五台山(Mount Wutai)

mount wutai is located in the northeastern part of shanxi province. 為什麼它要叫做“五台”呢?原來,it has five main peaks. 而且有趣的是,這五個主峰的山頂都很平緩,planes can land on them. 果然是五座“台”啊!

the five peaks are all beautiful and each has its own special feature. 東台望海峰是看日出雲海的好地方。南台錦繡峰是花的海洋。it's extremely beautiful in summer! 西台掛月峰是賞月的好地方。the moon looks just like a mirror over the peak. 清涼的月光別有一番韻味。北台葉斗峰是五台山的最高峰。it is 3,085m high.它被稱作“華北屋脊”。even in summer, it might snow here. 這也是五台山又被叫做“清涼山”的原因。中台翠岩峰則是一座雄偉的山峰,有很多天造奇觀,像“熱融湖”啦、“冰脹丘”啦、“石海石川”、“龍翻石”、“寫字崖”、“佛母洞”等等等等。

mount wutai is not only famous for its beautiful scenery. 它還是一座佛教名山。這裡年代最久遠的寺院叫做顯通寺。it was built during the east han dynasty. 傳說五台山是文殊菩薩的道場。there are fifty-eight temples now. there used to be more than 300 hundred temples here! 所以有人形容五台山“遍地寺廟,滿山香火”。這裡鐘聲清幽,確是讓人暫時擺脫煩惱和盛夏之苦的好地方。
