


i.research & development-researcher-xx年研發部研究員職位校園招聘-beijing-china

(job number: rnd00002197)

the researcher is responsible to use their understanding of science to perform the basic and critical experimental work of day-to-day applied research, including generating and analyzing data. the work is typically "hands on", in a lab, in a plant or pilot plant, at a clinical site, on a computer, or with consumers. these tasks are a vital part of the process of evaluating new hypotheses and formulas/product designs.

in their work, researchers:

· perform established test procedures. become proficient in standard operating procedures and test methods relevant to the job.

· document and summarize experimental data for review and interpretation.

· communicate results or observations to supervisor and other team members, making special note of unexpected results or observations.

· develop an understanding of and ability to use available resources needed to get the job done.

qualifications (xx年本科應屆畢業生)

1. graduates with bachelor degree in xx, in chemistry, life science, chemical engineering, biochemistry, material sciences, mechanical engineering or related field.

2. proficient in written and verbal english with at least cet4 or equivalent qualification.

3. strong technical curiosity and interest to develop personal technical skills.

4. good team-worker, able to communicate well with members of a diverse team.

5. enjoys solving problems.

6. motivated self-starter that enjoys working in a fast-moving team.




1. 選擇以下瀏覽器之一:

(1) internet explorer 7、8或9

(2) firefox 3.6或4.0

(3) safari 3.1、4或5

2. 把瀏覽器設定為關閉彈出視窗阻止程式

方法如下:在工具列選擇: 工具--彈出視窗阻止程式--關閉彈出視窗阻止程式, 或留意瀏覽器右上角的彈出視窗提示,選擇允許視窗彈出


1. 瀏覽寶潔招聘的網站 ;

2. 從寶潔的招聘頁面了解寶潔公司的詳細介紹及應聘程式。

3. 進入招聘頁面後,請點擊頁面右面"apply now"開始申請。然後點擊 "graduates進入;

4. 進入招聘指南頁面,仔細閱讀該指南。請注意指南頁有三頁,請按左下角的"2及3"進行翻頁;

5. 在招聘指南下方,選擇"同意"按鈕,進入下一頁面;

6. 該頁面再次提醒如何填寫姓名及身份證號碼,點擊下方"申請職位"按鈕,進入"job search" 頁面;

7. 進入"job search" 頁面後, 請按以下指引進行職位搜尋:

(1).在"job field"項選擇"all";



(4).在"job number"處輸入"rnd00002197";

(5).點擊" search for jobs" 按鈕。

8. 從搜尋到的職位里找到該職位並雙擊進入

9. 閱讀該職位的描述及要求, 然後點擊 "apply online" 開始申請;

10. 如果您之前沒有申請過我們公司的職位,首先您需要註冊用戶名, 密碼請按照頁面要求自己設定,同時需提供您的email地址; (請注意每人只能用一個email地址註冊,假如我們發現您使用了多於一個地址註冊,則視您的所有申請無效)。