
無論在學習還是工作中,我們都會接觸或用到各類英語演講,小到課堂作業和工作匯報,大到會議發言和職位競選。那么如何才能打造一篇精彩的英語演講稿呢?下面筆者就以賈伯斯XX年史丹福大學畢業演講稿為範本來具體剖析一下英語演講稿的寫作要點,幫助大家了解其基本寫作要領。i’d just turned 30.”數據很直觀,能讓聽眾更直接地認識和理解演講內容。 結尾有“道”,畫龍點睛 演講的結尾往往需要起到“畫龍點睛”的作用,要儘量做到意味深長、啟發思考。開篇和正文再好,如果結尾過於平淡,整個演講的精彩程度也會大打折扣。那么如何做到結尾有“道”呢?首先我們來看看賈伯斯的這篇演講稿,他的結尾比開篇更加出彩,採用的是“引文結尾”的方式,達到了引人深思的效果。他在結尾說道:“stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words ‘stay hungry. stay foolish.’ it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you. stay hungry. stay foolish.”賈伯斯不僅在演講結尾引用了這句“stay hungry. stay foolish”(求知若渴,虛懷若谷),而且重複三遍,強化了聽眾的印象。這句話後來也被廣泛傳播,被譽為該篇演講的精髓。 除了賈伯斯這種“引文結尾”的方式,常見的演講結尾方式還有如下幾種:①總結演講。對演講中的各個論點或要點進行簡單總結和梳理,加深聽眾的印象。②強有力的陳述。這種方式不同於引用他人之言,往往是演講者自己的總結和心聲。一個非常經典的例子是patrick henry的演講“liberty or death”。他在結尾時說道:“is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? forbid it, almighty god! i know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”③首尾呼應。在演講結尾對開篇提到的主題和重點進行重新闡述,這是體現


指出演講話題的重要性。比如要做一場關於“英語演講的藝術”的演講,演講者在一開始就可以指出該演講對於聽眾今後的學習、工作將會有很大幫助,甚至可以給出一些數據和實例,讓聽眾明白不聽這個演講將會是一個損失,這樣聽眾就會樂於認真聽演講了。②使聽眾感到震驚。例如要做一場關於“生活方式與疾病”的演講,開篇就可以給出一組極具衝擊力的數據,讓聽眾看到生活方式不健康將會產生多么可怕的後果,這樣的震驚能夠使聽眾快速調整狀態,投入到聽演講中去。③引起聽眾的好奇心。演講者可以在開篇指出一種特別的現象,聽眾出於好奇就會認真聽演講,想知道演講者如何分析或解釋。④向觀眾提問。演講者可以在開篇提出一個問題,這樣可以引發聽眾的思考,也會引導他們去聽演講者如何解答問題。此外,也可以在開篇引用一段名言佳句,或是講述一個故事等,這些基本的開篇方式被無數的演講證明是實用而且有效的。 觀點明確,支撐有效 毫無疑問,在演講稿中,主體段的信息量最大,寫作量也最大。如何清晰地闡釋演講者的觀點或演講要點,如何用相關事實有效地支撐演講者的各個論點或要點,是演講稿主體段寫作時應該把握的關鍵。賈伯斯在史丹福大學的畢業演講中明確給出了三個要點:① the first story is about connecting the dots. ② my second story is about love and loss. ③ my third story is about death.為了清晰、有效地闡述自己想要表達的這三個要點,他運用了以下三種手段:首先是舉例子。賈伯斯在演講中用了大量的事例來說明他怎么對待學習、工作和死亡。比如他說自己讀書時旁聽有意思的書法課程,這些課在當時對他沒什麼實質幫助,但是十年後在當他設計第一款macintosh電腦的時候,這些東西全派上了用場,這個例子充分說明了他演講的第一個要點——串起生命中的點滴。另一個手段是引用。賈伯斯在演講中引用了一些名言佳句警句來闡述自己的觀點。比如在講到死亡時,他引用了一句格言:“if you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.”這句話表明了他對於生命和死亡的看法,使聽眾印象深刻。第三個手段是數據支持。在講第二個故事——關於愛和失去時,賈伯斯用了一系列數據來支撐自己的觀點。他說自己是幸運的,因為“woz and i started apple in my parents’ garage when i was 20. we worked hard, and in 10 years apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. we’d just released our finest creation—the macintosh—a year earlier, and

