


在中學英語教學中,動詞的地位舉足輕重,其形式活潑,用途廣泛。除動詞時態、語態外,動詞的非謂語 形式可謂另一重要內容,它具有多種功能與用法。正因為如此,非謂語動詞在聯考中的比重相當突出。以下是 近幾年非謂語動詞在聯考中的統計分析表:

分類 非謂語動詞(可統計題)分布狀況

單項題 完形題 拼寫題 改錯題 四題所點總分 權重值 年份 '93MET 4 3 65 10.9% '94MET 4 3 65 10.9% '95NMET 4 3 2 85 10.6% '96NMET 2 4 2 1 70 12.8% '97NMET 2 3 2 3 70 14.3%

上表顯示,非謂語動詞在可統計的題中所占比重已接近時態題,且較前些年有所增加。然而,中學生對這 一語法項目多心存畏懼或略知一二,缺乏全面、系統的認識,學習中處於被動應付的局面。實際教學中,筆者 三年來對我校(地區重點中學)剛進入高三年級的畢業生進行過連續問卷調查,發現能準確說出非謂語動詞概 念的同學寥寥無幾,僅占5%左右。這說明絕大多數同學對非謂語動詞掌握得不好,對其概念、用法、變化含混 不清、模稜兩可。同時也反映了非謂語動詞在教學中的難度,它不僅抽象深奧,而且對其他語法知識有很大的 依賴。


一、最新聯考題析。1993—1997年的聯考題,非謂語動詞在考點設計上,呈現出以下的特色。現作簡要分 析(題後注原題號及標準答案):

1.How about the two of us______a walk down the garden? ('93MET17, Key:C)

A、to take B、take

C、taking D、to be taking

簡析:空白處所填詞語taking與the two of us 一起構成複合結構,作about的賓語。

2.The computer centre,______ last year, is very popularamong the students in this school. ('93MET31, Key:D)

A、open B、opening

C、having opened D、opened

簡析:這裡應填入一非限制性定語成份,其意義相當於which wasopened。open為動詞,此處使用過去分 詞,表示被動動作。

3.Charles Bahhase is generally considered ____the firstcomputer.(’93MET34,Key:C)

A、to invent B、inventing

C、to have invented

D、having invented

簡析:consider表示“認為”的意義時,可跟不定式的複合結構。若不定式表示的動作在前,則使用其完 成形式,本題中invent表示的動作早已過去。

4.The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction withthe talks, ——that he had enjoyed

his stay here. (’94MET20,Key:C)

A、having added B、to add

C、adding D、added

簡析:此處所填的詞與其後的賓語從句構成狀語,表示伴隨情景。add是及物動詞(有自己的賓語從句), 此處adding表示主動意義, 所表示的動作與謂語動作同時發生。

5.The missing boys were last seen______near the river.( ’94MET30, Key:A)

A、playing B、played

C、play D、to play

簡析:所填的詞為主語補足語,因其後有明確的地點,補足語表示動作當時正在進行中,所以只能使用pl aying。

6. The first textbooks _____ for teaching English as aforeign language were produced in t he sixteenth century. (’94MET32, Key:A)

A、written B、to be written

C、being written D、having written

簡析:所填的詞與隨後的介詞短語一起構成後置定語,write 為及物動詞,與前面所修飾的詞有動賓關係 ,此處填過去分詞,表示被動動作。

7.Paul doesn't have to be made_______.He always works hard.(’95NMET11, Key:B)

A、learn B、to learn

C、learned D、learning


8. We agreed_______here but so far she doesn't turn up yet.(’95NMET19, Key:C)

A、having met B、meeting

C、to meet D、to have met

簡析:動詞agree後應接不定式。根據後一句的內容, 可知該不定式動作尚未發生,表示將來意義,所以 填C項。而D項“to have met ”卻表示動作已過去。

9.—You were brave enough to raise objections at themeeting.

