口頭通知:美國學生在京活動安排-Activities of the American Stu

口頭通知:美國學生在京活動安排-Activities of the American Students in Beijing




時間 活動事項 有關內容

星期一 上午:校長接見 介紹學校情況


星期二 白天:兩國學生遊覽長城 張老師講有關長城的趣聞


星期三 兩校學生舉行座談會

星期四 上午:乘CA981航班返回美國


Activities of the American Students in Beijing

Dear friends,

Welcome to China. I am very glad to tell you what you are going to do during your stay in Beijing. Our principal is to meet you on Monday morning and he will introduce our school to you. You will be shown around the lab building and the library in the afternoon. On Tuesday morning the students of the two countries are to visit the Great Wall, where Mr Zhang will tell some interesting stories about it. In the evening we are going to have a party in Room 402. The Chinese students and the American students will give nice performances at the party. You will have a talk with the Chinese students on Wednesday morning. You will be free in the afternoon. And you will take Flight CA981 back to the USA on Thursday morning.

That's all. Thanks.


1)這種介紹活動安排的口頭通知比較好寫,只要按所預訂的活動日程順序組織文章結構就可以了。但要注意正確使用日期和時間表示法,如“on Monday morning”,“on Tuesday afternoon”,“in the morning”,“in the afternoon”等。

2)活動安排一般講的都是將要進行的活動,所以多用將來時態的句法結構,如“We are going to….”,“You will….”,“He is to….”等。

口頭通知:美國學生在京活動安排-Activities of the American Students in Beijing