由於公共演講的聽眾一般有數十人甚至數百、數千人,再加上演講環境的不確定性(比如觀眾的歡呼或者抱怨),演講者最好在進入主題之後馬上給出所講內容的框架結構,使聽眾能跟隨演講者的思路,更好地預判整個演講內容,以達到良好的演講效果。比如,賈伯斯在XX年史丹福大學畢業典禮上的演講中,開篇稍微寒暄之後就進入正題:“today i want to tell you three stories from my life. that’s it. no big deal. just three stories.”聽眾馬上能對演講內容做出預判——今天會聽到賈伯斯談三點,然後他們會關注具體是哪三點。這種演講就具備了“以觀眾為中心”的特質。賈伯斯在隨後的演講中分別提到,“the first story is about connecting the dots.”“my second story is about love and loss.”“my third story is about death.”由於演講思路非常明晰,聽眾在聽完之後也會記憶猶新。

i’d just turned 30.”數據很直觀,能讓聽眾更直接地認識和理解演講內容。 結尾有“道”,畫龍點睛 演講的結尾往往需要起到“畫龍點睛”的作用,要儘量做到意味深長、啟發思考。開篇和正文再好,如果結尾過於平淡,整個演講的精彩程度也會大打折扣。那么如何做到結尾有“道”呢?首先我們來看看賈伯斯的這篇演講稿,他的結尾比開篇更加出彩,採用的是“引文結尾”的方式,達到了引人深思的效果。他在結尾說道:“stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words ‘stay hungry. stay foolish.’ it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you. stay hungry. stay foolish.”賈伯斯不僅在演講結尾引用了這句“stay hungry. stay foolish”(求知若渴,虛懷若谷),而且重複三遍,強化了聽眾的印象。這句話後來也被廣泛傳播,被譽為該篇演講的精髓。 除了賈伯斯這種“引文結尾”的方式,常見的演講結尾方式還有如下幾種:①總結演講。對演講中的各個論點或要點進行簡單總結和梳理,加深聽眾的印象。②強有力的陳述。這種方式不同於引用他人之言,往往是演講者自己的總結和心聲。一個非常經典的例子是patrick henry的演講“liberty or death”。他在結尾時說道:“is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? forbid it, almighty god! i know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”③首尾呼應。在演講結尾對開篇提到的主題和重點進行重新闡述,這是體現




演講內在統一性的經典形式,值得借鑑。 為了更加有效地掌握文中講到的寫作演講稿的要點,筆者建議大家做到以下三點:①多看。多看一些演講素材,比如名人演講、演講比賽優秀選手的演講等,積累大量的一手素材;也有必要閱讀一些關於英語公共演講的書籍,筆者在此推薦stephen e. lucas的《演講的藝術》(the art of public speaking)一書。②多想。學會分析這些演講之所以精彩的原因,可以從筆者上面講的幾點入手分析。③多練。在有了一定的積累之後,要大量練習寫作演講稿,話題可以從日常學習和工作中選取,這樣練習起來會更有興趣和成就感。 (本文選自《新東方英語》雜誌XX年2月號)

演講稿開篇的目的是吸引聽眾。賈伯斯在他的演講稿開篇使用的是“關聯話題與聽眾”的方式。這是一種比較有效的方法,因為人們一般對自己的事情都很關注,和自己相關的事情也會格外留意。賈伯斯在演講開篇說道:“i am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. truth be told, i never graduated from college. and this is the closest i’ve ever gotten to a college graduation.”高度讚美史丹福大學——這就是在與聽眾發生關聯。賈伯斯就是通過這種方式讓聽眾一開始就對自己產生好感或對自己的演講內容產生興趣。當然,賈伯斯還用了適當的幽默,更好地融洽了與聽眾的關係。

