
  1.要堅持實事求是的原則,正確介紹自己。既不要講大話和空話,過高地宣揚自己,也不要過於謙虛,將自己的能力說得平平,這都不利於 自薦 和用人單位的挑選。最好是用成績和事實來代替華而不實的修飾語,恰如其分地介紹自己。

2.要突出重點,有針對性。 自薦 信切忌篇幅過長或過短,長了會使對方厭煩,而短了又說不清問題,並且會給人一種不嚴肅、不認真的感覺。一般說來, 自薦 信以 左右較為合適,要突出重點,有針對性,或針對某一單位的某一人選,或針對某一單位的某一職位,效果會更好。

3.文筆要順暢,跡要工整。 求職信 是用人單位對求職人的一次非正式考核,用人單位可以通過信件了解求職者的語言修辭和文表達能力,可以說, 求職信 是用人單位對求職者取得第一印象的憑證。跡的工整、清潔、美觀,給人以愉悅的感受,可形成良好的印象。相反,如果 求職信 寫得跡潦草,難以辨認,就會給對方留下辦事馬虎草率。敷衍了事的感覺。如果你的寫得不好,最好列印或請人代寫。如果你能寫得一手好,就工工整整地自己寫,並落款"親筆敬上"等樣,這不僅可以給對方以辦事認真負責的印象,也可以


4. 不要引起對方反感。有些求職信雖然文筆通順、跡工整,但對方看起來內心總有些不悅,甚至反感。最常見的問題:一是給對方限定答覆時間,如"敬請某月某日前覆信為勝等,表面上看相當客氣,可是客氣之中卻給對方限定了時間,容易引起反感;二是給對方規定義務,如"盼望獲得貴單位的尊重和考慮"等,好像對方如果不接收你就是不尊重你,這當然是對方難以接受的;三是以上壓下的口氣,如"貴單位總經理(或某級領導)某先生要我直接寫信給你"或"某長很關心我的求職問題,特讓我寫信找你"等,會給人一種"既然如此,何必多此一舉"的感覺,你的求職信很可能就馬上進了廢紙簍;四?quot;吊起來賣",如"現有幾家公司欲聘我,所以請你們從速答覆",這樣往往可能會激怒對方而將求職信直接扔進垃圾箱。



特色自薦信(2) | 返回目錄






特色自薦信(3) | 返回目錄
dear dr. anderson,

mr.li quanzhi who has just returned to china from your university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering a chinese language course to your students in the next academic year and may have an opening for a teacher of the chinese language. i am very much interested in such a position.

i have been teaching chinese literature and composition at college level since 1980. in the past three years, i have worked in summer programs, teaching the chinese language and culture to students from english-speaking courtries. as a result, i got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results.

with years of intensive english training, i have no difficulty conducting classes in english and feel queit comfortable working with american students.

i will be available after february 1998.please fell free to contact me if you wish more information. thank you very much for your consideration and i look forward to hearing from you.

sincerely yours,

shi hongqi

特色自薦信(4) | 返回目錄

dear sir/madam:

thanks very much for taking your valuable time to read my introduction. i graduated from shaoxing yuexiu foreign languages college in june of XX. my major is english and computer.
the life of college is colorful, but also transitory, so in the three years, i did my best to learn more as i can. i got the cet-4 and cet-6 certificates and many certificates about computer, you can see them in my resume. i worked as a abroad salesman for a company in shaoxing in XX, during this time, i made notable achievement for the company. on the other hand, my english made a big progress in every fields, such as speaking and translating.
i think your company can provide suitable work for me, and i am sure i can meet your demand, that’s will benefit both of us. it is my honour to have this chance, if i have the opportunity work for your company, i will do my best.
look forward to your kind indication,
yours sincerely!
hongliang zhang
