

name: gender: female

age: 21 height: unknown

marital status: single address: sit

job objective

expect post properties: full-time

expected monthly salary: 1500 ~ XX

expect engaged in post: administrative specialist/assistant, hr specialist/assistant, recruiter/assistant, performance evaluation supervisor/commissioner, clerk/secretary, file manager

expect engaged in industry: computer software/hardware, communication (equipment/operation/value-added services), the internet/electronic business, property management/business center, non-profit organization/industry association

self evaluation

fresh graduates, the manner is careful, the administrative management knowledge have a certain understanding, earnestly is responsible to the work, down-to-earth work attitude is my idea.

able to skillfully use office software and other office software, good communication ability and power of expression

education experience

start-stop years: XX-09-01-XX-06-15

the school name: hunan with german vocational college

professional name: administrative management

degree: college degree

work experience

start-stop date: XX-06-22-XX-08-25

enterprise name: zhejiang thai constant optical co., ltd

in position: clerk