arc welding (smaw)
 移動板(壁板),防動板 shifting board
 船上自動化系統 shipboard automation system
 造船 shipbuilding
 造船廠 shipyard
 板金工場 sheet metal shop
 場內試驗 shop test
 短艏艛 short forecastle
 艏系纜管 shoulder pipe
 熱套焊接曲軸 shrunk welded crank shaft
 分繞發電機 shunt wound generator
 舷窗 side light (or porthole)
 舷板,側板 side plate
 舷側污水道 side water course
 顯給潤滑器 sight feed lubricator
 單材肋骨 single frame
 單點系泊系統 single point mooring system (spm)
 浮沉式軟管 sinking and floating hose
 摩擦馬力 skin horsepower
 碎煤,屑煤 slack (or dust) coal
 鏇臂吊車 slewing jib crane
 滑動平台 slide platform
 滑[動接]觸 sliding contact
 滑動接合 sliding joint
 滑台 sliding ways
 滑流角度 slip angle
 波面斜率 slope of wave surface
 出渣孔 sludge hole
 煙色圖 smoke chart
 測煙裝置 smoke observation device
 軟水 soft water
 聲壓 sound pressure
 後桅縱帆桅 spanker mast
 備用錨 spare anchor
 頻譜分析 spectral (or spectrum) analysis
 航海船速,營運船速 sea (or service, or sustained) speed
 速率信號燈 speed lantern
 對地速度 speed over the ground
 對水速度 speed through the water
 插承接合,管口接合 spigot (or faucet) joint
 防濺(海浪) splash proof
 有輻輪 spoke wheel
 排氣套管 spool piece
 匙形槳 spoon oar
 紗織絲束(frp) spun roving
 穩度 stability
 級壓力 stage pressure
 標準耐火試驗 standard fire test
 標準化試 standardization trial
 標準型 standard type
 固定索 standing line
 固定索 standing wire
 右舷燈 starboard light
 起動空氣 starting air
 星曲折接法 star zigzag connection
 [船長]等分線 station (or ordinate)
 支索帆 stay sail
 穩態迴旋 steady turning
 蒸汽噴吹 steam blast
 汽船,輪船 steam ship (or steamer)
 汽動絞機 steam winch
 型鋼 section steel
 鋼廠 steel works
 產生舵效之最低航速 steerage way
 舵機引擎 steering engine
 蒸汽操舵裝置 steam steering gear
 大王銷 steering (or king) pin
 艉軸管襯套 stern bush (or stern tube bearing, or stern tube bushing)
 艉緣飾 stern moulding
 鍋爐艙,生火間 stoke hold (or fire room)
 風暴扶手托架 storm rail bracket
 儲放卷盤 stowage reel
 直線型船 straight lined vessel
 應變計 strain gage (or meter)
 抗震強度 shock strength
 節片理論 strip theory
 結構校準 structural alignment
 結構用芯材 structural core
 結構試驗 structure test
 日字鏈 stud chain
 栓環鏈,日字鏈 stud link chain cable (or stud chain)
 艙區劃分載重線 subdivision loadline
 海底石油生產系統 subsea production system (sps)
 海水吸入口 sea suction
 吸引升力 suction lift
 套房 suit room (or suite)
 硫脆裂 sulphur crack
 低艉艛 sunken poop
 日光屏 sun screen
 增壓 super-charge
 超導同極直流電機 super conducting homopolar dc machine
 表面效應船 surface effect ship (ses)
 平板 surface table
 表面氈 surfacing mat (sm)
 檢驗 survey
 檢測計(核能) survey meter
 航海船速,營運船速 sustained (or sea, or service) speed
 分段開關 section switch
 按捺開關 snap switch
 開關裝置 switch gear
 抗振強度 shock strength
 蕭氏反跳硬度計 shore scleroscope
 舷邊裝甲 side armour
 側肋骨 side frame
 側甲板室 side house
 船側外板列 side plating
 邊撐柱 side shore
 方向標(磁羅經) sight vane (or azimath sight)
 [舵]軸兼[舵]柱型舵 simplex rudder
 單線系統 single wire system
 骨架 skeleton
 空架肋骨 skeleton (or open) floor
 草圖 sketch drawing
 歪斜齒輪 skew bevel gear
 軟木板 slab cork
 波擊應力 slamming stresses
 槽縫 slit
 槽 slot
 槽焊 slot weld
 煙管 smoke tube
 插座,承座,燈座 socket
 軟焊 soft soldering
 實心 solid core
 溶劑 solvent
 測深[錘]索 sounding line
 原始程式(電算) source program
 後縱帆桁(帆船) spanker boom
 飛火花試驗 sparkover test
 浮圓柱型鑽油船 spar type drilling ring
 比濕度 specific humidity
 速率控制 speed control
 大釘,道釘 spike
 桅箍 spinder band
 編結 splice
 分離式暖氣 split heating
 單點系泊系統 spm (= single point mooring system)
 聚光燈 spot light
 橫止滑木(下水台) spread shore
