
in preparation to attend this wedding celebration, i tried to research the chinese customs for such an event. i learnt that customs vary by region and province. common among all is the importance of family. so it is in australia. when david and zi fan return to australia lisa and i will try to represent you, their family and friends. we will keep a caring eye upon them. in australia, soon after the wedding and unendingly, family ask of the newly weds, “when are you going to have a baby?” we will constantly remind them, on your behalf, the true gift of marriage is children.

我在準備這個婚禮致辭的時候,做了很多關於中國婚禮習俗的研究,我發現中國各地的婚禮習俗因為地域的不同而存在著很多的不同,但是唯一不變的主題就是家庭的重要性,這同樣也是澳大利亞文化中的重要組成元素。當樊慰和資帆回到澳大利亞後,我們同樣會代替今天在坐的家人和朋友,繼續關心和照顧他們。 在澳大利亞,新婚燕爾的人總是被問到同樣一個問題,你們什麼時候準備要小孩?我們會代表你們一直不斷的提醒他們早生貴子,婚姻中最好的禮物就是能夠一起品嘗你們愛情的結晶。

thank you again for allowing us to share in this celebration.


our toast to mr and mrs david fan is, “health, happiness and a long life together”.
