

another requirement is comfort with rapid change and initiatives that move at the speed of the internet.


future workers will learn a wide array of skills from strategic planning and hiring to computer programming and design and will be expected to constantly upgrade those skills.


employees of all ages and levels will contribute creative thinking and operational excellence to projects. gatekeepers and paper pushers will no longer exist.

做好準備  prepare for the years ahead


if you're sitting in a cube, doing your work the way you've always done it, how can you prepare to have a viable career in 2025?


in addition to honing your technical knowledge and functional expertise in areas like customer service, you should brainstorm ways to position yourself well in the future marketplace

--一定要未雨綢繆。  -- before you have to.


"instead of blindly doing what you're told, get in the habit of taking action that invites people to pay attention,"


says mr. godin. "make changes to the organization that will benefit the customer, and you'll be the go-to person today and tomorrow."


for the under-40 set, a leadership-development course or two will be helpful, too.


starting in this decade, the baby boomers' retirement will leave a gaping hole in the executive ranks,


and there will be opportunities for members of generations x and y to take on greater responsibilities.面試口語範文節選!