

Canton Tower (also known as Guangzhou TV & Sightseeing Tower is a tower near Chigang Pagoda, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. It was topped-out in 20xx and became operational on September 29, 20xx for the 20xx Asian Games

The Canton Tower, in Chinese called Guǎngzhōu tǎ (also called Guangzhou TV & Sightseeing Tower) is the second tallest structure in the world after Burj Dubai in Dubai, UAE. The Canton Tower is designed by the Dutch architects Mark Hemel and Barbara Kuit of Information Based Architecture together with engineers Arup, the international design, engineering and business consulting firm headquartered in London, UK. 20xx Information Based Architecture and Arup won the international competition, in which many of the world's larger architectural offices participated. The same year the IBA - Arup team in Amsterdam developed the tower's concept design. In later stages IBA cooperated mainly with the local Chinese offices of Arup and a Local Design Institute. The tower although not fully completed yet is since 1 October 20xx open to the public.

For a long time the city-government of Guangzhou wavered to decide on the Guangzhou TV & Sightseeing Tower's name. On 29 September 20xx finally came the decision. On this day it was officially announced that it was simply going to be called Canton Tower, after the city's former name.



廣州塔,在中國被稱為廣州塔(又稱廣州電視觀光塔)是第二世界上最高的建築物在杜拜的杜拜塔,UAE。廣州塔是由荷蘭建築師馬克·海默爾和基礎架構與信息工程師阿勒普Barbara Kuit設計的,國際的設計、工程和商業諮詢的公司,總部設在倫敦,英國。20xx信息基礎架構和阿勒普贏得國際競爭,在全球許多大型建築公司參與。同年,阿勒普的團隊在阿姆斯特丹開發了IBA的塔的概念設計。在以後的階段IBA主要阿勒普的鄉土中國辦事處和當地設計院合作。該塔雖然尚未完全竣工,但自十月1日起向公眾開放20xx。
