
can’t sleep at night. can’t get up in the morning.晚上睡不著,早上起不來。有木有?有木有!

浪漫英語屋:no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這么做的人不會讓你哭泣。

英文風尚:among thousands of people, you meet those you've met. through thousands of years, with the desolate time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late. 於千萬人之中,遇見你所遇見的人。於千萬年之中,時間的無涯荒野里,沒有早一步,也沒有晚一步,剛巧趕上了。

i need a dream,a direction and tears,need a person to light my hard times. i have no way to refuse,have no might to recede,for i wanna be attended. 一個我需要夢想需要方向需要眼淚,更需要一個人來點亮天的黑。我已經無能為力無法抗拒無路可退,這無聲的夜,現在的我,需要人陪。

the sign of a childish man is that he is willing to die spectacularly for some reason ,while a ripe man would like to live modestly. 一個不成熟的人的標誌是他願意為了某個理由而轟轟烈烈地死去,而一個成熟的人的標誌是他願意為了某個理由而謙恭地活下去。

nothing is harder than begging for help,more bitter than being poor,colder than human kindness,and more dangerous than people's mind. know,then live. 登天難,求人更難,黃連苦,貧窮更苦;春冰薄,人情更薄;江湖險,人心更險。知其難,守其苦,耐其薄,測其險,可以處世矣。

we love our parents unknowingly,and the love is natural as we live.we never find how deep the feeling is until we part in the end. 我們不知不覺地愛著父母,這種愛像活著一樣自然,只有到了最後分別的時刻才能發覺這種感情有多深。

being lonely is of no matter.because as long as there is a person you love from the bottom of your heart,the life will be lit,even if you can not live with him or her. 孤獨一人也沒關係,只要能發自內心地愛著一個人,人生就會有救。哪怕不能和他生活在一起。〔村上春樹〕

if one day,what influenced u won't move u any more,u'll know how quickly time flies,what the life gave u and what u llost. 如果有一天,讓你心動的再也感動不了你,讓你憤怒的再也激怒不了你,讓你悲傷的再也不能讓你流淚,你便知道這時光,這生活給了你什麼,你為了成長,付出了什麼。

all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. men come closest to their life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss. 只有陽光而無陰影,只有歡樂而無痛苦,那就不是人生。在人生的清醒的時刻,在哀痛和傷心的陰影之下,人們真實的自我最接近。

get,then lose.it always hurts us more than never have got. 得到了再失去,總是比從來就沒有得到更傷人。(

please allowed me to hold your hand,walking through the crowd, and never get lost. 從我遇見你的那一天起,我就在心裡懇求你,如果生活是一條單行道,就請你從此走在我的前面,讓我時時可以看到你;如果生活是一條雙行道,就請你讓我牽著你的手,穿行在茫茫人海里,永遠不會走丟。(山楂樹之戀)

many things have such a common matter.a good starting may not bring a satisfying ending.i wanted to lead a happy life with u till we died at first.unexpectedly,u hurt me getting your own way. 我想許多事情都是這樣,善始未必善終,本想執子之手,與子偕老,卻不想,你執琴弓,割我若弦。

once you find the meaning of life you won't care the former days.you'll be willing to go forward.you want to see the world and do a lot. 你一旦找到了生活的意義,你就不會想回到從前去。你想往前走。你想看得更多,做得更多。