
have you any experience with a computer?你有使用電腦的經驗嗎?

do you use a computer?你會操作電腦嗎?

can you take shorthand?你會速記嗎?

can you dictate?你會筆錄嗎?

how are your typing skills?你打字技巧如何?

did any of your previous positions require typing?你以前的職務中有沒有需要打字的?

i have approximately three years experience using a com-puter.我有大約三年操作電腦的經驗。

i type 65 words per minute.我每分鐘打65個字。

i've been typing for a good many years.我打字已多年了。

i've learned shorthand but have no experience.我學過速記,但沒有經驗。

yes,ma’am.i can take dictation.是的,女士,我會筆錄。

which computer software do you know?你懂得哪些電腦軟體程式?

page maker and microsoft word.電腦排及word文字系統軟體。

can you drive?你會開車嗎?

i have a driver's license我有駕駛執照。

what certificates of technical qualifications have you obtained?你有何種技術資格證書?

i've receive a business english certificate.我有商務英語證書。

i've got an associate professor's qualification certificate.我獲得了副教授資格證書。