簡訊約會(message Dating)

下次有人發簡訊表示想和你約會,要警惕了——你的那一位很可能是個不想給予承諾的人。a new study has revealed that people who arrange a first date by text are more likely not to take the event seriously, with six out of ten casual daters using text messaging.

英國最新的一項調查顯示,用手機簡訊約意中人的人很可能不拿約會當回事兒,因為60%尋歡作樂的人喜歡用手機簡訊向他人邀約。speaking on the phone is the preferred method of communication for two-thirds of those looking for love.

在那些真誠尋找愛人的人中,三分之二的人覺得直接打電話給對方是最好的邀約方式。the poll of 1,000 by dating service parship found that singles in search of a fling are five times more likely to text their date immediately after the rendez-vous.

英國帕西普婚介公司對1000人的調查結果顯示,男女雙方見面後,那些以行樂為目的人用簡訊邀約對方的幾率比一般人高出5倍。most of those seeking a committed relationship phone soon after the date - 34 per cent the next day and 41 per cent the day after that.

而大部分尋求真愛的人會在雙方見面後不久就打電話與對方取得聯繫,34%的人會在第二天用電話安排下次約會時間,41%的人會在第3天用電話聯繫。one in seven respondents admitted to ending their last relationship by text, while 28 per cent of men and 16 per cent of women said they had simply ignored the person they were dumping.
