
a:when i was a student,english happened to be my favorite subject.after graduation.i went on studying spoken english in my spare time.

i:i see.do you think if there is still any room for improvement in your spoken english?

a:sure,i do think so.but as the old saying goes“where there is a will,there is a way.”i'll do my best to improve my spoken english.

i:well,that's a good answer.can you tell me why you want to leave your present post?

a:i'm desirous of leaving my present employer simply because i see no chance of advancement.

i:do you want to work here because you can speak english?

a:no,not just because i can speak english.what i really want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management from foreign staff members.

i:we believe you would be able to do the job very well.but as you know,we have dozens of applicants to be answered.we can't reach a final decision until we talked to all applicants being asked to come here.

a:when can i know whether i'm accepted or not?

i:i think we'll send you a letter by early next month if you are wanted.

a:i see.thank you for your talking with me.

i:thank you,mr zhao,for your interest in our hotel.good luck to you.

a:thank you.


1.yes,i came about your advertisement for…

是的,我是來應聘……廣告的職位的。這裡用 came過去時多,用have come現在完成時少。雖然是剛剛來到,但come這一動作已結束,所以用過去式。

2.but as the old saying goes“where there is a will,the is a way.i'll do my best to improve my spoken english.


3.i'm desirous of leaving my present employer simply because i see no chance of advancement.


4.but as you know,we have dozens of applicants to be answered.


5.we can't reach a final decision until we talked to all applicants being asked to come here.


6.when can i know whether i'm accepted or not?


7.…if you are wanted.


8.good luck to you.


words and expressions

receptionist n.接待員

occupational a.職業的

occupational school 職業學校

spare a.空閒的

five-star-grade 為複合詞,五星級的

a three-thousand-word article 一篇三千字的文章

the eighth five-year plan 第八個五年計畫

reputation n.聲譽,聲望

of good reputation 有名望的