—Well, now I regret_______that. (’95NMET26, Key:D)

A、to do B、to be doing

C、to have done D、having done

簡析:regret後所跟動詞有to do 與doing兩種形式, 不定式表示“為做某事而遺憾”, doing 表示“ 為做過某事而後悔”。“havingdone”則更強調動作已發生而無法挽回。

10.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, buthis mother told him __________.(’ 95NMET34, Key:A)

A、not to B、not to do

C、not do it D、do not to

簡析:所填短語意義應為“not to ride his bicycle in thestreet”,因前文出現過ride his bic ycle in the street”,故可省略,避免重複,但不定式標誌則予以保留。

11.________in thought, he almost ran into the car infront of him.(’96NMET23, Key:C)

A、Losing B、Having lost

C、Lost D、To lose

簡析:這裡分詞短語的意義應為“As he was lost in thought ”,意為“由於陷入沉思”,這兒填入過 去分詞短語,表示一種狀態,用作原因狀語。

12.I would love______to the party last night but I had towork extra hours to finish a repor t.(’97NMET12, Key:B)

A、to go B、to have gone

C、going D、having gone

簡析:本題考查非謂語動詞與虛擬語氣。would love to do 為一固定搭配形式,其中不定式表示想要做 的動作。但此句中but 連線的句子說明其實動作並沒有發生,所以這裡要用虛擬語氣表示與過去事實相反,選 用B項。

13.The Olympic games, _______in 776BC, did not includewomen players until 1912.(’97NMET 17, Key:C)

A、first playing B、to be first played

C、first played D、to be first playing

簡析:該題與’93MET31題考點完全一致。這裡play 意為“舉行”,及物動詞,過去分詞played與主語構 成邏輯上的動賓關係,表示被動動作,在此用作非限制性定語。


以上聯考題例顯示,非謂語動詞考點都是就其最基本的內容與用法設計的,例如,非謂語動詞用作補足語 ,用作狀語,分別表示原因、條件、伴隨情景等。但非謂語動詞的形式、用法還遠不止這些,如它們的否定式 、進行式、完成式、多種複合結構等等。掌握這些內容,對於全面把握非謂語動詞,加深對動詞意義的理解, 增強運用能力,並最終提高閱讀能力,都具有重要意義。以下是對幾個難點的探討。



其基本形式為“for (of)sb. to do sth.”,表達時,常使用it作形式主語,句型為“It is+adj.+for (of)sb.+to do sth.”。 這裡不定式邏輯主語的引導詞是學習中的難點。用for還是of 取決於前面形容詞的 意義,一般情況下用for,但形容詞為品質形容詞時, 形容詞後使用of,如kind,nice,careful,warm-hear ted等等。例如:

①It's too hard for a baby of 5 to walk so long a way.

②It's kind of you to help me with my English.


這種結構的基本形式為“one's doing”,但所有格one's 在運用中有變化。規則為:①複合結構置句首 或在正式文體中,使用所有格。②動詞-ing的邏輯主語帶有後置定語、邏輯主語為不定代詞、邏輯主語為名詞 化的形容詞、抽象名詞等,使用普通格。③在非正式文體,尤其在口語中,不置句首時,常可互換。例如:

①Do you mind all of us coming together?

②His not coming in time made the teacher angry.

③I understand you/your refusing his offer.

④We hate the rich robbing the poor of their property.

⑤The noise of the desks being opened and closed could beheard out in the street.(S.B.Ⅱ.L. 8)


作狀語,表示原因、伴隨狀態等,基本形式為with sb. to do /doing 以及 with sth. to do/done(be ing done), 分別表示尚未發生、正在進行、已經過去的主動或被動動作。例如:

①With so much work to do, he can't go out for play.

②With a native leading the way, we had no trouble infinding the village.

③With the lovely dog wounded in the accident, Mrs Cooperstill feels sad.

④We need more people and money with the key projectbeing carried on.



在感官動詞、使役動詞之後,常用非謂語動詞作補足語,其形式同樣活潑多變。但補足語若為不定式,謂 語部分又為被動結構,則須保留不定式標誌to。例如:

①The missing boys. were last seen playing near the river.(’94MET30)

②He rushed in and found something stolen.

