英語謎語 (七)

61.What man can not live inside a house?

62.What match can't be put in a match box?

63.What is it,which will tomorrow and was be yesterday?

64.What has many teeth but never uses them for eating?

65.The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?

66.What is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck?

67.What part of London is in Brazil?

68.What is that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody else?

69.When is it correct to say "I is"?

70.What is that which has a mouth,but never speaks, and a bed, but never sleeps in it?

Keys ( VII )

61.A snowman.

62.Football match,basketball match,and so on.


64.A comb.

65.A hole.

66.A bottle.

67.The letter "L".

68.A promise.

69.When we say "I is a pron."

70.A river.