

5.yes,mostly office work and sometimes running errands.


6.well,not exactly.but i have shown some of my foreign teachers around guangzhou and the pear river delta as well.


7.once in a while we’11 organize the members of this club to sightsee around guangzhou and the pearl river delta and i would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them to go sightseeing when there is not much to do in the office.


words and expressions

administrator n.行政官員,管理官員

office administrator 辦公室主任

first of all 首先

admit v.允許進入,錄取

be admitted into 被…錄取

etiquette n.禮儀,格式

stenography  n.速記法

pad n.便箋簿

regent  n.攝政王

sixteen regent street  攝政街16號

facsimile  machine  傳真機

photostat  n.v.複印,複印機

errand n.差使,使命

run errands 出差,跑腿

go an errand 出差,跑腿英語面試口語範文節選!