


twist and turn 迂迴曲折

might and main 盡全力

part and parcel 重要部分

safe and sound 安然無恙

spick and span 嶄新的,極乾淨的

time and tide 歲月,時光

go to rack and ruin 陷於毀滅

slow and sure 慢而穩,穩妥

hale and hearty 老當益壯

chop and change 變幻莫測(尤指觀點,計畫等)

fair and foul 在任何情況下

weal and woe 福禍

sum and subs tance 主要情況,要點(尤指講話的主要部分)

forgive and forget 不念舊惡

wax and wane (月的)盈虧圓缺;盛衰


1. we should serve the people heart and soul.

我們應該全心全意地為人民服務。 2. the missing child came back safe and sound.

那個失蹤地孩子安然無恙地回來了。 3. they quarreled last night and this morning she left, bag and baggage.

昨夜他們吵架了,今天早晨她收拾起自己的東西就走了。 4. after the fight, he was black and blue all over.

搏鬥結束後,他遍體鱗傷。 5. it is no wonder that counselors of battered women are inclined to advise a black-and- blue wife for divorce.

怪不得被打婦女的律師們一般都勸告被打得鼻青臉腫的妻子離婚。 6. the man threatened to beat the boy black and blue for stealing.

那人恐嚇要把偷東西得孩子打得遍體鱗傷。 7. she black-and-blued my legs so badly, i told her i’d go tell the police.
