


give up 服輸 服軟 把手


formal 這是老朋友的聚會,你的態度太正式了。--〉舉止太拘謹/太矜持

betray 你的表情就已背叛了你。--〉你的神色就不對頭/你的神色已經使你露出了馬腳

confusion betrays the guilty. 神色慌張必有鬼。

responsible for 該組織在電話里聲稱,它對某某大樓的爆炸事件負責。--〉。。。聲稱。。。事件系該組織所為/。。。是該組織乾的。

personalize 打上個人的印記 塗上個人的色彩

prefer…to…/prefer…rather than… 我寧願喝茶而不喝可口可樂/比起可口可樂來我寧願喝茶。--〉茶比可口可樂更對我的口味/游泳比高爾夫更合他的興趣/某某比某某更為他所喜歡。


it was a cold winter day. 冬天,一個寒冷的日子(拆句譯法)/ 這是一個寒冷的冬日。


《失去的地平線》中“for ‘te deum laudamus’ and ‘om mane padame hum’ were now heard equally in the temples of the vally.” te deum是拉丁文,是基督教的感恩讚美詩或讚美詩的音樂;‘om mane padame hum’是喇嘛教的“六字真言”, “唵嚤呢叭咪哞”是它的音譯,舊小說《濟公傳》里就有。(據說許多藏民念訛了,念成了“麻柳邊邊紅”更是無從索解了).它是梵文音譯:“唵”是讚嘆詞,“嚤呢”與“叭咪”分別為“寶珠”和“蓮花”之意,“哞”是禱告詞的結尾語,類似基督教的“阿門”。原意只是“讚美蓮花中的寶珠”(即觀世音),並無其他奧妙佛理,就像漢族和尚念的“南無阿彌陀佛”一樣,只是向菩薩表示頂禮膜拜而已。




讀《紅樓夢》楊戴合譯本和大衛霍克斯(david hawkes)譯本。中英對照,領悟不同表述,比較其高低優良。

美聯社請其高級編輯寫了一本好新聞寫作指南叫《詞》(the word)。




president talks up visit down under 胡主席高度評價澳洲之行

down under 澳大利亞

what he says can be taken as coming from horse’s mouth. 可以認為他說的話是可靠的。

the policies of western countries are like ducks in a row. 西方國家的政策是一致的。

they could throw everything but the kitchen sink. 他們可以使用可以使用的一切武器。



veto (否決):聯合國五個常任理事國擁有否決權。15個理事國中,有14個投贊成票而一個常任理事國投反對票,議案就通不過。這是否決權。一國的國會或者議會通過一個議案,如果總統不同意,不簽字,就否決了,這是否決權。如國會或議會多數票反對一個議案,議案沒有通過,不能說國會或者議會“否決”了這個議案,因為國會或者議會沒有否決權,只能說國會或者議會“否定”了這個議案。所以把“否決”和“否定”混淆是不對的。


his/my/your name is mud. 他[我, 你]聲名受影響; 不為別人所喜; 倒霉。

origin: as for "his name is mud," there's an old story that the expression derives from dr. samuel mudd, who unwisely took pity on abraham lincoln's assassin, john wilkes booth. mudd treated the broken ankle booth suffered in his leap to the stage of ford's theater; for his trouble, he was sentenced to life in a federal prison. but mudd isn't being commemmorated in "his name is mud." the phrase first appeared in print in 1820, 45 years before lincoln's assassination. it probably originates in another obscure bit of english slang--"mud" was an eighteenth century equivalent of our "dope" or "dolt" and was used through the nineteenth century by union workers as a rough equivalent of "scab."

idioms-mud: his name is mud

interviewer: david kilby

wednesday, 13 february  2002

'mud:his name is mud'

on april 14, 1865 abraham lincoln, president of the united states of america, was shot in washington theatre. the man responsible , john wilkes booth,broke his leg while jumping from the presidents box to the stage below to make his escape. booth had a horse waiting behind the theatre and galloped out into the countryside where he sought medical attention from a country doctor ignorant of events in the capital.

the next day news of the presidents death reached dr samuel mudd, who remembered the man he had treated the previous day and hastened to inform the police. but in spite of his prompt and dutiful action, the doctor himself was arrested and charged with being a conspirator. although innocent, he was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

in 1869 dr mudd was pardoned and released by president johnson in recognition for his help an outbreak of yellow fever at the prison, but public hatred of booth and anyone who was connected with him was so intense that dr mudd was never forgiven and his name came to be used to refer to any scoundrel or wrongdoer. later generations suffered for bearing the name of mudd and it was not until the 1970's that dr mudd's name was finally declared and the family name clearde.

usage: in the popular mind, all association with dr mudd are lost and so is the spelling mudd. the only form used today is mud-quite appropriately, given its meaning of 'dirty, wet earth'.

taken from the website world wide words

slang origins can be heard daily on the breakfast show with david kilby at 6:15am.

date published: 13/02/2002


blue-eyed: 表示天真

twilight struggle: 戰線不分明的鬥爭

