
i sing of motherly love, i praise the maternal love, because love makes me grow sturdily.

it is a harvest season, mom helped grandma corn, accidentally got hurt in the foot, walk with a limp, every step to clench one‘s teeth, is very difficult. one day at noon, i go home from school, found the table is not what i expected" good food", i was very angry, kept his mouth whispered to complain about his mother,. a second time in the past, i have to go to school, but my mother had not come home cooking, i worried, at that time, only heard on the stairs, who ran pant for breath, open the door to look, mom. i really doubt is it right? i got it wrong, my mother foot into it, how can you run? " oh! i just changed some medicine, delayed, don‘t worry, i‘ll cook for you." mother pale forehead is full of sweat, she gasped and i‘m sorry about the. then have a look she wears white socks at this time has been red blood painted several irregular graphics in the morning, tears blurred my eyes, the hot tears drop in my hand, hot i was unable to move. i eat with that expected for a long time" delicacies", at this moment, the taste is good astringent, bitter astringent, has been into the bottom of my heart. mother kept aside to chase: feeble." soon had to go to school, go home at night i gave you good."

in the evening one enter the house, the fragrant meal came, but did not