
80.  吃蘋果時最怕見到什麼? (半隻蟲子)

81.  世界一共有多少種人?  (男人和女人)

82.  什麼人能把人截成幾截,事後又能將他復原? (魔術師)

83.  哪種車人們最不情願坐,但有些人不得不坐?  (囚車)

84.  什麼東西人們每天都在用,但就是不能用手措?  (電)

85.  什麼東西沒有時你如饑似渴,有了後你咬牙切齒?  (食物)

86.  什麼針不能用來縫東西? (表的指針)

( )1. what’s the chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?”

a. 六分之一  b. 人云亦云  c.半斤八兩 d.見一面分一半

( )2. what three letters turn a girl into a woman?

a.sun b. dab c. eye d.ega

( )3. we don’t want it. it’s “a white elephant.” what is it?

a. 一件無用而累的東西  b.一頭白象  c. 白給的東西

d. 白色陷阱

( )4. what’s too much for two and just right for one?

a. time  b. a secret  c. two friends d. a room

( )5. what’s the chinese for “talk big”?

a. 吹牛 b. 說謊話  c.罵人 d.很大

( )6. i know that from a to i.

a.從a到i b.從頭到尾  c.字母表  d.距離很遠

( )7. you can’t do it . you can sue to ann for help.

a. ask  b. think c. find  d. give

( )8. what’s that? that’s a lily i like it very much.

a. girl’s name  b. flower  c. picture  d. cup

( )9. he’s a yes-man i don’t like him .

a. 唯唯諾諾的人  b.總有理的人  c.堅強的人  d.說一不二的人

( )10. all right. let me do it. that’s the boy.

a. good boy  b. young child  c. big boy


(1) if you are facing(面向) east and take ten steps(步子) forward(向前), then right and 
take three steps backward, then turn 地round and take  five steps forward, and then turn 
left, and take two steps forward, which direction(方向) are you facing?

(2) 將 north, east, west. south 組合成四個複合詞:

  __________, _________, _________, _____________,

(3)the design is made up of eighteen matches. can you remove six of them to change the 
design into two same-sized  triangles(三角形)?
what is the largest ant in the world?(the key is 1 word of 8 letters)

1.what starts with t,ends with t and full of t?

2.what starts with e, ends with e and only has one letter?