演講內在統一性的經典形式,值得借鑑。 為了更加有效地掌握文中講到的寫作演講稿的要點,筆者建議大家做到以下三點:①多看。多看一些演講素材,比如名人演講、演講比賽優秀選手的演講等,積累大量的一手素材;也有必要閱讀一些關於英語公共演講的書籍,筆者在此推薦stephen e. lucas的《演講的藝術》(the art of public speaking)一書。②多想。學會分析這些演講之所以精彩的原因,可以從筆者上面講的幾點入手分析。③多練。在有了一定的積累之後,要大量練習寫作演講稿,話題可以從日常學習和工作中選取,這樣練習起來會更有興趣和成就感。 (本文選自《新東方英語》雜誌XX年2月號)


i’d just turned 30.”數據很直觀,能讓聽眾更直接地認識和理解演講內容。 結尾有“道”,畫龍點睛 演講的結尾往往需要起到“畫龍點睛”的作用,要儘量做到意味深長、啟發思考。開篇和正文再好,如果結尾過於平淡,整個演講的精彩程度也會大打折扣。那么如何做到結尾有“道”呢?首先我們來看看賈伯斯的這篇演講稿,他的結尾比開篇更加出彩,採用的是“引文結尾”的方式,達到了引人深思的效果。他在結尾說道:“stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words ‘stay hungry. stay foolish.’ it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you. stay hungry. stay foolish.”賈伯斯不僅在演講結尾引用了這句“stay hungry. stay foolish”(求知若渴,虛懷若谷),而且重複三遍,強化了聽眾的印象。這句話後來也被廣泛傳播,被譽為該篇演講的精髓。 除了賈伯斯這種“引文結尾”的方式,常見的演講結尾方式還有如下幾種:①總結演講。對演講中的各個論點或要點進行簡單總結和梳理,加深聽眾的印象。②強有力的陳述。這種方式不同於引用他人之言,往往是演講者自己的總結和心聲。一個非常經典的例子是patrick henry的演講“liberty or death”。他在結尾時說道:“is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? forbid it, almighty god! i know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”③首尾呼應。在演講結尾對開篇提到的主題和重點進行重新闡述,這是體現 觀點明確,支撐有效

毫無疑問,在演講稿中,主體段的信息量最大,寫作量也最大。如何清晰地闡釋演講者的觀點或演講要點,如何用相關事實有效地支撐演講者的各個論點或要點,是演講稿主體段寫作時應該把握的關鍵。賈伯斯在史丹福大學的畢業演講中明確給出了三個要點:① the first story is about connecting the dots. ② my second story is about love and loss. ③ my third story is about death.為了清晰、有效地闡述自己想要表達的這三個要點,他運用了以下三種手段:首先是舉例子。賈伯斯在演講中用了大量的事例來說明他怎么對待學習、工作和死亡。比如他說自己讀書時旁聽有意思的書法課程,這些課在當時對他沒什麼實質幫助,但是十年後在當他設計第一款macintosh電腦的時候,這些東西全派上了用場,這個例子充分說明了他演講的第一個要點——串起生命中的點滴。另一個手段是引用。賈伯斯在演講中引用了一些名言佳句警句來闡述自己的觀點。比如在講到死亡時,他引用了一句格言:“if you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.”這句話表明了他對於生命和死亡的看法,使聽眾印象深刻。第三個手段是數據支持。在講第二個故事——關於愛和失去時,賈伯斯用了一系列數據來支撐自己的觀點。他說自己是幸運的,因為“woz and i started apple in my parents’ garage when i was 20. we worked hard, and in 10 years apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. we’d just released our finest creation—the macintosh—a year earlier, and i’d just turned 30.”數據很直觀,能讓聽眾更直接地認識和理解演講內容。

