



我們生活在一個媒體的力量被無限放大的年代,口號往往能以光速深入人心。“低碳生活,從我做起!”以此為例,這句宣傳語能倒背如流的不少,但真正踐行起來,又有多少人能清楚地知道自己要做什麼,要怎么做呢?這就是口號和行動的距離!試想,若無明確的動機和正確的行動,再多的宣傳又有什麼意義!尤其在地球自愈的步伐早已追不上人類破壞的緊要關頭,時不待我,我們更待何時? “we all have power to change ,what are we waiting for?”


最後,瑾以michael jackson的歌曲做結,感受撕心裂肺的呼籲:

《earth song》

what have we’ve done to the world

look what we've done

what about all the dreams

that you said was yours and mine


did you ever stop to notice

this crying earth this weeping shores

i used to dream

i used to glance beyond the stars

now i don't know where we are

although i know we've drifted far

hey, what about yesterday

what about the seas

the heavens are falling down

i can't even breathe

what about apathy

i need you

what about nature's worth

it's our planet's womb

what about animals

turned kingdoms to dust

what about elephants

have we lost their trust

what about crying whales

ravaging the seas

what about forest trails

burnt despite our pleas

what about the holy land

torn apart by creed

where did we go wrong

someone tell me why