
i can't for the life of me remember all these. 打死我也記不住所有這些東西。


i can't for the life of me understand why everybody is calling this "art". it's a bunch of crap, if you ask me. 我怎么也想不通為什麼大家都說這是藝術,根本就是扯淡嘛!

類似的表達方式還有 can't do something to save oneself,一般翻譯為“根本不會做某事”這樣的意思。如:

if mary is the host, we'd better bring a lot of food. she can't cook to save herself.


在這個基礎上還衍生出一個比較有意思的短語,can't do something to save the world 表達的是同樣的意思。


my job is exhausting. i'm dying for vacation. 我的工作太累人了,真想有個假期啊。

瞧,這裡的"dying for"就是表達極度渴望的意思。

還有“break a leg”這個短語,別真以為是斷了一條腿喔,它可是美國人很喜歡用的祝福語,意思等同於 good luck! 如:

a: i have a job interview tomorrow. 我明天有個面試。

b: break a leg! 祝你好運!