i’d just turned 30.”數據很直觀,能讓聽眾更直接地認識和理解演講內容。 結尾有“道”,畫龍點睛 演講的結尾往往需要起到“畫龍點睛”的作用,要儘量做到意味深長、啟發思考。開篇和正文再好,如果結尾過於平淡,整個演講的精彩程度也會大打折扣。那么如何做到結尾有“道”呢?首先我們來看看賈伯斯的這篇演講稿,他的結尾比開篇更加出彩,採用的是“引文結尾”的方式,達到了引人深思的效果。他在結尾說道:“stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words ‘stay hungry. stay foolish.’ it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you. stay hungry. stay foolish.”賈伯斯不僅在演講結尾引用了這句“stay hungry. stay foolish”(求知若渴,虛懷若谷),而且重複三遍,強化了聽眾的印象。這句話後來也被廣泛傳播,被譽為該篇演講的精髓。 除了賈伯斯這種“引文結尾”的方式,常見的演講結尾方式還有如下幾種:①總結演講。對演講中的各個論點或要點進行簡單總結和梳理,加深聽眾的印象。②強有力的陳述。這種方式不同於引用他人之言,往往是演講者自己的總結和心聲。一個非常經典的例子是patrick henry的演講“liberty or death”。他在結尾時說道:“is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? forbid it, almighty god! i know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”③首尾呼應。在演講結尾對開篇提到的主題和重點進行重新闡述,這是體現

結尾有“道”,畫龍點睛[來源:新東方 作者:錢希] 無論在學習還是工作中,我們都會接觸或用到各類英語演講,小到課堂作業和工作匯報,大到會議發言和職位競選。那么如何才能打造一篇精彩的英語演講稿呢?下面筆者就以賈伯斯XX年史丹福大學畢業演講稿為範本來具體剖析一下英語演講稿的寫作要點,幫助大家了解其基本寫作要領。 結構清楚,邏輯清晰 由於公共演講的聽眾一般有數十人甚至數百、數千人,再加上演講環境的不確定性(比如觀眾的歡呼或者抱怨),演講者最好在進入主題之後馬上給出所講內容的框架結構,使聽眾能跟隨演講者的思路,更好地預判整個演講內容,以達到良好的演講效果。比如,賈伯斯在XX年史丹福大學畢業典禮上的演講中,開篇稍微寒暄之後就進入正題:“today i want to tell you three stories from my life. that’s it. no big deal. just three stories.”聽眾馬上能對演講內容做出預判——今天會聽到賈伯斯談三點,然後他們會關注具體是哪三點。這種演講就具備了“以觀眾為中心”的特質。賈伯斯在隨後的演講中分別提到,“the first story is about connecting the dots.”“my second story is about love and loss.”“my third story is about death.”由於演講思路非常明晰,聽眾在聽完之後也會記憶猶新。 當然,演講稿在結構方面的邏輯順序有許多種,賈伯斯的這篇演講是按照話題順序和時間順序來安排的。除此之外,還有空間順序,“提出問題——分析問題——解決問題”的順序等。大家可以根據不同演講內容的需要來安排自己演講稿的邏輯順序和整體結構。 開篇出彩,吸引聽眾 演講稿的開篇往往需要花費大量的功夫去設計。在寫作開篇時,演講者需要結合聽眾特點、演講場合和演講主題等因素,爭取在一開始就緊緊抓住聽眾的注意力和興趣。下面筆者就介紹一下基本的演講開篇模式,供大家以後寫作演講稿參考。 演講稿開篇的目的是吸引聽眾。賈伯斯在他的演講稿開篇使用的是“關聯話題與聽眾”的方式。這是一種比較有效的方法,因為人們一般對自己的事情都很關注,和自己相關的事情也會格外留意。賈伯斯在演講開篇說道:“i am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. truth be told, i never graduated from college. and this is the closest i’ve ever gotten to a college graduation.”高度讚美史丹福大學——這就是在與聽眾發生關聯。賈伯斯就是通過這種方式讓聽眾一開始就對自己產生好感或對自己的演講內容產生興趣。當然,賈伯斯還用了適當的幽默,更好地融洽了與聽眾的關係。 除了賈伯斯的這種開篇方式外,我們還需要了解和掌握其他一些開篇方式:①

演講的結尾往往需要起到“畫龍點睛”的作用,要儘量做到意味深長、啟發思考。開篇和正文再好,如果結尾過於平淡,整個演講的精彩程度也會大打折扣。那么如何做到結尾有“道”呢?首先我們來看看賈伯斯的這篇演講稿,他的結尾比開篇更加出彩,採用的是“引文結尾”的方式,達到了引人深思的效果。他在結尾說道:“stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words ‘stay hungry. stay foolish.’ it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you. stay hungry. stay foolish.”賈伯斯不僅在演講結尾引用了這句“stay hungry. stay foolish”(求知若渴,虛懷若谷),而且重複三遍,強化了聽眾的印象。這句話後來也被廣泛傳播,被譽為該篇演講的精髓。