③The boy was made to work for 12 hours a day.

④Don't have the horse running so fast, or it will gethurt.


3.一些動詞後的非謂語動詞視其有無邏輯主語而形式不同:有邏輯主語時用不定式,而無邏輯主語時選擇 動詞-ing形式。請注意對比以下常用詞的結構特徵:

┌allow doing


└allow sb. to do

┌permit doing


└permit sb. to do

┌forbid doing


└forbid sb. to do

┌advise doing


└advise sb. to do


┌They don't permit smoking in the office.


└They don't permit us to smoke in the office.

┌Father doesn't allow going out at night.


└Father doesn't allow me to go out at night.

4.一些動詞,後接不定式或動詞-ing時,所表示的時間意義不同,不定式表示動作未發生,動詞-ing形式 表示動作已經過去。例如:

①I told him of the matter again, for I forgot having methim after the accident.

②Don't forget to lock the door. It is not safe enoughhere.


┌try to do“努力做”,含“不努力則難以完成”之意


└try doing“嘗試做”,含“摸索方法”之意

┌mean to do“打算做”,含“有某種傾向”之意


└mean doing“意味著”,含“等同於”之意

┌stop to do“停下…去乾…”,表示一動作停止, 另一動



└stop doing“停止乾…”,表示動作停止,不再繼續

┌get sb. to do“請求某人做”,“說服某人做”


└get sb. doing“使某人開始做”

┌send. sb to do“指派某人做”

(5)┤send. sb doing “使某人(怎樣)做”,表示


還有些動詞,後接不定式或動詞-ing形式,表示語義無多大差別,多半可以互換,這些動詞有begin,sta rt,prefer等,不過當他們自身使用動詞-ing形式時,其後常用不定式形式。

6.一些動詞後只跟不定式,最常用的有ask,agree , decide ,expect,learn,manage,offer,prete nd,refuse,wish等。 一些動詞後只跟動詞-ing形式,最常用的有avoid(避免), appreciate ,can't he lp(禁不住),enjoy,excuse,delay,finish , mind ,miss,pardon,practise,resist,risk,sugge st等。

7. 少數常用動詞使用時有自身的特點, 不可一概而論。 請注意hope,consider,suggest(建議)的用 法特徵。

hope後接不定式,不定式邏輯主語即句子主語。當hope後出現與主語不一致的人稱或人物時,使用從句形 式,而不使用hope sb. to do結構。

suggest 後接動詞- ing 形式, 它的邏輯主語為句子主語。 若suggest後跟有人稱或事物,則常使用從 句形式,無suggest sb. todo 的用法。consider使用consider(考慮)doing,consider(認為)…to be /to do 或be considered to be/to do形式,也可使用從句。例如:

①I hope to go swimming this afternoon.

I hope Tom could come here soon.

②He considered trying again.

He considered us all to be wrong.

③They suggested setting out at once.

They suggested that we should set out at once.



man-made dog-tired

English-speaking insect-eating


good-looking bad-looking


newly-built well-dressed

well-skilled highly-qualified


(1)主語+系動詞+to do



(3)主語+need(want,require )+doing =主語+need +tobe done,但前者更常用。


┌have sth. to do

│get sth. to do

(4)主語+ ┤

│find sth. to do

└give sb sth. to do


①I've got a proposal to make to you.

②We tried to find sth. to eat but couldn't.


to tell you the truth “實話告訴你”

generally speaking“通常說來”

judging from“從…來判斷”

talking of ┐

├ “說到(談到)…”

speaking of┘

considering that“考慮到…”


①Generally speaking, this book is not very difficult.

②Judging from what you said, he has taken a very good job.

③Considering that he has been in China for only a year, he speaks Chinese well.(《英語語 法手冊》薄冰)

以上非謂語動詞難點分析是筆者近幾年對中學英語教學實踐的總結。非謂語動詞的豐富內容與靈活用法, 還遠不止這些難點,在此,真誠希望廣大同仁能共同探討與交流。
