歌星應該得到高報酬嗎-Do Pop Stars DeserveHigh Rewa.

Do Pop Stars DeserveHigh Rewards?

It seems that pop stars today enjoy a privileged style of living. Wherever they go, thousands of people turn out to greet them. The crowds go wild trying to catch a brief glimpse of their smiling, colourfully-dressed idols. Stars are surrounded by their managers, press-agents, and often by their bodyguards. Photographs of them appear regularly in the press and all their comings and goings are reported, as stars are news.They must constantly avoid meeting crazy fans, particularly teenagers who idolise them. Some people say that stars are no longer private individuals, but public property. The financial rewards they receive for this sacrifice is incalculable.

Is it right that the stars should be paid in this way? It's all very well for people engaged in many other professions to envy the successes and rewards of these stars.However,those who make envious remarks should remember that the most famous stars represent only the tip of an iceberg. For every famous star, there are hundreds of others struggling to earn a living. A man who attempts to become a star is taking enormous risks. He knows at the outset that only a handful of competitors ever get to the very top. He knows that years of concentrated efforts may be rewarded with complete failure.But he knows that the rewards for successes are very high indeed, and if he achieves tile goal, he certainly earns them.


看來今日明星享受特權的生活方式. 無論走到那裡,幾千人出迎接. 人群瘋狂追過短暫的一瞥微笑,有聲有色衣偶像. 恆星周圍由經營者、新聞機構,他們往往以保鏢. 這些照片經常出現在報刊上,所有往來據報導,偶像News.they步上不斷歌迷瘋狂,尤其是青少年,他們idolise. 有人說星星不再個人,而是公共財產. 他們獲得的獎金為這個犧牲是難以估量的.

這是正確的,應當支付星星呢? 這一切進行得很好,很多人羨慕的職業,這些明星成績和獎勵. 不過,羨慕那些做出評論應該記得最有名的明星,只是冰山一角. 每一個著名的明星,還有許許多多其他謀生掙扎. 一名男子正試圖成為明星巨大風險. 首先,他知道,只有極少數最優秀的選手有機會. 他知道年的潛心努力,完全可以得到failure.but他知道成功的報酬確實很高,如果他能瓦的目標,他肯定賺錢.