
study in school like climb a ladder of mark.the ivory tower is above it and the large dye crock is under it.of course ,you can choose to give up.上學就像爬成績的梯子,往上通往象牙塔,往下掉進大染缸。當然也可以選擇放棄

human's best friend is dog,but dog's best friend is another dog ~狗是人類最好的朋友,但狗最好的朋友卻是另一條狗…[我拿出手機拍的時候 它倆故意坐在一起了。。]

no matter what the freezing winter brought to you, you must cheer up again.even though you lost work,lost lover or failed,i just want to tell you that spring is here. 不管這個冰冷的冬天給你帶來了什麼,你一定要振作。即使是失業了失戀了甚至失敗了,我只想對你說,春天來了。

the most wonderful thing is not rainy day but the eaves we stayed together.最美的不是下雨天 是與你一起躲過的屋檐

never explain yourself to any one. because the person who likes you doesn't need it,and the person who dislikes you won't believe it.—— 永遠不要向任何人解釋你自己。因為喜歡你的人不需要,而不喜歡你的人不會相信。

when we face two choices ,the coin will give us a right answer.not coins play a role ,but you know what you hope when you throw it into air. 當面對兩個選擇時拋硬幣總能奏效,並不是因為它總能給出對的答案,而是在你把它拋在空中的那一秒里,你突然知道你希望它是什麼。

i'm sorry my sad, you continue your inflexible.(我難過我的難過,你繼續你的執著。)

not all the people can enjoy your value for someone judges the others by appearance. thus,there is no need for you to pay the cost for their superficiality. 並不是每個人都會欣賞的你的價值,因為有些人是以貌取人的。所以你不必為他們的膚淺埋單。

i hoped that we were parallels,then i could see u all the time.i dared not desire excessively that we would intersect.now i find we have never been together. 我希望我們是平行線,那樣我就可以一直陪伴你。我也從未奢望能和你有交點,可現在我發現,我們一直不在一個空間。

we had soaring aspirations in childhood.we worshiped scientists,soldiers,leaders,and all people whom has lofty spirits.now we are mad about a handsome singer.兒時的我們有壯志雄心,崇拜科學家、軍人、領袖和所有有崇高精神的人。現在卻為一個只會唱歌有著美好外表的人發狂

trust should be like the feeling of an one year old baby when you throw him in the air, he laughs.because he knows you will catch him. that's trust. 信任就如同一個一歲小孩的感覺,當你將他扔向天空的時候他會笑,因為他知道你會接住他。這就是信任。

no matter what happens terribly today ,you should'n feel sorrowful .because today is the day you won't be so young any more.無論今天發生多么糟糕的事,都不應該感到悲傷。因為今天是以後的日子裡,你最年輕的一天了。

maybe regress is not easy to do .but do you remember what should we do when we buttoned wrong in the childhood ? renew from the wrong step. 也許退後很難,那還記得小時候我們系錯扣子怎么辦嗎。從錯的那步重新開始。

emancipate yourself from your past. the only way to move forward is to stop looking back——把自己從過去解放出來,前進的唯一方法是別往後看

the most fearful thing in the life is the darkness deep in your heart. but soul told us that you shall have courage as long as the heartbeats. 生命最大的恐懼,不過是來自於心底那個不去發現的黑暗,但是靈魂告訴我們,只要還有心跳,就一定有勇氣。