
invaluable, valueless

invaluable a.無價的,非常寶貴的,相當於priceless。

your help in moving the big refrigerator was invaluable.你幫忙搬那個大冰櫃,你的幫助是可貴的。

valueless a.沒有價值的,相當於worthless。

that bracelet is a cheap, valueless piece of jewelry.那個手鐲是一件便宜的、不值錢的首飾。

jealous, envious

jealous a.妒忌的,暗含有憎惡與不好的感情。

he gets jealous when other man talks to his girlfriend.當別的男人和他的女朋友說話時間],他會很嫉妒。

envious a.羨慕的,強調攀比心理所造成的羨慕。

he is envious of my new car and wants one like it.他很羨慕我的新車,也想要一輛同樣的。

judicial, judicious


judicial a.司法的,法律的,法庭的。

the judicial system settles arguments between people.司法系統解決人與人之間的爭端。

judicious a.果斷的,明智的,是個正式用語。

he made a judicious decision to save money for his old age.他做了一個明智的決定,要為他的晚年攢錢。

minor, inferior, secondary, subordinate


minor a較少的,較小的,較次要的,常含有輕微的但並非不重要的意思。

we agreed on everything in the contract, even minor points.我們對契約中的一切問題,甚至是細枝末節都達成了一致。

inferior a.次等的,較劣的,差的,當"下級"講時,強調職位的高低;當"次等"講時,指素質、質量等的低劣。

most wine from switzerland is inferior to wine from france.產於瑞士的葡萄酒多數要比法國的差。

secondary a.第二等的,次要的,強調在重要性或順序上處於第二位。

my job is of secondary importance to my health.我的工作比起身體來說不那么重要。

subordinate a.次要的,從屬的,下級的,強調主次地位或支配和隸屬的關係。

he was always friendly to his subordinate officers.她對下級官員一向和藹可親。

opt, apt


opt v.選擇,抉擇,後接for。

she opted for a winter vacation, instead of one in summer.她選擇了在冬天休假而不是夏天。

apt a.易於……的,(後接to);恰當的,貼切的。

she is apt to make mistakes if you pressure her too much.如果你給她施加的壓力過大,她就很容易出錯。

rational, reasonable

rational a.理性的,區別於無理性;理智的,區別於感情用事的。

the rational thing to do was to take the sick man to a doctor.理智的做法是送病人去看醫生。

reasonable a.有道理的,公平合理的,或指人講道理的。

that man works very hard, so it is reasonable for him to ask for more money.那個人工作努力,所以他要求加薪是合情合理的。

refrain, restrain, constrain

refrain v.抑制,禁止,強調抑制一種衝動,是正式用語,為不及物動詞,後接介詞from。

students refrain from smoking in the classroom.學生們克制住不在教師抽菸。

restrain v.抑制,約束,指通過管束阻止某事發生,是及物動詞,其習慣用法是restrain sb. (sth.) from doing。

she restrains her dog by walking him on a leash.溜狗時,她牽著狗來限制它的活動。

constrain v.強迫,力勸,是及物動詞。

a law constrains the government from spending more money than it takes in.法律限制政府開支大於收入。

respectable, respectful, respective


respectable a.值得尊敬的,有好名聲的。

they are respectable people who are liked and trusted in their town.他們在家鄉是受人們敬愛和信任的人。

respectful a.尊敬他人的,恭敬的。

students and teachers should have a respectful attitude toward each other.師生應該相互彬彬有禮。

respective a.單個的,分別的。