Dead-Eye Bean-神投手,Dead-Eye Bean-神投手範文

Dead-Eye Bean-神投手

Dead-Eye Bean

In 1944 we had a new student named Roger -- the first black student in our school, and everyone was unfriendly to him. The other kids weren't bad children; they were just copying their parents. But when you are twelve years old, you're just starting to have your own opinions about things. I knew this could be a very important moment in their education. So I wanted to do something to change their opinions.

I decided I had to try to make Roger into someone special.Not like a teacher's pet -- I wanted the other children to start seeing him as a human being, not just a dark shape in the back room. So I went after him with questions in every class. He was a bright little boy, and it was easy enough to make him appear smart. I was pretty pleased because I could see Roger becoming more confident and other kids stopped being so nasty to him.

But you know what really changed everything? One day I could see Roger's mind was wandering, and without thinking I threw an eraser in his direction. I only meant to get his attention, but the eraser hit his hand and sent his pencil flying.The whole class roared! And afterwards, of course, all the kids went up to Roger to laugh with him about it. That's how he became someone special, and other kids began to talk to him and make friends with him. And that's how I became "Dead-Eye Bean."



Bean可理解為“神投手"(bean在此轉化為名詞)。Dead-Eye Bean在此文中是雙關語:第一,它指的是老師用橡皮擦擊中羅傑手中的鉛筆一事;第二,老師實現了自己要改變孩子們對羅傑的看法及態度的目標。文章構思非常巧妙。作者行告訴我們他的意圖和打算,而令她也沒想到的是:由於一件偶然的事情,她的願望得以實現。






Dead-Eye Bean-神投手