


(1)far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree,遠超出常規。

(2)surpassing what is common or usual or expected,超出常規。

(3)deviating widely from a norm of physical or mental ability; used especially of children below normal in intelligence:遠偏離常規,一般用於形容兒童能力和智力低下。


但這是不是達到了“無與倫比”的程度呢?似乎還沒有,因為exceptional應該是一個中性詞,雖然在某些場合偏褒義。如果他真要說北京奧運“無與倫比”,我認為應該多用一些褒義詞,如gorgeous、grandiose、 excellent、marvellous、prodigious、spectacular等,至少要三個,而且還應該神采飛揚地說出。“無與倫比”這個詞,在漢語中的地位是很高的,充滿了褒義,不能和exceptional等價。“無與倫比”直譯成英語應該是have no rival,unprecedented。我覺得羅格選這個詞是很慎重的,我認為充分表達了他的意思。他當然要讚揚北京奧運,而且北京奧運絕對配得上“無與倫比”,但羅格的語氣似乎沒那么強。我的理解是:他要讚揚北京奧運會的規模,又要給歷屆奧運會留點面子,尤其要考慮下屆舉辦國英國的感受。

我們搞的奧運會確實宏大,西方人也震驚,但未必贊同這種方式,因為連張藝謀都說,這種規模也就我們和北韓能搞出來,如果用上高科技,全球只有我們能搞出來。這是我們的體制決定的。西方的體制決定了他們在耗費巨資之前要充分徵求納稅人的意見,不可能按照我們的方式搞。所以羅格說本屆奧運是exceptional,雖然有讚揚的意思,但不能和“無與倫比”劃等號。’truly exceptional games’

"these were truly exceptional games," said rogge at the end of the first olympics organised by china."the world learned more about china and china learned more about the world".

"new stars were born," he said. "stars from past games amazed us again. we shared their joys and their tears, and we marvelled at their ability. we will long remember the achievements we witnessed here.

"as we celebrate the success of these games, let us together wish the best for the talented athletes who will soon participate in the paralympic games. they also inspire us.

"to the athletes tonight: you were true role models. you have shown us the unifying power of sport. the olympic spirit lives in the warm embrace of competitors from nations in conflict. keep that spirit alive when you return home.

"these were truly exceptional games!

"and now, in accordance with tradition, i declare the games of the 29th olympiad closed, and i call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in london to celebrate the games of the 30th olympiad."