
i: have you applied with any other companies?

a: no, this is my first.

i: is there anything you want to ask about?

a: i like to be an overseas tour guide someday. would there ever be any chance of that?

i: certainly. there will be a good chance of that if you work for this company. not right away, of course, but in a few years, after you learn more about our business, you may go overseas with a tour group. any questions?

a: yes. when can i get the decision? i hope you can give me a definite answer as soon as possible. if i turned down, i ll have to secure a position elsewhere.

i: all right, then. we抣l get in touch with you within a week. thank you for coming today, mr. sun.

a: thank you. good-bye.

i: good-bye.

i: 你當過導遊嗎?

a: 我有一點經驗。去年我帶領一些外國旅客在北京觀光,那是份兼職工作。我帶領他們去了長城、故宮和頤和園。

i: 那你可能知道這是份辛苦的工作。

a: 是的,我知道。我有一個朋友是導遊。他跟我談過他的工作,但我不介意工作辛苦。

i: 你向其它公司申請過嗎?

a: 沒有,這是第一次。

i: 你有什麼事情想問嗎?

a: 我希望有天能做國際導遊。將來我會有這樣的機會嗎?

i: 當然有。如果你在這家公司工作,就會有好機會。當然不是馬上就有,但是往後幾年,在你學到更多本公司的業務後,你就可以帶團去國外了。還有什麼問題嗎?

a: 喔,我何時能知道你們的決定呢?我希望您能儘快給我一個明確的答覆。如果我被拒絕了,我還得去別的地方找工作。

i: 好,我在一周之內會與你聯絡。謝謝你過來,孫先生。


i: 再見。

dialogue 3

a: excuse me, i am sunlin. i am here about your advertisement for a tourist guide. are there still any vacancies?

i: yes. one more is needed.

a: oh, i am so lucky. i want to apply for it.

i: but do you have any experience like that?

a: yes. i have been a guide for two years.

i: ok. then i want to ask you some questions about the tourist guide. if there was an accident, for example a tourist falls ill, what would you do?

a: i think i will call the office to send someone to meet us, and escort that person to the nearest hospital without interrupting our trip.

i: if one of them forgot a camera in a restaurant, would you let the tourist bus go back?

a: no. in fact, prior to their boarding the bus and their getting off the bus, i will make an announcement to remind them that they should check their belongings.

i: well, it seems that you have all the practical experience to handle these cases. i am very glad to welcome you into our company.

a: thank you. it's my honor.

a: 你好,我是孫林。我是為貴公司登的招聘導遊的廣告而來,還有空缺嗎?

i: 有,還需要一名。

a: 喔,我太幸運了。我想申請這個職位。

i: 但你有那方面的經驗嗎?

a: 有,我當過兩年的導遊。

i: 好,我想問你幾個有關導遊的問題。如果出現了意外,比如一個旅遊者病倒了,你該怎么辦?

a: 我想我會打電話叫公司派人來接應我們,護送那個人到最近的醫院,不至於打亂我們的旅行計畫。

i: 如果有人把相機落在了飯店,你會讓旅遊車返回去嗎?

a: 不會的。實際上,在他們上車和下車之前,我都會提醒他們檢查他們的物品。

i: 那好,看來你有處理這方面事情的所有實際經驗。我非常歡迎你來我們公司。

a: 謝謝,這也是我的榮幸。