
price / trade terms價格/貿易術語
total amount總價/值
unit price單價
icc: international chamber of commerce國際商會

the language of foreign trade對外貿易的語言
incoterms 2000 2000年國際貿易術語解釋通則
incoterms: international commercial terms國際商業術語
costs, risks and responsibilities費用、風險和責任
china chamber of international commerce: ccoic中國國際商會

critical points關鍵點
point for division of risks / costs費用/風險劃分點
point of delivery交貨點
ship’s rail船舷
arrival contract到貨契約

shipment contract裝運契約
single mode of transport單式運輸
multi-modal transport / combined transport多式聯運
us$300 per m / t cif new york每公噸300美元,cif紐約
cost of production生產成本

fixed costs固定成本
variable costs可變成本
invoice value發票價值
nit 6 delivery of goods
time of delivery交貨時間

constructive delivery推定交貨
actual delivery實際交貨
symbolic delivery象徵性交貨

china ports中國港口
e.m.p.: european main ports歐洲主要港口
liner transport班輪運輸
charter transport租船運輸
voyage / trip charter定程租船

time charter定期租船
weight ton重量噸
measurement ton尺碼噸
port congestion surcharge港口擁擠附加費
charter party租船契約

dispatch money速譴費
air waybill航空運單
lcl: less than container load拼箱貨
fcl: full container load整箱貨

ocean bill of lading海運提單
varieties of b/l:
a on board b/l; shipped b/l已裝船提單
b received for shipment b/l備運提單/收訖待運提單
c clean b/l清潔提單

d unclean / foul b/l不清潔提單
e straight b/l記名提單/收貨人抬頭提單
f bearer b/l不記名提單/來人抬頭提單
g order b/l指示提單
h direct b/l直達提單

i transshipment b/l轉船提單
j through b/l聯運提單
k liner b/l班輪提單
l charter party b/l租船提單
m long form b/l全/繁式提單

n short form b/l略/簡式提單
o original b/l正本提單
p copy b/l副本提單
q stale b/l過期提單
r on deck b/l甲板/艙面提單

land –bridge transport大陸橋運輸