英語手抄報:The Loomploy

Except Tibley. He really didn't belong here... after all... he only sewed one coat. It was for his poor little friend unable. He wondered how he was and longed to be by his side. Heaven was warm and glorious on the outside but it didn't fill the ache and loneliness he felt inside. So with much trepidation one day he approached the Lord. "Lord", he said, in a tiny little voice. "I think that this truly is a beautiful place and truly is heaven for everyone but forgive me because I'm not happy in heaven." Tibley gulped. There he was again not feeling the way he was supposed to and not doing what he was supposed to do. Would the Lord banish him forever from the heaven of warmth and light? The kindest eyes that Tibley had ever seen smiled at him and gently a voice whispered. "And why are you unhappy Tibley?" Tibley gazed back and felt suddenly lost in an ocean of warmth. "Why...Why...I miss my little unable... He needs me. I need him. I want to go back. The Lord again smiled. "Tibley... you can be where you want to be. You have found the truth. Heaven is not a place. It is a state of being, a state of feeling. Never be afraid to love for within you is the true light, the true warmth." And suddenly Tibley did not see the same heaven that everyone else saw. He felt a deep, deep peace and warmth where the ache had been. And beside him instantly the warmth of the touch of his little friend "the unable"... who had been healed.

St. Luke 18:17

Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.

St. Luke 17:21

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.