
this book is about security for computing systems,not banks.consider the security differences between computing systems and banks.
  •   size and portability.the physical devices in computing are so small that a thousand dollars of computing gear will fit comfortably in a briefcase,and ten thousand dollars’ worth can be carried comfortably in two arms.
  •   ability to avoid physical contact.electronic funds transfers account for most transfers of money between banks.for example,private companies pay employees by direct computer transfer instead of check.utilities,insurance companies,and mortgage companies automatically process deductions against their clients’bank accounts.customers can even bank at home,moving funds between accounts and arranging withdrawals by touch-tone phone access to a computer.
  •   value of assets.the value of the information stored in a computer is also high.some computers contain confidential information about a person’s taxes,investments,medical history,or education.other computers contain very sensitive information about new product lines,sales figures,marketing strategy,or military targets,troop movements,weapons capabilities and so forth.
in terms of security,computing is very close to the v,ild wept days.at some installations,computers and their data have been recognized as a valuable and vulnerable resource,and appropriate protection has been applied.other installations are dangerously deficient in their security measures.but,unlike the“wild west”bankers,some computing professionals and managers do not even recognize the value of the resources they use or control.
worse yet,in the even of a crime,some companies will not investigate or prosecute,for fear that it will damage their public image.for example,would you feel safe depositing your money in a bank that had just suffered a five million dollar loss through computer embezzlement?[1]
criminal investigation and prosecution are hindered by statutes that do not recognize electromagnetic signals as property.the new、media have recently pictured computer intrusion by teenagers as pranks no more serious than tipping over an outhouse.
obviously,security in computing is a very important issue.it is an area that deserves study by computer professionals,managers,and even many computer users.


security 安全(性)
alarm system 報警系統
portability  可攜帶性,可移植性
intrusion  入侵 


fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases.
(1)electronic funds transfers are able to avoid___with money.
(2)private companies pay employees by___.
(3)at some installations,___have been recognized as a valuable and vulnerable resource.
(4)because electromagnetic signals are not recognized as properly,___are hindered.
(5)___is an area that deserves study by computer professionals,managers,and even many computer users.
(6)size of notebook computer is very___.
(7)the value of the information stored in a computer is___.
  a.security in computing
  b.direct computer transfer
  c.criminal investigation and prosecution
  e.physical contact
  f.computers and their data


•   規模和可攜帶性。計算機中各個部件都太小,上千美元的設備很容易裝入公文包,上萬美元的機器兩臂一抱就可以拿走。
•   可以避免人的接觸。銀行之間大多採用電子資金轉賬。例如,私人公司直接用計算機轉賬付給雇員工資而不用支票。公用事業公司、保險公司和抵押公司自動在他們的客戶銀行賬戶上扣除金額。客戶甚至可以在家裡“上”銀行,即通過按鍵電話操縱計算機將其資金在兩個賬戶之間轉移或取款。
•   資產價值。存儲在計算機中的信息,價值也很高。某些計算機中保存有關個人稅務、投資、病歷或受教育等情況的機密信息;而另外一些計算機中保存有關新產品系列、銷售數字、市場策略或軍事目標、部隊換防、武器性能等非常敏感的信息。