 彈簧緩衝器 spring buffer
 斜槓帆 spritsail
 正齒輪 spur wheel
 搖滾穩定 stabilization of roll
 級圖解效率 stage diagram efficiency
 不篩 stainless (or rustless) steel
 標準壓力 standard pressure
 備便,備用 stand by
 靜索 standing rigging
 起動伺服馬達 starting servo-motor
 起動閥 starting valve
 螺鏇牽條 screwed stay
 支索接頭 stay connection
 蒸氣溫度控制 stc (= steam temperature control)
 穩流 steady flow
 固定索 steady line
 過熱蒸汽 superheated steam
 汽櫃 steam chest
 產汽率 steam generating rate
 蒸汽產生器 steam generator (sg)
 蒸汽負荷 steam load
 蒸汽散熱器 steam radiator
 鋼[裝]甲 steel armour
 鋼鑄件 steel casting
 駕駛羅經 steering compass
 方形艏柱 square stem
 降[壓]變壓器 step-down transformer
 階式艇殼(滑航艇) stepped hull
 艉段結構 stern construction
 艉軸套條材 stern tube bearing strips
 服務生 steward
 加強側 stiffening side
 停止閥 stop valve
 貯藏室,倉庫,儲存(電算) storage
 貯藏櫃 storage tank
 平行銷 straight (or parallel) pin
 舷側厚板列 sheer strake
 結構強度 structural strength
 強度吃水 strength draft (or draught)
 應力疲勞 stress fatigue
 應力增強係數 stress intensity factor
 應力變化範圍 stress range
 拉伸試驗 stretching test
 次空泡螺槳 subcavitating propeller
 潛駁型鑽油船 submerged barge type drilling rig
 吸入箱 suction box
 蘇彝士運河噸位證書 suez canal tonnage certificate
 超空蝕螺槳 supercavitating propeller
 增壓鼓風機 supercharging blower
 供給管,給水管 supply pipe
 撐柱(鑽油船) support column
 特別檢驗 special survey
 後續檢驗 subsequent survey
 型鐵砧,花砧 swage block
 制水板 swash (or wash) plate
 同調,同步 synchronization
 同步縱搖 synchronous pitching
 合成燃料 synthetic fuel (or synfuel)
 蒸汽表 steam table
 舷側艙口 side port
 舷[側圓]窗 side scuttle
 側加強肋 side stringer
 音響信號 sound signal
 銀合金硬焊 silver-alloy brazing
 銀焊料 silver solder
 單缸機 single cylinder engine
 單層甲板船 single-deck vessel
 單頭鍋爐 single-ended boiler
 單脹式機 single expansion engine
 單流 single flow
 單線螺鏇齒輪 single helical gear
 單腳螺槳架 single-leg propeller strut
 單行鉚接 single riveted joint
 單面剪 single shear
 單u形[焊]槽 single-u groove
 深水泵,沉入式泵 sinking (or submerged) pump
 舷門裝卸機 siporter
 副內龍骨 sister keelson
 渣綿 slag wool
 [吊桿]迴旋絞車 slewing winch
 滑閥箱 slide valve box
 滑閥箱 slide valve casing (or chest, or box)
 滑閥桿 slide valve spindle (or rod)
 逆流 slip back
 滑鉤 slip hook
 滑流比 slip ratio
 開槽機,裁片機 slitting machine
 防煙面具 smoke mask
 軟迫緊 soft packing
 軟焊料 solder
 烙鐵頭 soldering bit
 整體鑄件 solid casting
 防音門 sound proof door
 隔片,間隔物 spacer
 玻璃纖維 span glass (or glass fiber)
 跨距點 span point
 備用機器 spare machine
 點火分配器 spark distributor
 火花[間]隙 spark gap
 慢乾性清漆 spar varnish
 比轉矩 specific torque
 主機降額最大連續出力 specified mcr
 變速裝置 speed change gear
 銅鋅硬焊料 spelter solder
 防濺板 splash board
 木條曲線 spline curve
 分散性處理 sporadic process
 彈簧床墊 spring mattress
 鏟形罐座 spud can base
 [船長]等分線 square (or vertical) station
 艉坐 squatting
 穩定柱(鑽油船) stability column
 穩定鰭 stabilizer fin
 堆積負荷(貨櫃) stack load
 有色玻璃 stained glass
 移動板柱,防 shifting board
 星角接法 star-delta connection
 起動台 starting platform
 靜壓力 static pressure
 穩態潛變 steady-state creep
 汽力驅動 steam drive
 貯汽器 steam reservoir
 蒸汽試驗 steam test
 蒸汽渦輪機 steam turbine
 薄鋼板,鋼皮,鋼片 sheet steel
 踏板 step
 方形艉 square stern
 艉柱 stern post
 勁度法 stiffness method
 風暴扶手 storm rail
 前後平行木甲板 straight deck
 應變集中因子 strain concentration factor
 流線,中錨索 stream line
 拉張應力 stretching stress
 殘油泵,收艙泵 stripping pump
 結構詳化基準(電算) structural detailing criteria
 眼板箱,過濾箱 strum (or rose) box
 螺樁,無頭螺栓 stud bolt
