英語手抄報資料:a dog in the manger

a dog in the manger

因為文化傳統的關係,狗在英語語言中都被當作忠實、可愛、聰敏的象徵,因此與之有關的短語也大多為褒義之詞,但 a dog in the manger 則屬例外。從字面來看,a dog in the manger 是指『馬廄里的狗』,大家可能覺得奇怪了,狗怎么跑到馬廄里去了呢?要解釋清楚這個短語的實際含義,還得追根溯源。


《美國韋氏大詞典》將其解釋為:the dog who would not allow a horse or ox to eat the hay in a manger, even though he himself did not want it. 並且在這一基本意義的基礎上又將該片語引申為:a person who selfishly withholds from others something that he himself can not use or does not need.


don't be such a dog in the manger. lend your bicycle to him since you will not go out this afternoon.