

5.such as paper money,coins,checks,money orders,bank deposits and so on.


6.as a rule,we should control the handling and recording of cash.cash should be handled separately from the recording of cash transactions so that errors can be readily disclosed and the possibility of irregularities is reduced.


7.how does it work,then?


8.that means cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank,and major payments are made by check and an imprest fund is used for petty cash disbursements.


9.so you mean that we can have a double record of cash transactions.


words and expressions

balance sheet  n.資產負債(平衡)表

常見的其他報表還有 financial statement(財務報表), income statement(收益表)等。

assets  n.資產

流動資產為 current assets

固定資產為 fix assets

流動資金可包括現金(cash)、應付賬款(accounts receivable)、預付保險金(prepaid insurance)、在用物料(supplies on hand)等。

liabilities n.負債  流動負債為 current liability,它可以包括應付票據(notes payable)、應付賬款(accounts payable)、應付未付工資(accrued salaries payable)等項。

owner's equity  n.所有者權益

cash control n.現金控制

paper money  n.紙幣

coin  n.硬幣

check  n.支票

money order  n.匯票

bank deposit n.銀行存款

handle  v.處理

cash transaction  n.現金交易

irregularity  n.不法行為

cash receipt n.現金收入

imprest  n.預付款  a.預付的,預借的

petty 零用資金

disbursement  n.支付

record keeping  n.簿記英語面試口語範文節選!