 柱焊,嵌柱焊接 stud welding
 潛體 submerged body
 蘇彝士運河舵 suez canal rudder
 雜物室 sundry space
 過熱蒸汽 superheated steam
 補充[給水]閥 supplementary (or extra) feed (or make-up) valve
 表面缺陷 surface defect
 表面摩擦 surface friction
 表面檢查 surface inspection
 面片 surface patch
 間隔檢驗 survey at interval
 制水艙壁 swash bulkhead
 轉環 swivel
 合成樹脂 synthetic resin
 系統程式 system program
 有義波周期 significant wave period
 淤泥 silt
 單嘴噴霧器 simplex nozzle atomizer
 單腳書桌 single pedestal desk
 單極雙投開關 single-pole double-throw switch
 單索絞機 single purchase winch
 單級壓縮機 single stage compressor
 水槽,縮流,匯流(流體力學) sink
 天窗格柵 skylight grating
 第三層帆 skysail
 假龍骨 slab (or false) keel
 大錘 sledge hammer
 滑動接合 slide joint
 滑動式凸輪系統 sliding cam shaft system
 鑽管夾持器(鑽油船) slips
 填料焊接 slugging
 泥漿 slurry
 泄氣閥 snifting valve
 軟木 soft wood
 穢水管彎頭 soil pipe elbow
 軟焊 soft soldering
 壓接型接頭 solderless terminal
 整體曲柄 solid crank
 拉制管 solid drawn tube
 無[空]氣噴射 solid (or airless) injection
 測音器 sound detector
 扳手 spanner
 間距保護條 spar ceiling (or sparring)
 焊濺物 spatter
 焊濺率 spattering percentage
 特殊貿易客船 special trade passenger ship
 定壓比熱 specific heat at constant pressure
 眼鏡型軸托架 spectacle type shaft bracket
 變速圓錐,塔輪,船速指標 speed cone
 增速器 speed increaser
 防彈艙壁 splinter bulkhead
 輪輻 spoke
 擋浪板 spray strake
 擋浪條 spray strip
 彈簧能量 spring capacity
 船舷突出斜梁 spur beam
 擋浪板 spurn water
 穩度手冊 stability booklet
 可變翼面穩定法 stabilization by variable surface
 迭模(鑄造) stack mold
 級內[部]效率 stage internal efficiency
 交錯排列 stagger (or zigzag) arrangement
 附梯艙口柱 step stanchion
 台,架,鑽管組段(鑽油船) stand
 標準船況,標準狀況 standard condition
 固定台(下水) standing (or fixed, or ground) way
 肘釘 staple (or dog)
 起動空氣閥 starting air valve
 起動機 starting engine
 起動渦流 starting vortex
 靜穩度曲線 statical stability curve
 靜力試驗 static test
 二次蓄電池 stationary accumulator battery
 固定引擎 stationary engine
 分段固定器 station jig
 [法定]哩(呎) statute mile
 穩態 steady state
 竊板 stealer plate
 蒸汽退火 steam annealing
 汽力推動船 steam driven vessel
 巡航半徑 steaming range (or cruising radius)
 蒸汽噴嘴 steam nozzle
 蒸汽灶 steam oven
 容汽器 steam receiver
 蒸汽渦輪發電機 steam turbogenerator
 鋼 steel
 鋼捲尺 steel tape
 陡度,傾斜度(波浪) steepness
 舵機艙 steering engine (or gear) room
 操舵裝置 steering gear
 操舵室,駕駛室 steering room (or wheel house)
 舵輪 steering wheel
 艏材,艏柱,艏 stem
 級輪,塔輪 stepped drum
 艉軸套壓蓋 stern gland
 艉軸 stern shaft
 高穩度船 stiff vessel (or bottom heavy ship)
 抽水馬桶,凳,墊 stool
 停止鏇塞 stop cock
 剪應力 shearing stress
 應力腐蝕 stress corrosion
 舷緣角材 stringer angle
 潛水減壓室 submersible decompression chamber (sdc)
 次瞬時阻抗 subtransient impedance
 夏期吃水標 summer draft mark
 低艉主甲板 sunken quarter deck
 送風機 supply ventilating fan
 表面粗糙度 surface roughness
 水面滑行艇 surface skimmer
 船醫 surgeon
 轉環 swivel piece
 對稱法 symmetric method
 平台,板條 slab
 枕木 sleeper
 套筒閥 sleeve valve
 通火棒 slice bar (or fire slice)
 吊索,吊鏈 sling
 制輪具,滑塊 slipper
 滑環 slip ring
 微量降伏 small scale yielding
 煙管火警系統 smoke pipe fire alarm system
 皂沫試漏 soap test
 軟焊料 soft solder
 電磁閥 solenoid valve
 實[心]鍛件 solid forging
 測深管 sounding pipe
 板條椅 sparred seat
 特種鋼 special steel
 海況波譜 spectrum of sea state
 速率,船速,[主機]轉速 speed
 航海船速,營運船速 service speed
 減速 speed reduction
 球形容載櫃(lng船) spherical containment tank
 蝸線,螺鏇,蝸鏇 spiral
 蝸鏇試驗 spiral test
 傾斜,延展 splay (or taper)
 栓槽軸 spline shaft
 船舷突出梁 sponson beam