

bfor nw yar's v

th clbration actually starts on nw yar's v with th family runion dinnr. by nw yar's v, you should hav don th following:

clan th ntir hom to gt rid of all th things that ar associatd with th old yar.

put away all brooms and brushs.

pay all your dbts.

rsolv diffrncs with family mmbrs, frinds, nighbors and businss associats.

buy th following:

rd mony nvlops,

orangs and/or tangrins,

fill a ;chun hup(a circular rd tray sparatd in ight compartmnts) with mlon sdslotuschocolat coinsnuts tc.

flowrs (spcially plum blossoms, pach blossoms, watr lilis),

a nw st of cloths and shos for childrn, prfrably somthing rd or orang.

gt nw dollar bills from th bank. insrt th nw dollar bills into th rd nvlops. now th rd nvlop is calld a lai s or lucky mony nvlop.

on nw yar's v

gt togthr with clos family mmbrs (not including marrid daughtrs and thir familis) for th ;runion; dinnr.

pay rspct to ancstors and houshold gods. acknowldg th prsnc of ancstors bcaus thy ar rsponsibl for th fortuns of futur gnrations.

opn vry door and window in your hom at midnight to lt go of th old yar.

on nw yar's day

dcorat your hom with symbols of good fortun. hr ar som suggstions:

colors: bright rd (happinss); gold/orang (walth & happinss)。

fruits: orangs and tangrins (good halth & long lif); tangrins with lavs intact (long lasting rlationships; bing fruitful and multiply); prsimmons (happinss and walth

;chun hup; circular candy tray (candy for swt and circular for togthrnss and continuity)。

flowrs: if flowrs bloom on nw yar's day, it will b a prosprous yar.

rd bannrs or couplts with nw yar wishs and symbols of good forttun in gold