i’d just turned 30.”數據很直觀,能讓聽眾更直接地認識和理解演講內容。 結尾有“道”,畫龍點睛 演講的結尾往往需要起到“畫龍點睛”的作用,要儘量做到意味深長、啟發思考。開篇和正文再好,如果結尾過於平淡,整個演講的精彩程度也會大打折扣。那么如何做到結尾有“道”呢?首先我們來看看賈伯斯的這篇演講稿,他的結尾比開篇更加出彩,採用的是“引文結尾”的方式,達到了引人深思的效果。他在結尾說道:“stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words ‘stay hungry. stay foolish.’ it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you. stay hungry. stay foolish.”賈伯斯不僅在演講結尾引用了這句“stay hungry. stay foolish”(求知若渴,虛懷若谷),而且重複三遍,強化了聽眾的印象。這句話後來也被廣泛傳播,被譽為該篇演講的精髓。 除了賈伯斯這種“引文結尾”的方式,常見的演講結尾方式還有如下幾種:①總結演講。對演講中的各個論點或要點進行簡單總結和梳理,加深聽眾的印象。②強有力的陳述。這種方式不同於引用他人之言,往往是演講者自己的總結和心聲。一個非常經典的例子是patrick henry的演講“liberty or death”。他在結尾時說道:“is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? forbid it, almighty god! i know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”③首尾呼應。在演講結尾對開篇提到的主題和重點進行重新闡述,這是體現

除了賈伯斯這種“引文結尾”的方式,常見的演講結尾方式還有如下幾種:①總結演講。對演講中的各個論點或要點進行簡單總結和梳理,加深聽眾的印象。②強有力的陳述。這種方式不同於引用他人之言,往往是演講者自己的總結和心聲。一個非常經典的例子是patrick henry的演講“liberty or death”。他在結尾時說道:“is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? forbid it, almighty god! i know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”③首尾呼應。在演講結尾對開篇提到的主題和重點進行重新闡述,這是體現演講內在統一性的經典形式,值得借鑑。

為了更加有效地掌握文中講到的寫作演講稿的要點,筆者建議大家做到以下三點:①多看。多看一些演講素材,比如名人演講、演講比賽優秀選手的演講等,積累大量的一手素材;也有必要閱讀一些關於英語公共演講的書籍,筆者在此推薦stephen e. lucas的《演講的藝術》(the art of public speaking)一書。②多想。學會分析這些演講之所以精彩的原因,可以從筆者上面講的幾點入手分析。③多練。在有了一定的積累之後,要大量練習寫作演講稿,話題可以從日常學習和工作中選取,這樣練習起來會更有興趣和成就感。

i’d just turned 30.”數據很直觀,能讓聽眾更直接地認識和理解演講內容。 結尾有“道”,畫龍點睛 演講的結尾往往需要起到“畫龍點睛”的作用,要儘量做到意味深長、啟發思考。開篇和正文再好,如果結尾過於平淡,整個演講的精彩程度也會大打折扣。那么如何做到結尾有“道”呢?首先我們來看看賈伯斯的這篇演講稿,他的結尾比開篇更加出彩,採用的是“引文結尾”的方式,達到了引人深思的效果。他在結尾說道:“stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words ‘stay hungry. stay foolish.’ it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you. stay hungry. stay foolish.”賈伯斯不僅在演講結尾引用了這句“stay hungry. stay foolish”(求知若渴,虛懷若谷),而且重複三遍,強化了聽眾的印象。這句話後來也被廣泛傳播,被譽為該篇演講的精髓。 除了賈伯斯這種“引文結尾”的方式,常見的演講結尾方式還有如下幾種:①總結演講。對演講中的各個論點或要點進行簡單總結和梳理,加深聽眾的印象。②強有力的陳述。這種方式不同於引用他人之言,往往是演講者自己的總結和心聲。一個非常經典的例子是patrick henry的演講“liberty or death”。他在結尾時說道:“is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? forbid it, almighty god! i know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”③首尾呼應。在演講結尾對開篇提到的主題和重點進行重新闡述,這是體現