

1. warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter.寄上無限的思念和最美好的祝願,你們的女兒。

2. season‘s greetings from xiao li and ming ming.獻上節日的問候上小麗和明明的。

3. a holiday wish from your son tom.寄上佳節的祝福,你們的兒子湯姆。

4. may you have the best season ever.願你過個最愉快的節日。

5. a new year greeting to cheer you from your daughter.願女兒的祝福帶給您歡樂。

6. happy new year to the world‘s best parents!祝世界上最好的父母節日快樂!

7. season‘s greetings to my dearest parents!祝我最親愛的父母節日愉快!

8. mom and dad: thank you for everything this holiday season!爸爸媽媽:值此佳節,感謝您們所給予的一切。

9. i‘ll be home to enjoy this christmas with you.我將回家與你們共度佳節。

10. a present from me is on the way. hope you‘ll like it.寄上一份禮物,希望你們會喜歡。

11. i wish i were home for the holidays.但願我能回家共度佳節。

12. thinking of you at new year‘s time.佳節,我想念你們。

13. best wishes from mark, janet and the kids.馬克、珍妮特和孩子們,謹呈最誠摯的祝福。

14. 狗年未到,祝福先行。狗年期盼你:天天開心“喜羊羊”;事事如意“美羊羊”;工作愉快“懶羊羊”;合家幸福“暖羊羊”,總之願你一切都好狗年喜氣“羊羊”!the year of the sheep not to wish in advance. the year of the sheep look forward to you: happy every day "pleasant goat"; everything "beautiful sheep sheep"; a happy work "lazy"; "she" in happiness, wish you all good sheep year festivity "sheep"!

15. 馬蹄聲聲揚鞭跑,狗年轉眼要來到。先祝狗年身體好,健健康康快樂繞。再祝事業節節高,陽關大道任你挑。還要祝你合家笑,幸福快樂在懷抱。祝你狗年無煩惱!hoofs on the year of the sheep run, going to. first, i wish good health, happy kang kang happy around. then i wish the cause of rising, an even highway as yo ou choose. also wish you a smile, happy in the arms. i wish you a year without trouble!