

name: sex don't: female

date of birth: - 24 marital status: single

people family: the han nationality political affiliation:

body high: 160 cm body weight: 50 kg

education background

the highest degree: college or graduate school: longevity tv university

graduation time: the XX-01-31 job says:

self evaluation

work experience, familiar with pc operation, good adaptability, serious and responsible work, careful. and accountant from job seniority card, driver's license.

job objective

job: statistician teller finance/accounting assistant position properties: full-time, part-time all can

industry category: other industry monthly salary requirement: negotiable

work areas: to duty time: at any time

work experience

november XX: chongqing f embellish pharmaceutical co., ltd

the company properties: private enterprise by sector: biological/pharmaceutical manufacturing

department: the sales department as a position: sales office director

job description: responsible for: with kingdee login, reviewing the sales accounts; management customer file, monthly reconciliation with customers; payment collection; the sales department daily affairs and personnel management; sales cost and shipping freight to submit an expense account; monthly and inventory controller to goods in stock inventory, etc.

leaving reason: for delivery need department removal, apply for adjustable duty