
諺語精選】①愛人如己。love others as you would yourself. ②玩火自焚。 play with fire and you get burnt. ③英雄所見略同。great minds think alike ④忠言逆耳。good advice is hard to hear. ⑤人比人,氣死人。comparisons are odious.

【談論視力好】①my eyesight is perfect.我的視力很棒。②i have good eyesight.③i have perfect vision.我的視力非常好。④i’ve got 20/20 vision.我的視力很正常。⑤i’ve got eyes like a cat.我的眼睛像貓的一樣。⑥i can see well both day and night.我白天晚上都能看得很清楚。

生活口語】1) is everything ok here?一切都好嗎?2) it is my pleasure to help you out.幫助你是我的榮幸。3) i will take care of it right away。我馬上處理。4) make up your mind!作個決定吧! 5) do something (about it)! /don't just sit there。想想辦法吧!/別老是坐在那裡。

【美劇口語精華】1)i would love to hear your thoughts.我會非常願意聽聽你的看法。 2)i am trying to come to terms with my guilt.我正在嘗試忍受這種負罪感。3)why are you yelling at me?你為什麼沖我喊? 4)i don't know. i'm sorry. i just got a lot on my mind.我不知道,對不起,我腦子太亂了

【銀行用到的句子】11.please fill out this form before sending money. 匯款前先填寫這個表格。12.crumple the slip and throw it away. 把紙條揉皺扔掉。13.you have to pay a service charge.你需要付服務費。14why is there only this much money left in my account?我的賬戶里怎么只剩這么點錢?

[花]the earlier you enter the real world, the greater opportunities you will achieve; the sooner you accept the truth, the sooner you will step into new life. ——你越早接受現實,就會有越大的機遇在等待你;你越早接受這個事實,就能越早踏入新生活。

【美劇中“支持”的表達 】1)you know how blue i’ve been. why can’t you be supportive? 你知道我曾經有多憂鬱,你為什麼不能支持我一點? 2)i’ve been plenty supportive.我已經夠支持的了。3)no, you really haven’t. 不,你壓根就沒有。4)we don’t have to be friends. 我們不必成為朋友。

【美劇口語】1)you should have met me in 1864. 你應該早在1864年遇到我。 2)you would have liked me . 那你就會喜歡我了。 3)i like you now, just the way you are.我現在就喜歡你,喜歡現在的你。

【老美口頭禪】1. you bet.說的沒錯.2.there you go.就這樣.3. here you go搞定了.4. holy cow!不會吧! (哇賽)5. kind of是有那么一點6.duh.廢話.7.whatever愛咋咋地8.happy?(吵架)這下你滿意了吧 9. i don’t have skeleton in my closet我沒有什麼不可告人的秘密。

【口語精選】1)i loved u, and just because we broke up, doesn't mean i can just turn it off. 我愛過你,不能因為我們分手了,就把過去一切都推翻。2)i really opened myself up to u. 我是那么的真心對你 3)maybe we should stay away from each other for a while.或許我們應該避免見面一段時間

don’t only grow for yourself. if you have some worthwhile information, share it. by reaching others, you’ll reach yourself.不要只顧自己成長。當你有一些有價值的資料,與他人分享。通過影響他人,你將影響你自己。

【記憶體儲量的中英文計量單位及縮寫符號】 1)bit:位元 2)byte: b 位元組 3)kilobyte: kb 千位元組 4)megabyte: mb 兆位元組 5)gigabyte: gb 千兆位元組 6)terabyte: tb 太位元組 7)petabyte: pb 拍位元組 8)exabyte:eb 艾位元組 9)zettabyte:zb 澤位元組 10)yottabyte:yb 堯位元組