

九年制義務教育初級中學英語新教材的正式使用已有幾年了,該教材為國中英語教學真正實現從應試教學 向素質教學的轉化提供了切實可行的操作材料。它的編寫體系不僅考慮到了語言的結構,更注重用語言表達實 際的意義,為逐步培養學生從言語技能發展成為語言的交際能力奠定了基礎,並使課堂教學中開展準交際性活 動成為可能。

所謂準交際性活動,即是課堂教學過程中所開展的不脫離所學語言內容或知識,但又具有部分交際方面的 特徵的言語實踐活動。它雖不是完全的自然交際性活動,但比一般的操練形式更易達到大綱提出的“使學生獲 得英語基礎知識和為交際初步運用英語的能力”之目的。

現以國中新教材第一冊16單元第61課中的第3個練習為例,說明準交際性活動怎樣得以成功。該練習 為:Ask and answer.Find the differences.

Look at these two pictures.Can you find

five differences?

(Picture 1 and Picture 2略)



要求:師生合作或生生合作,每二人為一組,全體學生看著這二幅圖畫。如果有必要教師可提供個別辭彙 。這樣,可能出現以下對話:

Teacher or Student 1:Where is the boy in

Picture 1/

Picture 2?

Student 2:He is on his bike in Picture 1./

He is not on his bike in Picture 2.

Teacher or Student 1:Where is the man in

Picture 1/

Picture 2?

Student 2:He is under the (red) car in Picture 1.

/He is on the (red) car in Picture 2.

Teacher or Student 1:Where is the woman in

Picture 1.

/Picture 2?

Student 2:She is in the (red) car in Picture 1.

/She is behind the car in Picture 2?

Teacher or Student 1:Where is the girl in

Picture 1/

Picture 2?

Student 2:She is under the (big) tree in Picture 1.

/She is not under the tree in Picture 2.

Teacher or Student 1:Where is the cat in

Picture 1/

Picture 2?

Student 2:It is on the (black) car in Picture 1

/It is under the car in Picture 2.

應該說,以上對話開展得非常好,一問一答恰到好處。但實際上,二幅圖畫的不同之處一目了然,學生只 要從其比較中就能立即發現,然後組織語言回答所提出的問題即能達到目的,這也就是針對性提示的一種純語 言知識的操練,很難找出交際方面的某些特徵。


要求:師生合作或生生合作,每二人為一組,合作雙方各執其中一幅圖畫,不能相互觀看比較,操練時合 著書本。圖畫用複製品或用簡畫複製,並在操練前不通知學生作準備。雙方自由對話,即可根據自己的畫面的 情景針對對方提供的問題或線索隨時加以回答、補充或表達,甚至提出反問,直到找出二幅圖畫的不同處為止 。教師提供以下辭彙:beside(在……旁邊)、before(在……前面)、with(與……在一起)。教師或學生 1執Picture 1,學生2執Picture 2。這樣,可能產生以下對話:Teacher or Student 1:An old man is/s its on the chair.

Student 2:Yes,(and)a dog is beside him.

Teacher or Student 1:Where is the boy?Is he on the bike?

Student 2:No,he is not on the bike.He's beside the bike.

The girl is before him.

Teacher or Student 1:(No)you are wrong.He's on the bike.

The girl is under the tree

Student 2:(Then)where is the man?

Teacher or Student 1:He is under the car,the red car.

Student 2:No,he is on the red car.The woman is behind th

e red car.She's with/beside the man.

Teacher or Student 1:That's wrong.The woman is not behin

d the car.She's in the car.

Student 2:What's that under the black car?

Teacher or Student 1:Oh,it's a cat,a black cat.But it is

on the car,not under the car.

不難看出,由於雙方自由對話,各方面對學生的控制明顯少於方法一,所以,對話語言靈活,句型多變, 話語表達清楚。當然,對話有可能還會再簡單些,但不管怎樣,在對話的整個過程中,雙方都是在根據對方的 反應把信息進行加工處理後重新傳遞給對方,達到了各自的目的,即也達到了信息平衡。(信息差距是交際特 征之一)。

所以,與前者相比較,後者的操練形式顯現了交際的部分特徵,它使得教學活動與現實更加貼近。我們在 課堂教學中,不僅需要給學生操練,更需要讓學生有機會用自己已掌握的語言知識來表達自己的思想。因此, 創造這樣的機會既是英語教學的出發點,也是英語教學的歸宿。準交際性活動正是給學生提供這樣的機會。
