
name: mr. nationality: china

current residence: panyu district national: han

domicile: shantou stature: 172 cm kg

marital status: single age: 21

job search intention and work experience

talent type: graduates

position: part-time teachers, lecturers teaching assistants

job type: all date available: three months later

salary requirements: negotiable desired location: foshan

educational background

graduated: china normal university teachers

highest level of education: bachelor

graduation date :XX -06-01

by major: chinese language and literature


i have an outgoing personality, and his enthusiasm and love to communicate with people, students served as a squad leader, clerical committee and other student positions, have strong organizational skills and sense of responsibility.

childhood love of literature and develop a more solid grounding in the language, has repeatedly been writing competition awards, including first prize in the scene novels; also has good verbal skills, good speech, recitation, hosting, strong communication skills, several times in the language class competitions.

practical experience

1 sophomore during the summer, qingyuan city, shek kwu tong three rural secondary schools teaching weeklong;

2 junior served as speech and communication trainers association for members teach speech knowledge, too one academic year;

3 junior next semester in foshan spark educational institutions do part-time teachers, the last one semester;

4 junior last semester at the university of south pavilion for primary school students to do justice to teach elementary school work too one semester.