My Tour Agency

like other students, i have had many dreams of what i would like to do after graduation. one of these dreams is to run a travel agency. in this travel agency, i would do three things:

first, i would like to have a staff of people who love nature as they love their mothers and can pass on to the customers the same kind of love.

second, i would like to let the customers appreciate the beauty of nature in those natural reservations, safari parks and wild forests, and show them how they can contribute in return for the air, water and nourishment that nature provides.

last but not least, i'd encourage the customers to work as volunteers as i once did. they would live close to nature by cleaning up the natural resorts and planting trees as mementos of their visit.

i still remember when i was standing on the top of the great wall, i could see in some distance many bare mountains with no trees, nothing green. it is my dream that one day i would organize tours for areas that are suffering from erosion and deforestation, and we would plant trees there. ecotourism should be an experience of learning and offering-it should not be just seeing the famous sites and posing for photos. on the flag of my agency, i would like to print this motto:

take nothing away except memory; leave nothing behind except your trees.

join my tour, my dear friends! it will make china green-and make this world a better place to live.

thank you very much.