

is who has given me bright eyes? is who has given me the health body and spirit? is who has given me the fine mind? the parents, are my parents!

the world, the mother is most let’s the human change countenance. i also have such a mother, although she is very ordinary, but in my heart, she is actually great. mother, very fat, also is not high. she to me always strict, but also very kind. is sad in me, she can use the silent motion to show loving care for me; is defeated in me encourages me with the warm language; makes mistakes in me, be relentless points out mistakes i ......is she lets me know that, the success is mother of the defeat; causes the human to be progressive modestly, arrogant is the human falls behind ......these life truth, causes me to benefit greatly. a strict teacher, a loving mother, loves me very deeply very deep ......




母親讓人動容,父親便如同一座大山般偉大。他的愛是很粗礦的,從不用言語表達;有時候又是很細微的,讓人難以察覺,就像一個眼神,一個動作……我的父親,很高大,很強壯,在我面前是個威嚴的爸爸。他不會在我成功的時候誇獎我,只會在我失敗的時候批評我,讓我意識到自己的錯誤; 他不會在我做好事的時候表揚我,只會在我做壞事的時候職責我……儘管如此,我也深深地感受到了也個父親濃濃的愛,愛只是來源於一個不起眼的動作,一個不讓人注意的眼神…… www•
