
literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art. (wiliam rplph lnge, birtish writer and churchman) 當文學一半成為貿易,一半成為藝術時,那是它最繁榮的時期。(英國作家和牧師 英奇. w.r. )

men trifle with their business and their politics, but they never trifle with their games. (george burnard shaw british dramatist)男人拿生意和政治當兒戲,可是他們玩起來卻從不當兒戲。(英國劇作家 肖伯納 .g.)

necessity never makes a good bagain. (benjamin franklim, american pesident) 急需難買便宜貨。(美國總統富蘭克林 b)

the best cure for the national economy would beeconomy. (ashoey cooper, british novelist)拯救國家經濟的最好辦法就是節約。(英國小說家 庫珀 a)

the trouble with the profit system has always been that is was highly unprofitable to most people. (e.b.white, american writer)利潤制度的最大弊端始終是絕大多數的人是絕對無利可圖的。(美國作家 懷特 e b)
