
what kind of personality do you think you have?你認為你具有哪種性格?

i'm quite active and energetic.i approach things enthusiastically and i don't like leaving things half done.我積極而充滿活力。我熱誠對待每件事,不喜歡半途而廢。

do you think you are introverted or extroverted?你認為你性格內向還是外向?

i am quite outgoing,i think.我認為我很外向。

i wouldn't call myself introverted though sometimes i'm reserved and enjoy staying all by myself,often and often i like sharing activities with others.我不算內向,儘管有時我沉默寡言,喜歡獨處,但我經常和大家在一起活動。

what kind of person do you think you are?你認為你是哪類人?

what kind of people do you like to work with?你最喜歡和哪類人合作?

what kind of people you find difficult to work with?你覺得和哪類人合作最困難?

how do you get along with others?你與別人相處關係如何?

i keep close contacts with my friends.我和我的朋友經常聯絡。

we often get together and talk with each other?我們經常聚在一起交談。

wherever i meet with difficulties,they are always ready to lend me a hand.只要我遇到困難,他們總是願意伸出援助之手。

i like to work with people who are honest,dedicate to their work and have integrity.我喜歡和誠實、對工作投入、為人正直的人一起工作。

what do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy?你認為對你來說幸福最重要的是什麼?

i maintain that the most important thing is having good friends.我認為最重要的是有好朋友。

for me,this would be having good relationship with my family members.對我來說,最重要的是保持家庭成員的良好關係。

what basic principles do you apply to your life?你在生活中的基本原則是什麼?

i try to keep to a regular schedule every day.我每天努力遵守有規律的作息安排。