
【十大熱門中文新鮮詞英漢對照】1. 給力 gelivable;2. 偷菜vegeteal;3. 膠囊公寓 capsule apartment;4. 富二代 the rich second generation 5. 蝸婚 living together apart;6. 團購 group purchase;7. 偽娘 cross-dresser;8. 秒殺 seckilling;9. 裸捐 all-out donation,10. 圍觀 circusee

朋友借錢不還你會怎么辦 俗話說,親兄弟也要明算賬,朋友向你借錢卻遲遲不還,聰明的你,會採取什麼辦法,在不傷害朋友感情的前提下向朋友提起這件事呢?一起來說說吧!how are you going to do when your friend does not pay back the money that he/she owes you?

今天你吃早餐了嗎?減肥的mm們注意了喔!不吃早餐會變胖的,今天早餐你吃了什麼呢? show your breakfast. did you have breakfast today? watch out, girls who are on diet. you might gain weight for not having breakfast. what did you have for breakfast today?

【常見硬體名和設備名】cpu:central processing unit,中央處理;ram:random access memory,“記憶體”; rom:read-only memory,唯讀存儲器;edo:extended data output,擴充數據輸出;cd:compact disc,壓縮光碟,又稱雷射唱盤

【對失戀或單身朋友不該說的話】you were too good for him(他配不上你);i'm glad you got rid of him(我真高興你甩了他)…

【親密體intimate form】英文版肉麻賀卡dear,when you received this card, i still live strong. just remember to confirm your order and alms me a positive feedback, and let us end 2011 in harmony. love you, cherish you! happy new year!

【打撲克中常用到的英語辭彙】big joker 大王;club 梅花 ;cut 倒牌;deal 分牌;diamond 方塊;face cards/court cards 花牌(j、q、k);four of a kind 四張相同的牌;pass 不要、不管;out 不跟

don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. the world owes you nothing. it was here first——別到處跟人抱怨這個世界欠你什麼,這個世界什麼都不欠你的。

【自拍】self-snap/ take self portraits自拍, peace sign/ victory sign 剪刀手,duck face/puckered lips 嘟嘟嘴,i'm horribly camera shy.我很怕照相。you're not that photogenic. 你真的不上相。she knows how to pose for the camera. 她照相時很會擺姿勢。

【中國人最常說的十句“表錯意”的英文】1. 我沒有經驗。i have no experience. 應說:i don’t know much about that;我沒有英文名。2.我的英語不好。my english is poor. 應說:i am not 100% fluent, but at least i am improving

【懷孕”n種委婉表達】she is "expecting".她在“待產”中。;she is "in a delicate condition".她正“懷孕中”。;she is "well-along".她“心滿意足”。;she is about to have a "blessed event".她不久會有“喜事”;she is about to be "in a family way".她不久就要走向“家庭之路”。

今天是新年第一天上班,用一句話來表達您此刻的心情:據說有很多人想轉的——可不可以不上班!!! today is the first day back to work after the chinese new year holidays. what do you feel today? ---can i please not work? that’s what most people want.

大家知道ng是什麼單詞的簡稱嗎?現在要開始揭秘咯!ng就是no good,是演員在拍攝過程中出現失誤或笑場或不能達到最佳效果的鏡頭,現在有些電視劇也用它來做為片尾來吸引觀眾,使大家了解拍攝過程中不為人知的一面(即花絮)。