
  first of all, very grateful to his busy schedule you can, take some time to look at my cover letter.

  i was a vocational school胡寅of qian. i have learned clerks professional, is a suitable subject in all the times. i am a man of kind-hearted, broad-minded. i have a strong sense of responsibility and self-confidence. today in the digital age. i have a computer operator and office automation junior certificate intermediate certificate.

  i love writing and the law. has won several national composition contest "excellence award." and a certificate of merit medals. published in books.

i have three magazines in the post as a correspondent. holidays. i have been to two large supermarkets, made cashier,導購員. a certain degree of language competence and ability. this for me is a special asset.

  i sincerely hope that your company can hire me. i can give full play to their platform. i will be more efforts to return unit.