
name: , nationality: chinese

current location: guangzhou national: han

account location: guangdong province stature: 157 cm 55 kg

marital status: married age: 29 years old

job search intention and wage experience

personnel types: ordinary job

position: hospital / medical / care / beauty care categories: nurse

work experience: job title: junior

job type: full-time reporting for duty - at any time

salary requirements: 1500 - XX hope that the work area: guangzhou

personal experience:

1999.07-XX.06 dongguan changan town, of usha hospital nurses

educational background

graduated: by the city health school

highest level of education: secondary school - 1999-07-01

the professional one: nurses professional two:

education and training experience: 1997-1999 increasing urban health school nurse diploma

language skills

foreign language: english general

mandarin level: good cantonese: excellent

ability to work and other expertise

i qualified for the surgery of the care nurses work in hospital, while familiar with the computer office software.